Started by , Tue 18/05/2004 15:30:13

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bad news flash...
I'm not sure if I'll be able to come  :(
it's got to do with 2 things:
- it's gonna be pretty hard to get that weekend off (but I think I can manage it :))
- money, I've got the money to get there but not the money to stay there, but if my boss pays me on time (the 26th) it won't be a problem, but since he never pays in time, it would be a great risk to just go there and hope he pays off...

so (and this is serious) if there is anybody who could lend me money for the campsite and such, I will pay you back (ofcourse) it's just the only way I'll be able to come for sure, and I'd hate to miss this, please consider it :)

anyway let's keep our fingers crossed  :)


Bleh, I'm not going. At least you'll be able to have a decent conversation without constant interruption from me.

Turns out I'm not being given time off for it. I'm working that weekend and Wednesday and Thursday too, and two of the foreign staff are going back to China to see their families, as well as one staff member going off to do some FAS training course and another on maternity leave. So we're short staffed and I can't swap hours. And now I've asked, it would look really bloody obvious if I called in sick. From England.

What gets me is that I've been asking for hours since way back last year so that I could maybe go to Mittens, and I never got any, and now I want one weekend off, she gives me more hours instead? Hmph.

I was really looking forward to meeting all you guys :(

(Except AGA)


The answer undoubtedly lies in politics.

FruitTree, I'm sure I'll be able to pay for your nights - I can't remember how much I said it was, about £12? That'll be fine. Providing I get paid too ;) But I always get paid on time so I will.

Yufster, shame*! Do you earn £4.50 an hour? Every £4.50 job has a manager like that, trust. But asking for time off and getting more hours does sound kind of Irish :P


* doesn't look like a real word


Hi there,

sorry to say this but I don't have time to come to England any time soon. But have a nice weekend!


I'm a poor student, so yes, I get paid E6.80 an hour, which is 20 cent below the minimum wage for over 18's, and also pretty crap. It's less than £4.50, I believe. Or maybe not.

Soda over here (the small bottles) is E1.30, a bar of chocolate is around 0.75. Everything is horribly priced, and the prices are about to go up on account of the cost of petrol. Except, obviously, wages.


thanky markeh you're the best! even better then the best!
now I'll be able to talk to my boss about my vacation and check if there's still room on the boat.
you'll hear from me tomorrow! :D

btw, I'm over 18 aswell and I only make 4 euros an hour :S

Pet Terry

Does anyone know anything about busses going from Heathrow to Staines? Like, when, how much does it cost etc.

Unless someone wants to pick me and Pessi from Heathrow... ::)

<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Matt Goble is the best person to speak about buses with, but I'll check up on Google see what I can find. Lifts from Staines to the campsite is fine but I don't think I can afford petrol to Heathrow :P We'll see.


There's a bus 441 that goes from Heathrow to Staines - timetable here:

I'd like to offer to pick you up, but unfortunately I've got to work the Friday so I won't be getting to Brittens until the evening.

Pet Terry

Duh, I already PMed MattGoble...
Heh, that seems to be the same timetable Tommeh already sent me, but thanks anyway.

m0ds, I think we'd be able to pay you for the petrol... :P
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7

Privateer Puddin'

Matt Goble

I'm awake, I'm awake  ;D

Ooh, a PM!

Right 441 is the correct Bus - I meant to find this info out weeks ago, sorry guys (new job is my excuse and I'm sticking to it!).  The journey is about £2, possibly less - I would advise having change, as bus drivers can be unhelpful if you hand them a £10 note!  You get the bus from Heathrow bus garage, which is in the center of the airport - I'm assuming everyone is coming into either Terminal's 1,2 or 3 (ie: NOT 4!).  The journey takes about 30-45 minutes and you get a nice free view of Terminal 5.

I would suggest getting off at Staines Bus Garage - MODs, that is where we got the bus to and from Laleham, and is directly opposite a large pay and display car park.

Anyone making their own way to the site / Laleham, should go to the bus garage and get a 55-something which goes through Laleham village.

Anyone getting a Taxi from the airport, please be re-assured this should only cost between £15-£20, not £50 or whatever stupid amount JetXL got fleeced for at the first mittens!!!

I shall probably meet you at the site, having bummed a lift from the Dad/Taxi combo - must remember to buy a small tent at the weekend!

What is the final headcount for this?  MODs, as official organiser, do you want us to scope out anything else beforehand?


Hey, when did I loose my 'Mittens' name tag?  I haven't been gone that long have I?


Hmm that's strange, the mittens tag seems to have been removed from some people. I'll restore it, but I'm a bit worried about what it was that removed it.

Magintz unplugged

I can def. come, but to confirm, m0ds did you get my e-mail i still don't have one from you about this agreement slip.

I've e-mailed a london black cabs to get a taxi quote just so we get a real price to go by.

see you guys later :)

Matt Frith

Well I know that i cant come for the whole weekend, but I might be able to bundle down on saturday or something.


Excellent, well even if you can only come for a random day, I can still give you a lift from Staines etc.

Magintz, I still haven't sent out the form, I will a week prior to Brittens, so that means next Monday ish.

And CJ, I too aer missing my Mit-status! ><



okay I'm going mental
but thats okay  ;D

I'll ask my boss for an advance payment that way I'll definitly be able to come, I'll be comming with the boat on friday and leaving sunday.

I'll arive at liverpool street station, I just don't have a clue about how I'll get from there to the campsite :P

one more thing, I won't have a tent... anyone got some place I can sleep?

that's all, so let's hope my boss gives me the money :)


Well I should have space, perhaps we should start counting up how many tent sleeping spaces there are available and how many people are coming. I need to see which tent/tents i can bring as one the big one is my brothers.
When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.


OK... I'm propably totally late in saying this... But I will most propably show up unless you're running a "no n00b" policy?Ã,  ;)
I'll know for certain tomorrow.

If it's OK with you guys, that is...Ã,  :-* :-* :-*

EDIT: It's a no-go. I'm getting female visitors. Could be worse... ;)

Enlightenment is not something you earn, it's something you pay for the rest of your life.


I've sent off my confirmation email, I'm definately going now.  I don't have a tent that isn't mildewey and rotting so I'll probably need some donated shelter.
Do we have enough tent space to go around?

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