Star Trek Adventures:Year One :Demo Released

Started by jamesreg, Mon 15/06/2009 17:26:54

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Official Website

Teaser Trailer
Teaser trailer 2

Official Demo Download

If you download the demo please help us improve the series by voting in our poll section on our website
These polls were designed to give us the quickest feedback on specific issue of the game series and wouuld
help us a lot and only take a couple moments of your time thank you.

Get prepared to go warp speed with the original crew of STAR TREK as you remember them!  Including Captain
James T. Kirk, Commander Spock, Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy and others.  You will relive the marvelous adventures
of the Starship Enterprise as you travel through space directing space battles, firing hand phasers, solving puzzles,
exploring the galaxy and much more in this nostalgic voyage.

Whether you are a die-hard Trek fan or just mildly interested; the beautiful artwork, design and incredible musical
score of this classic point & click adventure leaves something everyone is sure to enjoy!  STAR TREK ADVENTURES:
YEAR ONE promises to boldly take you where no Star Trek game has ever gone before!

Game Information

Star Trek Adventures: Year One is a freeware
point-and-click adventure game.  Actually, it is being
developed to be a series of games.  The games are
going to be released as "missions".  Each "mission"
will be based on an episode from Gene Roddenberry's
Star Trek: The Original Series television program.

The first mission that is due to be released is based
off of the episode "Arena".  All missions will have
at least one demo released so fans may get a glimpse
of the gameplay/story before the full mission is actually

The Story

Star Trek Adventures: Year One is being developed as a series
of games(called Missions).  Although each Mission will have it's own
unique story line (which you can read about on the download
page), below you can find a general synopsis for all  of the Missions.

The Plot
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the
Starship Enterprise. Its five year mission, to explore
strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new
civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone

The Setting
Set in the year circe 2265, The crew of the Enterprise
has set out on the first year of their historic five year
mission and will explore planets and interact with alien
life forms. They will interact with other crew members
aboard ship. Travel around the ship will be conducted
using turbo-lifts and corridors. To travel to planets, the
landing party will use either the transporter or a

The Overall Structure
This game is a point and click adventure game set in
the Star Trek TOS universe. The player will assume the
role of one of the main Star Trek TOS characters and
explore and interact with the environment in a graphical
adventure. He/she will progress through the game solving
puzzles and manipulating objects in order to complete tasks
that will solve the mysteries throughout the game. The player
will be represented in third person. He/she will be free to
move about the ship and other locations to interact with other
players/characters. Game is designed with strong role play in
mind. Players will be able to play as all characters from the
Star Trek universe that they have come to love. The players
will travel to distant locations in search of answers to solve the
mystery which drives the game.

Game Features

-  Original graphics and GUI
-  Tons of puzzles to solve
-  Communicate with anyone in your team using your
-  Set your phaser pistol from stun to kill or vice versa
-  Play as multiple characters
  (including Kirk, Spock, & McCoy)
-  Utilize McCoy's medical kit and Spock's tricorder
-  Find hidden "easter eggs"
-  Command space battles
-  Authentic original musical score
-  Animated cut scenes

System Requirements

-  Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7
-  800x600 resolution
-  32-bit true color
-  Sound Blaster compatible sound card & speakers
-  100-200 mb hard drive space

Join us at today

Development Team

This is our team as of now.  If you think you have a skill that
you can lend to use then please e-mail us at

James "JamesReg" Regaldo
project leader & lead programming
James is the project leader and he is in charge of the way the game is put together.  He does all of the organizing, planning, and programming for the project.  He has come up with intriguing ideas that has made this project unique and fun! James is new to the AGS engine but has caught on very quickly and has been scripting his little heart out to meet the deadlines we've set.  Even though he's new to AGS, he hasn't limited himself to the basics of programming.  This game series features many of the features that every adventure game should have!

You may recognize XCalPro as the creator of many of the Star Trek TOS models currently available to the Poser community. He joined the project in 2009 and since then has created most of the background and sprite art seen in Star Trek Adventures fan project. Tony creates much of the art we need, and also provides technical assistance in some of the programming aspects of the game. He has worked on other game projects in the past and brings his experience in game development process to the team.

Andrew "DrewCCU" Smith
music/sound, additional art & promotions
Andrew is an exciting addition to the project.  He has been noted as "bringing this thing to life".  He has assisted with some cut scene animations and designing the GUI for the games.  Andrew is also the lead webmaster and promotions advisor.  But his greatest talent he has brought to the table is music and sound effects.  Andrew has composed a musical score for this project that delivers that desired nostalgic Star Trek feel.  You will feel as if you are actually back in time with the crew of the Enterprise when you play this game thanks to Andrew's score.

Brought to you by

Official game site

And now the screen shots.

Igor Hardy


Quote from: Ascovel on Mon 15/06/2009 18:29:52
Will year five be a separate game?

Yeah I wasnt too clear about that sorry. The game will be divided into several mission style scenarios similar to the
way the 25th anniversary/judgement rites games were and the story will revolve around the fourth year of the five
year mission and at this time if all goes well and people like the game there will be multiple games to follow as we
are building the enterprise scenes and such up to set up as a template to be able to launch many games from
after if we wanted to. if response is good enough for more games then the rest will focus on the year five of the mission
taking it to the point they return home and kirk is promoted leading into the events prior to the first movie.

does that answer your question?


Awesome graphics= great game. I am a devoted Trekkie like yourself and enjoy the Original, the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and so far have liked Enterprise but I never got to see the whole thing because I left for a foreign country. I also like Andromeda, Xena: The Warrior Princess, and Beastmaster so maybe make a game(s) based on those series or make a game based on Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica these delightful masterpieces need to be presented in a game.   :)

Kaelem Gaen

Ooo! I'm surprised I've not seen a Star Trek game on here yet.     The graphics in the screenshots are nice,  I can't wait to try a demo.
~ Chaos, panic, disorder...  My work is done here. ~


The Graphics many of which were borrowed from the canceled game Secret of vulcan fury by interplay and the sprites from Judgement rites also from interplay.

However our game has gone though a complete overhaul since the listing of this posting.
We are doing away with any borrowed backgrounds or sprites and creating our own new ones.

Everything in game will be completely new graphics and sprites.

We are using poser created 3d sets of the rooms for the enterprise and rendering 2d backgrounds from those
we will also be using 3d poser characters for our sprites that will be rendered into 2d.

We will feature all 23 decks of the ship and you will be able to fully explore the ship not just goto one room as needed.

The game format and story line has changed as well.

Instead of being an original story line based in the fourth year of the mission.

The story will focus on year one of the mission and will include 9 of the original season one episodes.

Many people may not like the idea of not doing an original story and using old material for the game.
But the purpose of the project is two fold.

1) To honor the series and its fans by giving them a new way to experience these adventures they have seen 100 times by allowing them for the first time to join in and live their favorite episodes.

2) To introduce new fans who may have come aboard though this new movie to how timeless the old shows are and hope they will want to go and watch them.

We are not revealing which episodes we are using but will give you a hint to one of them and to how fun the game play will be Imagine having to run around a planet from a growling overgrown lizard and build a canon to stop him.


If the sprites are ripped from the 25th anniversary game is there any chance of seeing them released to the public?


Quote from: mkennedy on Fri 10/07/2009 19:46:31
If the sprites are ripped from the 25th anniversary game is there any chance of seeing them released to the public?

I have ripped both the sprites from judgement rites and 25th anniversary there are a few I could not find the palette for so out of several hundred sprites them may be a couple dozen at most that the colors off but all the main characters sprites are there intact. I am working on ripping the music and animations and sound effects, voice clips as well as some of the icons and interface things too. I am at the moment away from the pc that I have all that on and will be for a couple weeks acctully as my wife has it on her laptop out of town right now. But when she gets back I will finish ripping all the other things and will consider releasing them somewhere online so everyone can access them.

Original I was going to use them for this project but we decided our backgrounds that we was creating was better then the judgement rites ones and had to scrap the plans to use them but im sure others will be able to use them

Its my goal with this project that others will follow suit and do some trek games.

I will see what i can do about getting them uploaded in the next couple weeks and will post here when I do.


Quote from: mkennedy on Fri 10/07/2009 19:46:31
If the sprites are ripped from the 25th anniversary game is there any chance of seeing them released to the public?

send me your emails to and i will upload you the sprites from judgement rites and 25th anniversary


I just want you guys to be aware that this game will feature a magnificent original musical score!  ;)
"So much of what we do is ephemeral and quickly forgotten, even by ourselves, so it's gratifying to have something you have done linger in people's memories."
-John Williams


"So much of what we do is ephemeral and quickly forgotten, even by ourselves, so it's gratifying to have something you have done linger in people's memories."
-John Williams


Quote from: DrewCCU on Thu 23/07/2009 00:08:57
I just want you guys to be aware that this game will feature a magnificent original musical score!  ;)

I wasn't aware you were on this! Good to know! Always a fun of Star Trek, but I've missed some seasons..
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


How many people are actually interested in playing an ags trek game by the way?

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

I'm sure plenty of people would want to play a well made star trek game, regardless of the platform.


I would play this, no matter if it's Star Trek or not.

Igor Hardy

I think the new graphics are very fine. But to be honest now that you switched your goal from creating new Star Trek stories to just doing remakes of the TV series episodes my interest in the game dropped nearly to zero.

You could at least make a compromise and create a few all new episodes as well.


Quote from: Ascovel on Tue 22/09/2009 09:27:57
I think the new graphics are very fine. But to be honest now that you switched your goal from creating new Star Trek stories to just doing remakes of the TV series episodes my interest in the game dropped nearly to zero.

You could at least make a compromise and create a few all new episodes as well.

Well now that we have our interface and basic structure done for the game as well as inventory items and character sprites and most Enterprise rooms done the ease of being able to put together new games will be much more simple.

I have created a game template with the new graphics, sprites, items and interface.

Basicaly plug in some alien worlds and your good to go on pumping out as many Trek games as we want to do from here in a far less amount of time as it took to do just this one game.

also we have a dedicated team thats dedicated to the project on a long term basis.

and expect the team to grow by one or two more people after we get a demo done we have had some offers now but wanted to get the basics done ourselves to have it what we wanted.

With all that says there is certainly plans to create new games and different things.

The first part of the focus will be to recreate some of the more popular episodes and have some fun with that
we will be doing year two and three respectfully as well as plans to go into a year four and five based set of adventures
which will take the story line up to where the movies picked up.

I very much want to do a game based off of the Enterprise having their triumphant return to earth after the five year mission
that would be an awsome game to do one in which I have already written a story line for but what I am doing now will fit into this very well as the game will have you revisiting some of these places you went before to show the aftermath of the crews decisions along the way did kirk break the prime directive to much? was the results good or bad all the time thats my basic plan to end up the series.

we will be releasing games from year one time period that will be mixed with new games along the way that will be designed to fit into that time period "the lost adventures" so to speak

We will probably be doing games based off the show some of novels and comics and other medium as well along the way
but there will certainly be plenty of new stories as well.

I have in my mind a draft of a continuing story line which will go though all five years of the mission it will start small and grow into one very large game in the end with a concluding plot and epic story line.

we have taken extra long time and steps to insure that we design this game in such a way that creating new ones will be a breeze in comparison as we will have a good template to start with.

our hopes is to release two or three mini episodes every few months when we wrap up year one we will move to year 2 and so on also filling in new storys every few missions as well.

anyway hope you check the game out anyway and keep up with us even if you do not like the stories featuring the old episodes the game is being designed as a continuing and ongoing game which allows players to determine which missions they want to collect and play and which ones they don't so say we dont have anything you like the first batch you might like all of the next batch.

So hope you will give us a try along the way.

We also are planning to have a website with forums and such on it to allow people to discuss the direction of the game series and even vote on which episodes and such they would like to see made next.

as well as contest to have the best fan fiction story turned into a trek game.

so those who are not liking the idea of some tv show remakes stick around and check us out once we get the site up and things rolling becauseI'm sure you will find something you like along the way.

our goal was to allow the player to experience the whole five year mission in game format and have some new adventures and have some nostalgic ones as well.

Keep in mind some of the new fan base are seeing these old episodes for the first time so this is a wonderful way to share with them what the older fan base have enjoyed all these years but with new adventures planned to we hope to have something everyone can enjoy along the way.


edit by darth - posts combine, no need to double-post!

Igor Hardy

I hope you'll always think of having fun first and completing all the episodes later. Adapting the whole series is a massive undertaking which demands sticking closely to the source material, so it can easily become a chore. Good luck with this.


Quote from: Ascovel on Tue 22/09/2009 21:33:00
I hope you'll always think of having fun first and completing all the episodes later. Adapting the whole series is a massive undertaking which demands sticking closely to the source material, so it can easily become a chore. Good luck with this.

By far the fun part is there all the way.

To be honest sticking to all ready existing source material may have helped this project the most.

When we already had a start, Middle and end then all we had to do was concentrate on making the game mechanics work
for this.

it has given us a formula and way of handling the rest of the games and format to use for them.

It has helped us all learn new skills and friendships and build a strong team that to me has been impressive in
what we have archived as non of us have fully finished a game ever and some of us never worked on a game.

As with any movie based game you will find some things in the game play that will have to be added in the ways of additional puzzles and such which will deviate slightly from the episode/movie in question.

This is no different with this game however I can say that I am very pleased with the outcome so far in that we have been able to take an episode and translate it into game format and preserve the original feel and content of the episode.

The puzzles we have added to increase game play are not at all so far out there or away from what you see on the show to be distracting at all they fit very well.

I will if I have not said so already mention that the first Mission will be based off the episode Arena we chose this one because it had all the elements needed for an adventure game. A good vs evil story line where you had to run around and collect objects to create a weapon to eliminate your opponent.

The episode almost screamed out Adventure game when i viewed it.

This is not to say all of the will be that easy every show was unique some comedy based and humorous , some deep thinking and  action packed and adventurous.

So it will still be a challenge to create the feel for each one of those.

So far we have laid our and designed the basic plans for

City on the edge of forever
Devil in the dark
The man trap
Balance of terror
The Galileo seven
Arena (almost complete)
Operation Annihilate
Shore Leave

These will be the first mission packs released but we will probably stop in the middle of this one and release an original story line.

In doing some of the old stuff first it will help us to get into the spirit of Trek and the characters and help us when the time comes for original stories for them to be even better because we will already have all the framework laid out all we will have to concentrate is on building a good plot and story and scripting a good game.

I have been asked by several people to share the Star Trek Judgement rights and 25th anniversary sprites that I ripped here they are if anyone wants them I am uploading them to one of those file share servers so cant say how long they will be active if you want them download them soon as I am not going to upload them all the time over and over.

Download sprites.rar from

ill add another link later to rappidshare

I guess im confused by the posting rules this message about the sprites wasnt supposed to be in this message it was supposed to be a seperate message but maybe your not allowed to post additional messages


another edit by darth - james, there's a "modify" button.  please us it and stop double posting.

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