Beyond Reality - Newer, more AWESOME update on Main Page

Started by Meowster, Sun 06/07/2003 02:13:39

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I forgot. I didn't sleep last night, so it's tomorrow already. I'd better dig something up.

Here we go. For all the nice people, who bother to check the main thread page for updates, or perhaps the suckers that were lured here with the promise of chocolate and bunnies:

d00d! It's cutscene graphics! But even though it looks nice and all... it isn't animated. At all. Not one bit. So much for that. And no, there is no chocolate, and no bunnies, and no chocolate bunnies. Nothing. Zilch. Naut. That is what you get for repeatedly believing a liar. Ha! False hope! I love it!

Maybe I'll try animating for my next project. But I don't even have a program to put cels together right now, so enough about that!

Happy Halloween.

Oh geeze, I only just posted on page 5 of this thread, the new update. Now I have nothing to update with here, and I'm all out off coffee-and-self-multilating-insect stories. Okay, wait, I'll think of something.

Bah. It would have been fine if I hadn't called this update "slightly more awesome" than the last, but now it has a reputation to live up to. Oh man. Okay. Give me a few minutes, I'll think of something to make it awesome. I promise.

Okay, maybe later. Like, tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow.

Great, we have a bunch of new helpers! Although... I'm not entirely sure what they're meant to be doing yet. I mean, you know when you just hang around, expecting somebody to tell you to do something but they never do? Uh huh.

Oh wait, I just got an email. Hang on...

Oh, that was just one of my associates. Anyway, here are the helper people.

SSH - Programmer, Counselling
Petteri - Music
Vel - Man Servant

Well, if you're reading this and you're not any of those people... fear not! There are plenty more positions open for man-servants.

Now, I have phone calls to make and business associates to remove from my leg, so if you will excuse me...

I'll just wait here 'til somebody calls me....

Yufster Out.


Names may be changed, backgrounds do not represent the final quality of the finished product, no similarities to actual people intended except for Monica Lewinsky, yadayada I think you know the drill....  ;D)

Website here. Exclusive Screenshots and... Also information on OTHER, GREAT new games! All one of them.

Ian is spending the night in a Family Run Motel when a small child is attacked by a cloaked demon. A girl called Aya intervenes, but too late... The demon escapes, and the child is left in a coma. Aya explains to Ian that the Dream Catchers are from the Dream World, and are stealing the minds of children. Somehow an opening has been created, a hole between Reality and Dreams. Nobody knows exactly why or how. The only way to find the missing minds of the children is to enter the Dream World...

...Which is a place that Ian is pretty familiar with anyway.

Ian has to sleep like he's never slept before to save the day.

Ian's particular Dream World is compiled by his own thoughts and imagination. He must find a way to break from his own subconscious into the dreamworld of the Dream Catchers and rescue the lost minds.

His Subconscious is split into three areas, Ridiculous Cliffside Village, Foreboding Mountain and Mysteriously Innocent Town. He is free to travel these areas for most of the game.

Non-Linear Gameplay
A large section of the game takes place
within the Dream World Map. Ian can
solve the puzzles in any order he wishes.

Lovable Characters
If you like alligators and piranhas, you'll
love these characters.

Original Storyline
I pride myself on the fact I wrote the entire
story and plot, sewing up plotholes and
writing puzzles, way before I started
the graphics and programming.

Loads of other Really Neat Stuff!
Like free chocolate and money for all!

Are, believe it or not, complete

I am looking for a composer with a style that
will suit the games atmosphere. Probably,
I'll release a demo before I get a musician.

Just under one half of the backgrounds are
completed, and a few sprite animations

Is not my strong point. Only a few loosely
connected rooms for testing the backgrounds.


Due sometime in a distant future... possibly Christmas 2003 if I have a lot of free time (which I plan for, as I'm doing Transition Year! Buwahahhaa!

Wait, let me rephrase that....

(with possible short, year long delays :D :D :D)

I'd love any comments, critisism or ...(?)....oh yeah, suggestions (my mind is going ???)

Give it to me straight Doctor.

Yes! More, Doctor, More!

... ???


 :o wow, those backgrounds are excellent, i love the way the light from the windows is reflected on the ground and the general style is really nice!
the only thing i don't like is that logo banner thingymawotsit, it hurts my eyes...
the story sounds great too, i've often thought of setting a game inside a dream, but with slightly stranger results :)
good luck getting it finished!

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Holy Crap!1 This game is going to totally slap the cat's ass!


I love the story you given us, and the BG's totally rule. I'm very jealous that you've got the story/plot/script finished. Actually, more envious than jealous. For Leitor's Edge I've got the main idea down, but the inbetween stuff is a major blur ;) You rock, girlie!

And you've scored major points on the promotion you've got here. Everybody should take hints from this (like many others' threads) and my Monkey Wrench one ;)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


It does? Oh excellent. Now I feel even more compelled to complete it.

Boyd: I have the light on my screen turned down, so it's fine for me, you probably have it up wayyyy high and then yes, it hurts... I will change that.... and the light on the grass I was actually gonna change because I think it stands out too much (But changing things in Dpaint after using a gradient is, as the french say, De La Bitche)

Snake: Leitors Edge slaps the TIGERS ass, if you abandon that game I will kill myself in a manner similar to the character in it. As for the Script/Story/Plot/Puzzles, I don't usually, but I decided this time, I really, really really, really had to. And I did. 20 mugs of coffee, but I did it.


Good deal, it's a MUST finish. This is definately on my waiting list  8)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Snake, you telling me that is like God telling me I have a purpose in life. That said, I'm going to ritually whip myself every day, morning noon and night until it's complete.


Wow. I'm impressed. Finish this one, please. I'll give you an dollar.


Hell yeah! I'll give you an dollar too....

Really, this looks like it'll rock, good crap...


this reminds me of a game I was working on:

IT WILL BE FINISHED I SWEAR!!!! (this is just for people who've heard of the game since ever like Trapezoid and Grundislav :P)

Femme Stab Mode >:D

I can't goddamn wait fot this game!  :o


@Netmonkey: Heh, there's always a game around here that reminds you of one of your games ;) CONSPIRACY???

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


looks awesome, smells good, and tastes great!


Looks great! Cant wait to play it.


Argh - What can I do other than agreeing with everybody else? This looks fantastic! I love the graphic style, the plot is interesting, and if I get free chocolate and money too, what is there to complain about?
Besides, when you have a Monkey Island-styled map, what could go wrong?

Finish it, for god's sake! ;D

Pet Terry

Sounds and looks nice! Good luck with this one.
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Great graphics.  8)

This game should be great!!!

Is not my strong point. Only a few loosely
connected rooms for testing the backgrounds

What are the difficulties you are having with the programming?


Well the only problem I'm having with programming is my complete lack of it....

I started using AGS recently but figured that having used RPGmaker I'd know the basics about variables and suchlike. I also figured that I'd pick little bits and pieces up as I finished the artwork. I wanted to get the Art, Story, Puzzles and Design finished first because then I'd feel more compelled to work on sewing it together, so I figured that I'd have time to work out more complex programming as I finished the graphics. I figured an awful lot.

On the other hand, if my game goes as planned (And it is planned down to every last detail) then it could quite possibly be rather hard to make certain parts work... IE the largest section of the game being non linear in a kind of "MI2 The Three Islands" kinda way... solve either puzzle first.... might be difficult. I can make cutscenes on AGS, but still might find more difficult stuff impossible :D

So, depending or not on whether everything goes as planned...

I may need somebody to help me sew :D

EDIT: Hey, which reminds me, I have to proof test my puzzles. Would anybody volunteer to read over em and make sure they're not too hard?

Matt Brown

ill give u a dollar too
word up


You have no idea how much this thread compelled me to finish it :)

Matt Brown

yeah, I felt that way when people responded to my thread...which for some reason...they have stopped...even after I came out with a demo...

word up


Oh. I feel sort of guilty now.


If you still need a composer, I'll be happy to volunteer. And no boy band songs. Promise.

Seems like a promising project!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't.


WOW! :o

Reminds me of Monkey Island. Which is GREAT! I can't wait until this is finished!!!


Quote from: Yufster on Sun 06/07/2003 23:29:48
So, depending or not on whether everything goes as planned...

I may need somebody to help me sew :D

EDIT: Hey, which reminds me, I have to proof test my puzzles. Would anybody volunteer to read over em and make sure they're not too hard?

I can help if you have any difficulties with scripting and i'll proof read the puzzles for you if you want.

You can either IM them to me or send them to my e-mail address thats in my profile if you want me to check them.

this game should be great. 8)


You email address is hidden and you don't provide an AIM SN ¬_¬

That's the sort of thing I[/i] say


I don't mind proof testing puzzles.

PS i think CJ has hidden all e-mails due to 1337 e-mailers.


Update :) BTW every time I update I'll be updating it on the main page as well, but you know, whatever, so you know when I update... and.... yeah.

I have finished all backgrounds for the "Cliffville" section, and I can tell you right now I hate rocks, I hate everything about them, I hate drawing them in Dpaint and I hate colouring them, and I hate, in fact, everything that surrounds a rock and the space between two rocks. However, I did, during the course of creating Cliffville scenery, get to draw several blades of grass. These blades of grass alone have stopped me from going quite insane. Their little green faces laughed and smiled, and their little voices tinkled in my head like celestial pee, "Don't listen to the evil rocks, they're just trying to scare you".

In other news, did you know that rocks can be various shades of blue and green? And some of them have little trickles of red running through them, like THIS:

I actually researched rocks for this game.

You see? Isn't that amazing? I've had plenty of time to study my little blue, red, green and grey friends over the course of a week. Before our unfortunate differences while colouring the Mountain Top background, we laughed and danced together all day, sharing our sweets and making daisy chains.

Now let me teach you a little something I learned about rocks this week.
We'll start with the above picture.

The red line shows a VEIN. A vein-type deposit is a fairly well defined zone of mineralization, usually inclined and discordant, which is typically narrow compared to its length and depth. Most vein deposits occur in fault or fissure openings or in shear zones within country rock. Of course, my little red friend occured on top of a mountain! How unusual. However, there is no countryside on the edge of a cliff. If there was, the cows would all fall off the edge! Ha ha! Now, let us continue:

A vein deposit is sometimes referred to as a (metalliferous) lode deposit. A great many valuable ore minerals, such as native gold or silver or metal sulphides, are deposited
along with gangue minerals, mainly quartz and/or calcite, in a vein structure.

Now for some news about the game: It's coming along just great.

Yufster Out.


Looks ace, looks like you've put a lot of time and effort into it. If you need music, hollar.

Dave Gilbert

Rats.  When I read your title I thought this was going to be a new "Reality on the Norm" game, but aside from that minor dissappointment the game looks great!  Interesting idea and sweet lookin' graphics.  Looking forward to this one.


I prolly will nee I'm such a moron sometimes, of course I'll need music  ::) My stupidity amazes myself... Uh??? Anyway... bearing in mind I don't know anybody terribly well (Only been here two weeks at most) can you send me samples? (The email is my profile is real, but I never check it as I use it to sign up for services and little more :) ) HOLY SH!T!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!? *has looked as S7E's page*

Dave, is your name a cross between Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman, and is that a little pic of Dave Grossman in your sig, or is it all just one huge, weird coincedence? Of course it isn't.

What the HELL am I on!?


Excuse the double post
No, wait, don't.
You're a celebrity? ???
The Fatman Website isn't working.
Hm, I can't really think of anything to say
And you run mittens? I didn't know this. I just realized I'm merely a 17-year-old with extremely high hopes. Oh my god. I thought you were all like, 17 too. How old are you people!? I mean, you, I mean, what? I didn't realize there was this WHOLE OTHER THING Going on on here, with the Mittens, and the music, and the whole THING, it's like, oh my god, a real gaming community... with real games! Oh my god. I'm so unbelievably excited.

Dave Gilbert

Nope.  Dave Gilbert is my name.  No relation, although I have a 5 year old second cousin named Ron.

And by "thing" do you mean Reality on the Norm?  If you want to check it out be wary - there are about 40-50 games up there!  :)  But most of em are pretty short.  

And as for how old I am... I recently turned 27.  Most folks around here are younger.


Looks Great Yufster, Excellent art, and it seems to be planned a lot better than most.

Goodluck with it all.

And Dave it's good that there are a few of us 27 year olds around, makes me realise that as you get older you can still enjoy making and playing adventure games.

Dave Gilbert

Yes, we adventure game makers grow finer with age.  Like wine.  Or cheese.


You whippersnappers don't know you're born. I was making Adventure Games before they even INVENTED pointing and clicking. I used Quill on the Spectrum. Being 27 is so last year, anyway.

SSH (28)


Yufster, who the heck are you talking too? :P If you want samples, look at my s7e website. Oh, you did :P And ignore the prices. I still do some peoples soundtracks for free ;)

Oh and yes, of course we're a REAL gaming community! :P We're all good friends ^_^ Even if I did break Magintz' mums deckchair ._'



QuoteYou whippersnappers don't know you're born. I was making Adventure Games before they even INVENTED pointing and clicking. I used Quill on the Spectrum. Being 27 is so last year, anyway.

I used to make games on the Speccy ZX! Omg! I must have been five or six! So I don't understand why I don't  have a 'Programmers Spirit' deeply embedded in my soul. A 5 year old girl making Speccy Games! Okay well I actually copied the code out of magazines... pages and pages... I couldn't even read properly.... but I made Bomberman in Black and White!!! .... and then my mom touched the lead and it crashed :(

So ha! Ha ha ha! I'm 17 and I was writing (Or, copying out of magazines) codes before all of you! And when I was 8, I could make graphics on the Speccy! like, um, a ball. I couldn't make it move though. I could make other stuff too. It was some binary like code for graphics, right? Something like 1 = black and 0= white so 100110001 = Black pixel white pixel white picel black pixel etc.,...

Mods I was talking to you mostly :P I didn't realise this wasn't all an amateur gaming forum. If I had money, which I do, but not enough, I would do Mittens. Maybe when I'm in College :D

Dave Gilbert

Ha!  I got you all licked.  When I was eight, I programmed games in BASIC!  On an Apple IIE!   Wiigii!

I don't remember a damn thing, except that we had to give each line of code a number, and I think the commands "gosub" and "hres" were in there somewhere.  And who can forget that the "$" was the symbol for a string?

Ahh... geek memories...



I'm the youngest geek of all, and also I started youngest... five five five! (possibly going on six) and all I remember about Speccy was.... Oh BTW I could make text adventure games when I was 8 also.... Ummm something like IF a=2 THEN GOTO 5 etc.,etc.,... just lines and lines and lines of that....... Now stop turning my thread into spam... stop ENCOURAGING ME to spam my OWN thread!

By way of an update, I offer thee the following:

Jimi is the new plotproofer, puzzleproofer and proofraeder. Actually, he's not a Proofraeder, I just thought that was amusing. He is also doing the animations for Disk 22 along with Jenny Sward

Thanks to M0ds and ViagraVargrass Vargtass for offering to do music, I love both of you equally, M0ds moreso. ;D I kid you not. No seriously, I kid, kid. You not! Ha ha! Jesus CHRIST somebody spiked my coffee.

I'd rather release a demo before I ask any of you to do music because every musician tears off a little strip of his soul and bottles it inside every song he makes. I wouldn't want you two to run out of soul, especially with what little you have left of it. Releasing a demo would (1) give you a feel for the game and (2) make certain to myself that I'll have it finished. And by way of demo I mean SPECIAL demo, over three thirds of the game, dedicated to whoever is doing the music. Thanks for the offer, both of which I have taken a screenshot off and saved along with the date and time as proof, so that you can't back out. Now get in there and do some slave labour! Ah ha ha ha ha!

No seriously, seriously, I kid you.

EDIT: There is a moth on my screen and it is obstructing the word "left". Does that mean the sentence reads, "What little you have moth of it"?

Because that would just be silly.

Dave Gilbert

QuoteJesus CHRIST somebody spiked my coffee.
Methinks you've had too MUCH coffee.  :-)

Just joshing.  Your enthusiasm is very welcome.  Just don't burn yourself out.


Odd, I was just thinking I was being a bit too enthusiastic. In fact I have another update. I'll just put that on the Original Post for this thread this time, because it's only a storyline correction. I wouldn't want to be all, "OoooOOOOo I'm so EXCITED" and then get bored and abandon the game or anything. But I am. Excited, I mean. This whole project smells of ass! Sweet, CANDY ass! Ass like no other!


But a demo without music would be poo! :P


Gosh, I guess if you truly insist...
*supresses vast amounts of excitement*
My ribcage is going to implode!
You could do one thing.... just to make dialogue writing easier... to you know, harmonise the finished conversations with the music....

You could do the REALLY EVIL DUDES theme!!! Want me to send you a character bio?  ;D   ;D   ;D

God, M0ds, we really really really have to make out some day!


I'd just like to point this smiley in the direction on Annie  :P and this one in the direction of Jimi  ;D

And sure, send me a bio, pic if you've got one, and then you can sit back, relax and let me....

...Make you a MIDI.



Hey everybody! Ain't he cute?

His project name is Eshna, and he'll be making your life hell! ;D ;D ;D

I know he is mine.


Quote from: Yufster on Tue 08/07/2003 19:33:23
So ha! Ha ha ha! I'm 17 and I was writing (Or, copying out of magazines) codes before all of you! And when I was 8

Nice try, but I made a car game using ascii characters in basic on the C64 in about 1984 [the car was a "*" and the sides of the road were "I" you had to keep the "*" inbetween the "I"'s with the keyboard or you would "CRASH!!!", copying from a book, but it taught me some code and I made a 10 pin bowling game myself, I was about 8 then, so that's about the same thing.

Nice to see other people did that sort of thing when they were so young, I guess lots of people around here did the same.

Nice Character, although He doesn't look that evil.


Quote from: Yufster on Mon 07/07/2003 20:04:13
You email address is hidden and you don't provide an AIM SN


Sorry about that problem. But as Jimi said the e-mail thing wasn't my fault. I know Jimi is already helping but if you want any other help my e-mail is here.

P.S By instant message I mean't the one on the AGS site.



Quote from: Tìmosíty on Wed 09/07/2003 07:09:43
Quote from: Yufster on Tue 08/07/2003 19:33:23
So ha! Ha ha ha! I'm 17 and I was writing (Or, copying out of magazines) codes before all of you! And when I was 8

Nice try, but I made a car game using ascii characters in basic on the C64 in about 1984

Pah! I was programming a 3D flight sim in EBCDIC on a PDP-8 in 1974 while I was still a fetus!

And you tell that to the young folk of today, and they won't believe you!


I wish, i wish i started stuff like this earlier. But noooooo..i had to only start this year.

*Jimi kicks a table

PS. Coffee is our friend. It keeps us awake on those long, cold nights in front of the PC.


Quote from: Jimi on Wed 09/07/2003 20:21:44
I wish, i wish i started stuff like this earlier. But noooooo..i had to only start this year.

Me too but I couldn't get the hang of it a few years ago.


Yabababa. Website for Parasite Games here. This has a few screenshots you haven't seen, also a picture of the main character, Ian. And also some stuff on Madinsari and some really really bad english usage. And Some other stuff, including a "Guestmap" which will have you all making out in no time... IF Bravenet weren't a bunch of lying turds, anyway.


Hey hey hey! What's the latest news? I can't wait for this game ya' know :D

Awesome site, I love the main page ;)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Yeah! This game is gonna rock!


The demo will be released on Sunday... Tomorrow. This is not a drill!

I really am having problems with the idiotic scripting. At the moment, I'm weighed down with work/projects/musical. I have to have two book reports (haven't even started reading the two books), a Home Ec. Interior Design Project, Religion Project, some other project... in by the end of September, and I also have to work on the School Musical which is held at the end of September I think... I play a cast character so I'm in for all rehearsals :( . Then I have work on the weekends because I need money for the school tour.... so I'm completely all busied up, plus 20 hours travelling every week. It would be okay if I could script, but this means that I don't have enough time to sit down and actually LEARN how to script. You know what I mean?

But the demo will be finished on Sunday. It won't be the smoothest demo, but... it will give you some idea.

This is not a lie.

Also, there are a few midis from the game and... the OTHER, SECRETER game, on the main page... just scroll past the nonsensical rambling to find them.

See?! You thought I'd abandoned BR but nooo! I work in my own quiet, humble way.


Excellent!  It's good to see you haven't forgotten about the project.  Sorry about all your commitments, but I'm glad you're making progress on what seems to be a very promising game.
Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers


This is one of the games I'm looking forward to. I'll definately download the demo when it comes out. Glad to hear it's still being worked on, despite real life. Mine isn't nearly as hectic and I haven't gotten a demo out.

Just shows how lazy I am.
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


YIPAAAAY! Can't wait, Yuffy!

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Demo is finally available!!!! I love life!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!


Welp, I downloaded and finished the demo.

The good side:
*I like the art style
*The music was good, I love the map song.
*The main character graphics are great. You did a good job in the walk cycle animations.
*I love the animations! (the meeting and the sneaky trick)
*The smoking hobbo I liked and I laughed outloud at this:
Ian: "Did it just get ugly out here?"
Hobbo: "Sure did."
(slight pause)
Ian: "Damn. That one came out of nowhere."

I like the humor so far in what you've shown.
lol, Ian thought he was going to get him, but the hobbo slapped the grease right back in his face :)
*I love the BG style in the woods area! Will there be anymore closeup areas like this later on?

The other side:
*There was no title screen or intro!!!1 Snake NEEDS these things!! :) What I'm getting at is, when you run it, it skips right to the gameplay giving the player not a clue on what they are doing.
*You need to fix the buttons so that you can't see the words behind them (it makes it hard to read)
*When you talk to the soldier guy, the first thing he says is "Yes it is.". I thought it was funny at first thinking it was going to be a joke and Ian was going to make fun of him or something, but it wasn't..must be a bug? They start talking about the led melter right off...
*There are very little descriptions...
*It was too SHORT

Overall, I enjoyed what little you had to present :)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Yes, I agree with what Snake has said. The demo was a little too easy and short, in my opinion, mainly because there were very few hotspots at all, so what you had to do was always fairly obvious. Although some of this may because you had a deadline to stick to.

But I saw a lot of potential here. Overall, I'll say that I enjoyed the demo - the graphics were quite good, and the humour was better than a lot of stuff we see here. Here's to the full game! I look forward to it!


Good work, Yufster! Can't wait to play your game!


Points taken.. although the problem with the hotspots was something I had actually taken into account but like WVG said, the deadline sort of sucked it. Also, the puzzle was easy because I had to change it a little... otherwise it would have spanned over the other World Map areas, and they're not ready yet, y'see. For instance, the moth wasn't supposed to be THERE.

I'm relieved the humour isn't that bad. It looks awful to me.

And as for it being short... well, you all heard the problems I had trying to get even that much script working. If I'd have made it longer, I might have exploded.

Thanks everybody :) I can safely say I'm a little bit relieved.


First of all, I'm still looking forward to Beyond Reality. But I must admit that I think you should have waited with the demo. It didn't make a very good impression on me. As others have said, the lack of hotspots is a problem, and there are SO many bugs (one not mentioned yet is that looking at the shoes triggers the same response as when using you-know-what with them).

But that said, the dialog was funny, the puzzles were ok (I won't comment too much on it since you said you've changed it for the demo, but I love competitions where you sabotage your opponents equipment - it reminded me of the diving contest in EMI) and the graphics were really nice. Very Lucas Art'ish (the entrance to the tent reminded me very much of the entrance to the circus in MI - or am I thinking of one of the tents in Loom? Not sure.) I loved the scene with the nightmare creatures. Especially when he answers the question about his robe, that made me laugh out loud. Except I think it went on a bit too far after you'd made your point. But maybe that's on purpose - part of the bad guy's personality? Nevertheless it really made me cringe when you had him actually say "beyond reality", but maybe that's you me. I can't stand it when a title is spoken as a phrase in a movie or a game.

Plotwise, I think it would be more interesting if the bad guys weren't JUST evil, but actually had some other motivation than wanting to rule the dreamworld. Remember in The Nightmare Before Christmas how the monsters of Halloween Land are actually TRYING to be good, but just don't understand the concept of Christmas, and end up scaring people instead?

Oh yes, I wondered why you didn't use the intro screen when it's actually in the demo (use debug mode at teleport to room 0)?


All comments appreciated muchly :)

There are a lot of bugs.

As for him going on... yeah I thought the BR bit was a bit too much, especially as it doesn't even actually make any SENSE. But, the reason he went on for SO long is, so the music was in time with the conversation. See, I made the music first. I'll shorten the music for the final game, and then use the original transcript.

Also your point about the plot... I did intend for them to have a motive. It's not clearly explained in the demo at all. Here it is:

The nightmare creatures are creations of nightmares, basically the Toxic Waste of the mind. The rest of the dream world partition off these poor creatures, who were born from bad things and don't understand the difference between good and bad. They're banned from leaving the Toxic Dump, the gloomiest, murkiest part of the Dream World.

Mort wants to liberate the people of the Toxic Dump, and in doing so he plans to gain access to the Real World. Except to the Dream World, they think the REAL world is a dream.  This will be explained later in the game as a type of weapon which he plans to use to liberate his people.

However, his people don't trust him, and I won't say whether there's a reason for this or not.

So Mort seemingly only wants to free the Toxic Dump, and while he may have other agendas, he also doesn't realize that it will contaminate the rest of the Dream World.

See, there's a little bit of reasoning in there.

I didn't use the intro screen because it sucked.


Hey Yufster,

I'm glad there's more to the plot. Evil never worked all that well as motivation for anyone but purple tentacle, did it :) ? As you describe it, the story sounds really interesting. I hope that we'll somehow be able to free the nightmare creatures without contaminating the dream world. Seeing them banned to the Toxic Dump for eternity wouldn't be a very happy ending.

Good luck with the project!

P.S. I actually liked the intro screen :)

Pet Terry

And here I am, still trying to find out where to download that demo ::)
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7



On the first post, Pete!!

When you go to her site, it's on the Beyond Reality page...

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Actually, due to a bizarre turn of events, it's not. I'll fix that later. And explain later. It's really bizarre.


I enjoyed it. I mean, it was buggy, but it was just a demo to get the feel of the game so I didn't really expect some sort of amazingly functioning thingy. From what I played of it (I stopped when I realized I couldn't pick things up. Gwah.), I like the way it's going. The style is very nice, and I liked the humor. I'm now looking forward to this game even more.

"I am rich, with pillow cases" was one of the funniest things I've read all day.
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


Where's the demo? Your website is perplexing.


How dare thee refer to it as WEBSITE, you scoundrel! <---

Pet Terry

Cool Snake, you called me Pete :P

And thanks Yufsteh, I'll try it and give comments later.
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


at first i thought that this is a RON series game.. but after i take alook! THIS IS INCREDIBLE! im lookin forward to download it!


Oh yes, well I did blatantly rip the idea off one of the various RON projects in fact, and killed the guy that was making it so nobody would ever know. Then I stole the graphics and music and altered it a tiny bit so nobody would notice it was really the LECHUCK theme. And then I gave it a different name. And right now, you know where the Christmas elves are?! They're in my basement!!! Ha ha ha!


nice environment Yuf.  :o
the Pick up button doesn't work for me but everything else works.  ???

Pet Terry

Yeah, cool demo. I loved the whole sackrun thingy or whatever it is, and graphics are cool, aswell as music. Rock on :)
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Okay now it has to be finished in four weeks, because of certain MINI COMPANIES in school... so...

We have to run Mini Companies in school, and since most people are making beaded bracelets, I figured I'd make a game. Seeing as I can. This also means I get to spend loads of school class time making it. So in about four weeks it'll be done. On the other hand, since I planned to sell it (Students will buy it merely because they've never seen it done before... SUCKERS) that means you don't get it for about three months. Free, obviously. I'm only selling it for mini-company in school.

But production time has TRIPLED! At least, it WILL have done, on Monday!!!


I get a free version for reviewing, right?


Oh see, everybody HERE gets a free version. It's just my sucker school friends that don't. I'd even give THEM free copies, except we are MADE do mini company, and I don't plan to sit down and painstakingly bead necklaces all weekend.


If you're going to be selling it, maybe we can give you lots of review quotes to stick on your game boxes...

"This is the best adventure game to come out of Ireland since Tim Schafer's 'Death to Westlife' "

etc. etc.



Quote from: SSH on Mon 22/09/2003 12:20:23
If you're going to be selling it, maybe we can give you lots of review quotes to stick on your game boxes...

This quote is perfect!


I found these two!

QuoteI thought Beyond Reality was a packet of Wheeto's, and ate it none the less. 10/10

Beyond Reality shits on Half Life II. 99%


Tim Schafer

Oh man ... now I'm gonna ... have his babies, IMMEDIATELY.  You ... completely ... awesome .... I... feel dumb? That ... awesome.... Dude. Dang. This one's long. insensitive it is for you to make fun of my time in prison. ...good thing... Hell, I'm all for it!

These words were all typed by Tim Schafer. I only copy pasted.
in a completely unrelated topic to Beyond Reality. May be edited and pasted together to form sentences from remnants of other sentences.

Oh, that reminds me... update on the first page of this thread.


Great graphics! Looks like some weird (but cool) amateur style, like you have mixed Monkey Island, Loom, DOTT and Pleurghburg together...
Well, graphics DO matter, at least for me, because these shots started to interest me at first sight.


Hey! Well BR is gonna be finished by Saturday. Or at least, ready for full testing by Saturday. So, I need all the kicking I can get. It's mid-term break and it's all too easy to lie back and relax instead of working. Which brings me to this: The List of Stuff I have One Week to Do:

1 Science Careers Project   (8 pages)
2. 8 A4 Page Book Reports   (16 Pages in Total)
2. 200 Page Books to Read to Do the Reports on. (Fuckload of reading)
1. Religion Project (STUPID Catholic School)   (8 pages)
1. Medium Length Video Game   (Bitchload of work)
1. Career Guidance Project  (I don't even know what I'm supposed to do)
   Total Workload: Shitloads.

So, when I say I need people to constantly bitch at me to get working, I mean I need people to constantly bitch at me to get working.

All I need to do is finish the programming for the puzzles in Cliffville, start the programming of the puzzles in the Foreboding Mountain, and make the ending. Yeah! Er. Well anyway. The beginning is all finished. And if it's not reading in time for the public, there's always, "Too Be Continued!"



Pet Terry

Yes, cool indeed!

So... do you need anymore music?
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


I don't think so. Perhaps something ambient for one of the caves. It's the progromming thats screwing everything up. And I'm screwing up the programming. Oh woe, woe, for it is an endless loop.


So, as your programming associate, why don't you PM me for help, silly lady!

I want to do SOMETHING to justify a credit in the game!


Oh, I'm giving away spaces for free. But okay.


Sweet, I can't wait for this!

Work on, LADS!

Oh, and my favorite quote:
Quoteyou know when you just hang around, expecting somebody to tell you to do something but they never do? Uh huh.


Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Bitch bitch bitch, work work work!

Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers


I'm so proud! I'm so happy! I have the entire of the puzzles from the first half of the game complete! All two of them. Now I just have to finish polishing the second half! Although... there is that one bug as Ian goes into the dreamworld, where he seems to want to wake himself by slapping his face repeatedly on the ground insteading of walking. I don't know why that's happening. But anyway!

You'll have to excuse the slight marks on some of these backgrounds; it is only sweat and blood from my relentless overnight toil:

And then there is the cutscene. Oh man is that cutscene going to be awesome! Well, it's awesome in my mind, and I'm sure that's how it will turn out on paper. Or on monitor. or whatever. Whatever the medium.

Okay, here are some stats:
Total Sprites: 470
Sprite Folders: 25
Total Views: 56
Inventory Items: 34
Characters: 22
Dialogue Topics: 8     -----  
  (Yes, er, not all dialogues are finished yet...)
Dialogue Messages: 169

It also says here there are 84 rooms. I don't think this is right, because quite frankly, I've checked all the blueprints and all the plans and all the stuff I stole, and there was never any plan to have 84 rooms. So I'm thinking that the number 84 represents all of the cutscene pictures, transition rooms and part of the credits sequence. So I'd say that realistically, there are about 50 rooms. Plus all the characters aren't actually imported yet; I'm still using Roger to simulate those characters that I haven't finished animating yet, so there will be I think... 28 characters in total. 26 of which will serve no purpose but to annoy you, and make you cry, and stop you from completing your goal in cyber-life, and make occasional smart comments, and make you scream when you realize you can't skip the speech.


It's amazing how much of our time we waste sleeping. Last night seemed like an eternity, which is good because it gives me longer to fix up all the bugs! Yay for eternity! Yay for sleepless nights! Now here is my secret; I no longer require sleep. It's true. I have gotten past the stage where I feel the need to sleep. Well, that or I'm completely over-tired. But come on, which one is more likely? I always knew I was adopted, or at least, I guessed I was that day I realized just how stupid my brothers truly were. I had never guessed I was adopted  from some sort of sleepless celestial force, however.

I destroyed a carpet with coffee last night, and in case you are interested: Carpets are not waterproof. They are totally not waterproof. The coffee just goes right through, and then it goes between the floorboards and then it drips down on to the TV and then, oh geeze, I won't say what happens next. Just believe me, you don't want to find out.

Did I mention how stupid my brothers are? Well I just realized something. Either it's a weird, uncanny coincedence, or perhaps one of my parents really is my real parent after all... because both Finn and I have this rather irritating habit of talking non stop when we become tired. So I will leave it here, and perhaps try to sleep, or drink more coffee, or straighten my spine, or try to dry the carpet, or finish colouring these cutscene graphics, or try to dry off the top of the TV.

Or maybe I'll try to figure out why insects like to land on my monitor and tear off their own legs one by one. Perhaps I should introduce them to that little game played the human way... with Daisies.

She's not going to love you ever, if you have no legs, you moron.

PS. I hear they are giving away free chocolate and bunnies on the first post of this thread!


That third screenshot is particularly sweet, as is the cutscene one.  Hooray!  Work more!  
Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers


That's not cutscene. I don't know what you are talking about. Do you mean the cutscene graphic that I just uploaded only the first page of this thread? That's what you get for not reading the label.


Yuffy, you're a dweeboid ;)

Like I already told you, your art slap's the cat's ass. That cutscene pic is awesome (the same goes for the one you showed me through IRC). Keep it up, and get a c00kie!!1

Hurry up, damn you.

--Sir William Scott (Tin Shafter's third cousin)
Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Newer. Smarter. More aggressive.

I need five beta testers. The game isn't being released today, but it is to the Beta Testers. I don't have Beta Testers. Now, I like Beta Testers, I do. If you would like to be a Beta Tester, I might even like you. So don't be dumb, be a beta tester today. As a plus, I'll tell you a secret.

Who wants to beta test?


Beta testing, great stuff.


Matt Brown

Im in

subject line beta test please
word up


Quote from: Yufster the Psychadet on Fri 31/10/2003 13:52:15
That's not cutscene. I don't know what you are talking about. Do you mean the cutscene graphic that I just uploaded only the first page of this thread? That's what you get for not reading the label.

But that's the one I WAS talking about...
Writer, Idle Thumbs!! - "We're probably all about video games!"
News Editor, Adventure Gamers


Oh, well then. That's what you get for reading the label.

Okay Beta Test People! I'm gonna send it out to you.... later. Yeah. Later. Like, tomorrow, when it's finished. Totally.

Oh jeeze, you elves. We have no time. We already are supposed to have finished it. We're gonna have to cut some of it.

Cut that part, and that part, and that part.

Now send them the middle and the end.


Okay, looks like I was lying to the beta test people. Many tomorrows later, and they never did get it.

Here's the deal.

I'm working. Hard. On Beyond Reality. It's going to be released, tomorrow. Maybe I won't get to upload it to you though, until Monday Night. It depends on how it goes, because the Trade Fair is tomorrow and I'll be up all night polishing this turd. I'm staying over in somebodies house and then I have school on Monday so...

Now all that work I have put in to this has finally not paid off. It's about as long as Scabb Island on MI2. Except imagine Scabb Island was a steaming hot turd. I feel ashamed that I am selling this to people. I should be paying THEM.

But I thought I would tell you this because well, now I have to stay up all night to polish it, so you know, whatever. It'll be released tomorrow. And meanwhile, I have lost all hope for life, my dreams, and the future.

Hope for the Future

Your brief life
touched me.
Le gunna


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