Views/Sprites/Chars How do you delete?

Started by Thraka, Tue 26/08/2003 22:30:43

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I cannot seem to find a way to delete these from a game.   Can anyone help me? ??? ???


Views and Characters cannot be deleted. Sprites: Goto Sprite manager and selet the sprite that is to be deletedt and press delete. Or right click->delete.


Ok... so i can click the NEW VIEW button and create one and then I cannot delete it?

Why is this?

I was thinking this was more advanced and easier to make a game then in scistudio :( But it seems to be harder...


You can delete a view - just press "delete last loop" till there is no more of them.
you can also delete single frames of a loop with right-click and delete frame.
Well, the view is still existing but empty. you now got new space to create other views...


Deleting things is dangerous, always make sure you REALLY know what you are going to do before doing so.


That's why Chris hasn't implemented them... It could mess the game big time.
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


This seems a bit unlogical to me. Like a prevention for very stupid people. I mean, of course it can happen to anyone that you accidentaly delete something, but when being given a warning to make you aware of your actions should do fine, shouldn't it? And if you delete views or sprites accidentally, you can still reimport them and making views doesn't really take that long. If there was an undo function it would be even more obvious to be able to delete all that stuff. Sorry, stopping the rant now, please don't remind me this is freeware, because I know so this is not meant as a complaint in any way; jsut a statement that I think it's a bit unlogical.
And if nothing of the above makes sense, don't mind, I was over at polish friend and they do like to drink a lot of Vodka. So there.


That has been discussed many time before already, and we just don't want the forum to be flooded by messages of people making such mistake.

The point is that people should PLAN ahead about the structure of their games. Moreover, it doesn't really hurt to have redundant characters/views in you game, you can reuse them, or leave them as-is (as they won't take up much space anyway), and mostly important, people playing the games won't see them.

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