Request for an Increase in the Maximum Number of Objects

Started by MHawk, Sun 22/06/2003 03:09:13

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Would it be possible to increase the number of objects allowed in a room?

I'm making an onscreen inventory (using a room) for my KQIII remake.  It's for my BUBIS (Better Under Bed Inventory System).


I'm currently using objects to keep track of the items under the bed - not only what's there, but where they are.  And since nothing else is going on underneath the bed, I'm not worried about speed issues.

I know that having lots of objects on the screen slows things down, but could you have an option to override the 15 number limit (in general or for a specific room) and allow maybe 30+.


*** Squinky - Thanks for the tip.  I didn't think of that, and I know I think I could implement it, but it makes the scripting a lot more complicated.  All I have to do now is add an object to the room with a number corresponding to the number of the inventory item, set the graphic and add one interaction script command that's a call to a function I wrote.  To use characters, I would need to add a character (which can't correspond to inventory numbers - especially if I need to add more player characters and since I already have them in the game) and then make a view for that character, set the graphic in the loop, set the view for the character and the start in BUBIS room number.  However, the biggest issue would be the inventory numbers not matching to the character numbers.  I would need one on one if statements matching inventory numbers to character numbers.

*** CJ, Thanks.  I'll wait before trying to rescript my BUBIS, and see what comes out in the next version of AGS.


Try using characters for objects....and It's sad that I haven't kept up with the newer ags releases, because I had no idea there were more than ten objects available per screen...


You could use a GUI instead of room. Place a number of buttons on that GUI then assign interactions... etc. You even do not need a room then.



The 15 object limit is deliberate to stop people using objects too much, there are generally better ways to do things.

However, I do see your point in this case, I'll consider adding a way to override the limit in the future.

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Ok, bear with me because this is not as off-topic as it seems.

I think it's a shame AGS doesn't support dropping objects in the room, Return to Zork or Kyrandia style. Besides making many more things possible, it would be an easy way to implement MHawks BUBIS.
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


It's not a matter of "doesn't support" - it's just that inventory items and objects are two totally different things.

It would be possible to implement an object dropping system via scripting, but it would probably require some sort of "CreateObject" command.


Or you can have 15 pre-created invinsible objects and use the SetObjectPosition,SetObjectGraphic and ObjectOn commands.


15 objects?2?

I thought it was still 10!1!

* Gilbot V7000a needs to read the change log soon...


CJ, whatever happened to the suggestion awhile back about having some kind of config file that the user can fiddle around with before loading up AGS to change the limits. Say he needs less characters, but more objects,  etc., etc. I think you remember. Is that possible at all? Because this is one of those cases where it would be quite handy. :)
Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


I think it was mentioned that it would mean a lot of work, since probably lots of things need to be rewritten, and there's a possibility that we may get unknown crashes sometimes since it would be difficult to test the engine on all different settings.

I still want to say that, whenever you want to make a game, try to work with limits, if you can think clearly first, the limits may not be something blocking your creative minds. Just think and plan beforehand, and request increment of limits unless you think it's REALLY necessary.


In this case, for example, the BUBIS may be better implemented by having a dummy character and using an inventory window to display the contents. When the player puts something under the bed you add it to that character's inventory, when they remove it, you take it back.


just to clarify for me, you mean you want to do a sort of sandbox inventory? where you can pick up and drop anything anywhere?
"This must be a good time to live in, since Eric bothers to stay here at all"-CJ also: ACHTUNG FRANZ!


Quote from: MrColossal on Thu 26/06/2003 02:40:54
just to clarify for me, you mean you want to do a sort of sandbox inventory? where you can pick up and drop anything anywhere?

Yes, exactly.  The user can take items from their inventory and drop it "under the bed" and also take items from under the bed and put them in their inventory.

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