Woo-Hoo! Dialogs!

Started by rtf, Wed 11/02/2004 01:19:08

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Here is something else that is wrong with my game.

Whenever I have a goto-dialog X command, it dosent display the 3 dialog options, it just jumps right into the first option of the new dialog.  That sucks  :(

Also, if I have a command to show a hidden option, it just ignores all of my return comands and goes right into the next thing.

can someone help?
I'll give you a sample of my code:

QuoteSHRIMP: No one really needs anything in this store anymore.
SHRIMP: I remember the good old days when fish would come from miles around jut to check out what I had..."
SHRIMP:  Nope.  Nowadays it's just fancy there and young that."
SHRIMP: No one cares about us old merchants.
GARY: Wow.
goto-dialog 2

here is dialog 2:

// dialog script file
@S  // dialog startup entry point
@1  // option 1
SHRIMP:  Umm, let me think about it...
goto-dialog 3
@2  // option 2
goto-dialog 2

I fail at art.

Wolfgang Abenteuer

To stop your first problem, put a return after the @s in the second dialog, like:

// dialog script file
@S // dialog startup entry point
@1 // option 1

I'm not quite sure what you mean by having a command show a hidden option.  Do you mean you're trying to use option-on at some point?  If that's the case, try to put the return before the option-on line and see if that helps. *shrugs*



1000 thanks to Wolfgang.
I would have never figured that out myself
I fail at art.

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