Choon competition alert!! Ends on the seventh day of February.

Started by Inkoddi, Wed 31/01/2007 16:21:13

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Hello and greetings.
Your task this time is to make this little fellow (the one that wears shoes) a theme song. Yes.

(click for bigger piccy)

The song that I like the most and fits the little fellow the best will win. Yes. Competition will end a week from now

There are trophies aswell:

The one who wins will get to start the next tune contest and also be awarded the Golden Blob:

The person who almost wins will get the slightly smaller Silver Blob:

And on third place, the teensy weensy Bronze Blob is:



Peder 🚀

Here is my entry.
I was gonna try make more on it but ended up with just this.

Little fellow that wears shoes


Yay, my first tune contest entry!

Little guy choon

Love the painting btw! :=

EDIT: New link! Thanks Nik! :)


Whoa, three splendid entries in three hours!
If this keeps up, there will be 168 entries by the end of the contest!


I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


Okay, this took a lot of time and effort and totally was nothinhg to do with me just taking every musical instrument within my grasp and abusing them for 26 seconds.


Wow, lots of great entries already!
I was going to enter the last competition but it was closed before the deadline...
I wouldn't have won anyway.

Here's my entry. I made it pretty fast so it's a little short but I hope you like it anyway:



A little snippet.

It's not really a theme, but the picture inspired me to write it. :)

Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


As you'll notice while listening to my entry(if you can bear to), I have no idea what I'm doing. I got some crappy progam and just started hitting keys, but I assume I'll be able to learn more about creating a decent piece by the end of the next comp.

Sorry Little Fellow

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!



I shall tend to it as soon as I get home to a computer with sound and stuff. If someone wants to make a last minute entry, this is your chance!


Amazing, I won!
Thanks a lot Inkoddi.
I'll start a new competition later today...

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