Regions Ignored When Walk-to-Point is Enabled

Started by MHawk, Sun 22/06/2003 23:02:14

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I have a room where the player isn't supposed to leave unless they have something first.  So, I have a region that is coded that if they walk onto it, that it displays a message saying, "You need this first..." and then sends them to a point just within the room.

However,  If they look or interact with something on the other side of the door that has a walk-to-point on it, then the player walks to that place and that object's script is run, and THEN it displays the message about leaving the room and then sends the player back.

I also have another spot where I need this, but it's to set walkbehinds and walkable areas for a staircase - so it's even more vital that it works, otherwise the player skips part of the staircase and it looks bad.

Is this a bug?

Any help is appreciated.

evilspacefart - Thanks, but I just tried that just to make sure - it still didn't work.  The problem is that the region is being ignored until the action at the "walk-to-point" is completed.  I.e. I have a room that has a wall in the middle.  On the wall is a door and the player isn't suppose to leave the room unless they have something, otherwise it says, "You better get that item or you'll regret it (this is just an example)," and then it sends them back in the room.  On the otherside of that wall is a picture that they can look at, and it has a walk-to-point set, so when they click on it - it automatically moves them next to it.  Now, if they're in the room and click to look at the tapestry - the "walk-to-point" kicks in first and moves the player Outside the room Ignoring the region and runs the description for the picture.  Only, After that does it say, "You better...." and moves the player back to the room, which in turn triggers the region and has the "You better..." message come up again.

With the stairwell, What happens is the way I have it set up, since the region doesn't run when the player hits it, there is no walkable area for the player to get to the "walk-to-point" so the pathfinding can't find away and the player stops and then the message appears, and then the region kicks in allowing the player to walk down the stairs.


have you tried


as the first line in your script in the player walks onto region interaction?


You can work aroudn this by removing the walk-to point for that hotspot/object and manually coding some script to do what you want for the interaction.


This is because the walk-to point does a MoveCharacterBlocking call automatically, and since it's blocking the region script doesn't get to run.

You may also be able to work around it by using the interaction editor rather than the text script for the region interaction, if it supports all the commands you need.

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