
Started by FortressCaulfield, Sat 25/05/2024 01:24:16

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Hey all. Stylistic question. I did some searching and found a couple threads for old plugins that did automatic shadows as follow objects. It also seems like it'd be pretty easy to just drop a translucent black oval at the bottom of all my sprites. However it seems like most games on here don't have shadows at all.

But of course most of the old sierra and lucas games didn't bother with shadows at all. It could be argued that ignoring them is sort of part of the look, if that's what you're going for.

What are your thoughts on shadows? Your expectations when you see a new game announced?
"I can hear you! My ears do more than excrete toxic mucus, you know!"


If you paint backgrounds with lots of shadows like it's a sunset and the characters don't have shadows it may look weird, if you paint like it's noon and things aren't casting shadow you won't notice that the characters have none. It depends.

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