Translation problem [solved, dumb one]

Started by ThunderStorm, Sat 28/06/2003 16:39:11

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When I tried the translation feature on a small test game, I noticed that strings in SetGlobalString commands aren't re-imported properly. They are part of the translation text file, but when the compiled translation is run, there is still the old text displayed.

Has anybody elso noticed that?


While most in-game text is translated automatically, there are a few instances when this is not possible. These are when a text script uses functions like StrCat to build up a string, or StrComp to check some user input. In these cases, you can use the GetTranslation function to make it work.


Hmm, in the very back of my mind I knew that there were cases in which the automatic translation doesn't work. The text being part of the translation file must have confused me.
Thanks, LF


When the editor creates the translation file, it just outputs every "string" in your script as a seperate translatable line - it doesn't know where translations are and aren't supported.

I can appreciate this is a bit confusing, but it's rather too much effort to work around I'm afraid.

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