Free: Compile your game with AGS to Android APK Service

Started by Joseph DiPerla, Wed 20/06/2012 22:36:33

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Joseph DiPerla

This community has been so good to me. I owe a lot to everyone here, especially CJ and several of the other members who were able to help me financially. I want to give back to all of you. I don't know how I could do that. I want to make a game, but I suck at graphics. I really do. But I am gonna have to give you all something I can do.

There is no easy way to package an AGS game for Android so that it can be uploaded to the android market. Not yet anyway. I am trying my hand at C# and am trying to implement a way that would offer the user to compile the game for android. What it would do is take JJS sourcecode, compile it and package with your game via a command to the external Android Compilers. This is a little tricky and will require some time. However, in the meantime, I would like to offer a service which will become available Starting July 15th. This service will be queue based and what it offers is for me to compile your game (No game sources required, just the game data and executables) with AGS into an APK so you can upload it to the Android market. The price for such a service: FREE. COMPLETELY FREE. But because of that, your game will have to wait in queue to be packaged. Here are the options however if you would like to package the game:

1) You can have your game compiled with a version of AGS that only loads your game and not anyone elses.
2) You can have your game compiled with a version of AGS that allows the current full version of JJS's port of AGS that loads games from a list.
3) You can have your game compiled into an APK Installer so that AGS is not attached to the game data (For those who already have AGS installed on their devices).

I am still trying to figure out all the complications of this, but I wanted you to get ready for it. What I can also do is this:

1) Send you a link to the APK so that you can upload to your google account store.
2) I can upload it to my account and have it be under my developer name.

So if you are interested, keep this in mind, figure out which choices you want and stay tuned for more information.
Joseph DiPerla---
Play my Star Wars MMORPG:
See my Fiverr page for translation and other services:
Google Plus Adventure Community:


Once I finish the game I'm working on possibly, But awesome. I got some good selling keyboard skins on the market atm.
Good luck!


Well, that sounds interesting. Okay, staying tuned here :)


  Sounds great (nod).  I'll be taking you up on this offer soon. 


Hope I'm not steering up a dead thread here. If so, maybe somebody could lock it.
Anyway, what is the status on this project? Has any games been compiled?
Quote1) You can have your game compiled with a version of AGS that only loads your game and not anyone elses.
Would this be some sort of executable for android? If not, would that be possible?

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

I am definitely interested in a commercial option for this so I will be watching this project closely.


Excellent idea. I take it this has fallen through though now? If not, any idea when it will be ready, if at all?



Hi, yes, but I'm just after an app that converts it in to an APK that can be uploaded to the Google Market and downloaded by others with no need for additional applications.


I will definitely be keeping an eye on this!  Joseph, you've always been amazing to the AGS community.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon

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