The Legend of Leitor's Edge - Last Update - 7.29.07

Started by Snake, Sat 10/05/2003 21:22:32

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Hello, everyone!

I've updated the progress bar on the first post and moved it so it's the first thing you see on the first page. So, hopefully, you guys will be happy to see things progressing, slowly but surely.

My update is that I'm now on another burst of progress like I was a couple months ago. Besides being my daughter's daddy, I'm taking every opportunity I have and making it for this game. If it's not Leitor's Edge I'm working on it's my music.

As you can see from my Game Progress section I have made quite a bit of progress on the storyboard. It's now, at the least, 90% finished as opposed to 70% a while ago. When this reaches 100%, the puzzles will start to take over and when that's finished the game can be worked on in AGS and be finally DONE.

Last night I went through a minor depression about it since a few things in the game's story are a little rediculous when I really thought about them. But I honestly think that my problem is thinking too much into it. It is in fact a game, isn't it? If it brings you joy and excitement and keeps you entertained, what can be better for me?
I even went as far as quickly writing up an alternate version of the whole game.
I don't know whether it's laziness and not wanting to start all over or I really like the game how it is. And I do, don't get me wrong. It's come a hell of a long way since the beginning.
I guess what I want to say to you guys is this: When this game is finally released (in 2017) please don't give your hopes up that it'll be as great as all of you have hyped it up to be in your minds. I'm sure there will be a lot of questions as to what the hell I was thinking since some things might not make much sence. But hopefully these few things don't spoil it for you. I just hope the best of it comes out and is enjoyed by everyone.

Rincewind: I will be getting you a mail at one point in the near future to fill you in with the newest updates. It's coming along pretty well. Last night, before I started hating it ( :P ), I sat down and I just wrote. I wrote and wrote and wrote my ass off with lots of ideas and things for the scenes that weren't even close to being finished and got quite a bit done, so other than the second to last scene I'm very pleased.

I hope everyone is still awaiting this game. It's now starting to wrap up so be on the look out for that update that gives you the % of the game's actual progress until completed!

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Splendid, just splendid, snake. This has been one of my most anticipated ags games for x years, glad to know this is being worked on.
Seeing as you're not making much progress with music, I'd be glad to help with a tune or two, if you want me to, when the time comes.

Pet Terry

Snake, you motherfucker!

Good to see things are progressing! I'm still looking forward to this one, but I guess you already knew this.

Just a small, friendly advice. Stop remaking everything over and over again! I understand that you might want the game to be perfect when it's done, but it's good to know when to give up on certain things and move on. Otherwise you'll never get it done (especially when you're working mainly alone). Just look at me, I should know. I have abandoned so many promising (?) projects because I wanted them to be perfect, but it was just too much for me to handle, I ended up remaking graphics, storyline, music etc. After all, you can't spend ages on school assignments, but it's still possible to get grand grades!

Now finish the damn game!

PS. Hardily hoodily hoo. ;)
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


This game looks soo cool!!

I offer my services if needed.
currently working on:

I am in the Brainstorming stage.  Also am trying to gather a team.
I am committing to this game.

Thinking about creating another game, NCIS themed.


This has been development since 2003!!?!  :o

i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


Question: Is this like the CHOOSE YOUR OWN NIGHTMARE SERIES? Cause those things rocked!!
BTW, does anyone by any chance have that series?
PS: I was also wrighting the story for a game of this type :| Now that I see you allready have one in production, I'll change the gameplay ideea. :P Anyway, the game sounds great and the graphics are really cool. Altho, judging from the fact that the game is a Chose Your Own Adventure, Interactive Movie style, it will probably take almost a year to make, so guess we will have to be pacient. ^^


currently working on:

I am in the Brainstorming stage.  Also am trying to gather a team.
I am committing to this game.

Thinking about creating another game, NCIS themed.


Woah, I completely missed this one!  Looks excellent - I love the combination of a down-to-earth backstory and (possibly) the supernatural.  The artwork's impressive, too.
Atapi - A Fantasy Adventure
Now available!:


Hey, guys, thanks for the support. It's always good to hear from you!

Replay Value=Very High?
Yes ;) There should be at least 4 different ways the game will end at the actual end of the game, not counting the premature endings. Besides ending though, there will be different ways to go through the game. Like I've wrote to you before, the different choices that you make will change future events - so the middle/second half of the game won't nessisarily be the same every time you play.

The whole idea of the game and what happens to Seth is definately science fiction. The game deals with what we all wish we could do.

I'm planning on there being 3 parts to it so the first one released might not be spot on, but it's only the beginning anyway.

Mykayel: Never hered of the choose your own nightmare series, but it's something I'd love to look into!

Hammerite/MoodyBlues: Yeah, you guys missed this one ;) I first posted about it in 2002 I believe - where it was only an idea (at that point I was working on another game called Evil Night) - and first did this promo in '03. It's an oldie :P

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Ah, good to see that the CYOA book format of playing is being put to work. This is sounding great.  ;D Keep it up, I would love to see the end results.


Dave Gilbert gave me a good idea in my When your game gets you down, what do YOU do? thread.

I'd like to get one person to take a look at this game for me and tell me what you think of it and if anything doesn't make sence at all. I'd prefer someone who can get back to me in a short amount of time. And preferably someone who may have a reasonable amount of sci-fi knoweledge.

Like Dave said, Fresh Eyes is what I'm going to like since you will be seeing it in a different way than I do, especially since I've been through this story a million times.

If anyone wants to do this, please PM me why you'd like to do this for me and/or discuss it here. As you may know already, I love hearing from you guys.


Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"

Steel Drummer

It seems like the AGS games with 'Legend' in their titles always look so tantalizing. It also seems like they never get released. :/
I'm composing the music for this game:


Really looking forward to this one even more now. But take your sweet time. REASON : If you just speed it up, the game will be ruined at about 40%. I mean just look at Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), If you were to finish it, you would notice that at about 80% of the game, it begins to make sense, in an idiotic kinda way :( the whole Cyborg thing and the alien powers is pretty ridiculos. So just work on the game really hard, and don't forget to give more and more time to the story rather than graphics, because your current graphics look great so there is no need to improve them, but if the story gets boring, then the game will get boring. I sincerily hope that you will make a great game, and keep it free, because comercial games lead to greed and that spoiles the fun of the game :( but you should make a donate page for people who wish to financialy thank you for all your hard work ^^ Oh, and one last thing, DO NOT ACCEPT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HELP ON THE STORY UNLESS YOU TRULLY AND HONESTLY ENJOY THE IDEEA, some people get pretty pushy with "You should use this in your story.." when in fact it is you game not theiers. I see a lot of succes for this game you have started making so be pacient and take your time ^^ Good luck!


Just want to say that looking at the screenshots (which I guess are pretty old by now) I'm really looking forward to playing your adventure, so I hope you get the story finished and start working on the rest of the game.. Good luck ;)


Hi, Everyone,
I've got somebody to look my stuff over so I need to start writing up a document and send it along. Hopefully it's straight forward enough for him to understand, you know, since it takes me sixteen sentances to explain something when only three would have been sufficient ;)

Mykayel: Yes, Leitor's Edge will always be free.
I do love the idea for my game. I always have. But the whole point is to see the story through somebody elses eyes. I've been working on this story for so long now that I'm in the mood where it's hopefully still good enough. I loved it when I first started working on it, but now it's gotten so old to me that I just need some reassurance that it's still good.
Ha, I don't want to be the only person who likes it ;)

To further explain (there's probably no need), this person isn't joining the project if that's what you think. Hopefully he will give me a little boost in areas that might need it, things that I've overlooked because I've been working on it so long. And doing so, this will modivate me more to work on it more often, especially the parts that might need some extra care.

QuoteIt seems like the AGS games with 'Legend' in their titles always look so tantalizing. It also seems like they never get released. :/
Seems like it, doesn't it? I plan on this game not joining them :) If it ever does, then I had a fun time doing it.

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Darth Mandarb

MYKAYEL - look at the date of the last post on this.  Please do not dig up any more threads.

Snake - when you feel like posting an update well ... just unlock the thread and post an update :)

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