The Oceanspirit Omnibus

Started by Ponch, Tue 12/07/2011 03:55:21

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Wow! My crappy little site is getting a lot of attention from you guys!  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

All this love (especially from Calin!) has inspired me to do another update to the official OSD site!

* Added a ton of buttons to the bottom of the page (spent several days finding all of them)
* Would have added frames if they weren't such a pain to do (sorry, cat)
* Made the background a watermark (thanks, Ali) -- but it doesn't seem to work in Firefox. Looks right in Internet Explorer though.  :undecided:

Regarding feeback:
Frito: That counter was the one I had on my old Geocities site! I've had it saved on an old CD all these years!  :cheesy:
Monkey: Added your IE4 button. I hope you can sleep better now. I know the puppies can.
Calin: It are supposed to be offensives. That's is being the joke!  :=
kconan: Thanks! I hurt my eyes working on it, but it was all worth it.
cat: You are a woman after my own heart. But sadly, frames are going the way of the blink tag. It would be lot of work for almost no gain.  :cry:
Radiant: Please provide a link to that script. I'd love to put it on the site.
Icey: Let me know when you've uploaded Last Boss and changed the links. Thanks.

Lastly, does anyone know where I can find one of those little buttons for Forte's Free Agent? I used to LOVE that program but my efforts to scour the interwebs to find one were fruitless. (Seriously! Those little button graphics are really hard to find anymore!)

Does anyone want to make a button for the Oceanspirit Dennis Webring? i think that would be super awesome and cool. Also, does anyone want to make a "favicon" for the browser to display?


QuoteThere has never been a blink element
There's never been a marquee element either. But check out my surfing cow.  :cool:

As far as frames go, I thought I read somewhere that the html5 was dropping support for them? Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm still not doing that page in frames.  :wink:

But we're not addressing the real issue: Did you like the IE4 button on the site? I would have never had that on my old site back in the 90s. That was just for you, monkey.  :kiss:



Thanks, monkey! I'll incorporate it into the next update.  :cheesy:

Now let's all get ready for the Two Minutes Hate (Don't feel guilty, Dualnames totally deserves it! :wink: )


I'm getting pissed off now, I can;t even update my stuff. I keep getting some password invalid error and it keeps signing me in.

Here is the links though (I wanted my Download points :( )

Last Boss - OSD



Quote from: Ponch on Wed 11/07/2012 03:26:52
Thanks, monkey! I'll incorporate it into the next update.  :cheesy:

Now let's all get ready for the Two Minutes Hate (Don't feel guilty, Dualnames totally deserves it! :wink: )

Haha sites looking great the buttons gave me a good laugh.

Ryan Timothy B

Oh god. I am glad we're beyond those old Geocities days.

I used to have one with a frame on the side for the navigation. It was definitely hack with images everywhere and bad textures. The site hosted Simpsons images. I actually remember a lot of random people writing on my "guestbook" about how much they liked my site.

Good work on this Ponch. I think it definitely suits the OSD style.


Quote from: Ryan Timothy on Wed 11/07/2012 04:48:43
Good work on this Ponch. I think it definitely suits the OSD style.

Thanks, Ryan! I take back everything I ever said about you and your perverted love of bagged milk.  :=


Quote from: Ponch on Tue 10/07/2012 03:27:51
One Dollar: Thanks for pointing out the broken links. I wonder how long they've been like that?!  :-[  Also, weren't you working on an OSD game about Ray searching for Dennis? Come on and finish it, dude. I just provided one jillion megabytes (approximate) of OSD goodness for you. The least you can do is finish your Ray game.  8-)
Hah, you keep bringing that up... if I ever do finish it it'll never live up to the hype

Quote from: Pub master on Wed 11/07/2012 04:12:55
Here is the links though (I wanted my Download points :( )
Thanks Icey, collection complete!


Quote from: OneDollar on Wed 11/07/2012 13:22:55
Hah, you keep bringing that up... if I ever do finish it it'll never live up to the hype

We won't know until you release it. We need an OSD game with Ray in his deviant art style!  :cool:


No prob 1$ :)

also I think I want to annouce something about my dear friend dennis.
I was planning to release 3 games of him with in this week.
Osd last boss DX
Osd black version
Osd white version

Osd last boss needs to be improved and I wanted to add a little more of my own thoughts to the game.

Osd B+W versions are quiz games like sorta 99% famous. One has dennis taking quiz to become the best pirate and the other is about becoming the best ninja.

Can I do it? I have to. I need a short break from other stuff again so why not use that short break to work on 3 short games :D


And once more, the IceyVerse grows a little larger. One day, millions or possibly billions of years from now, it may grow so large as to consume the entire world.  ;)


Oh no no no, dear boy. This is all for the OSverse :D

It's time to extend the world of the OSverse by 3 muhahahahhah....ha



Ponch, I have to applaud you..

The historical accuracy is bringing back a lot of memories. Unfortunately most of them are embarrassing and I feel sick and dizzy just looking at that site now. I'm sooo glad we've learned from our mistakes.

Clearly you haven't. You are one demented cow.

(I love you for this :wink:)


Thank you. It's true, I am incredibly lovable.  ;) And I recommend viewing that site in small doses, with frequent breaks to avoid eye strain and prevent bouts of temporary madness.


Quote from: Ponch on Sat 14/07/2012 21:39:26
And I recommend viewing that site in small doses, with frequent breaks to avoid eye strain and prevent bouts of temporary madness.

But all those sparkly useless awesome buttons! They are ZEN!!!


I plan to add more buttons as I find them. And I'm going to incorporate monkey's web ring art into the next build. Now if only I could find someone (possibly German, even more possibly named Bjorn) to whip up a teeny OSD favicon for the browser window.

Where (oh where!) could I possibly find someone like that?!  8-)

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