Background Blitz -- Map Overview -- Feb 8th to Feb 24th | WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by nihilyst, Wed 08/02/2012 18:28:40

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This time, we're going in a slightly different direction. Instead of making your average in-game background, you get to make your average in-game map screen. You can do overview screens of cities, islands, castles, a moon crater, an apartment building or whatever you like.

Restriction: Anything that fits with AGS is fine.

Voting will start on Feb 24th.
And now: get to work and have fun :D



nice theme...working on something, but don't know if I'll make the deadline.

ps. All of you, grab your pen and draw something so I won't win by default if I submit a yellow square. ;-)


Don't worry, I've also been working on something. Probably coming out tomorrow or day after.


Our hero and heroine escape to a tropical island...and then their problems REALLY begin.


Quote from: oraxon on Thu 23/02/2012 08:44:51
Our hero and heroine escape to a tropical island...and then their problems REALLY begin.
nice  :)

Privateer Puddin'



I must chip in to say, I think "Paddleboats" is a hilarious.


Thanks gameboy! Sharp, classy map you painted there.
Thanks Misj', looking forward to yours!
:) Thanks Ali. Just saw your video from Adventure-X, your game's gonna rock.


Great entries so far. Is someone still working on something?


Quote from: nihilyst on Fri 24/02/2012 20:09:37
Great entries so far. Is someone still working on something?
Will be entring in a few minutes...

So here's my entry...I wanted to take a different take on the overview map than the other entries, so I decided on an actual map overview for the part of the story that would take place in the still fits within the rules :)

Background-story: a young scientist is stuck at a conference in a tropical resort and has to find a way to spend his time in an absolute non-science related manner without his professor - whom he told he was sick - catching up on him. Yes, it's a total rip of Ferris Bueller's day there's probably going to be a singing routine somewhere in the game...aloha doctor.

I decided to go for a hand-drawn on-a-budget cartoon some of the roughness is intentional. Some of it is due to lack of time (yeah, sorry about that). Also, the goal of the lighting was to create a mood and focus on the map rather than an accurate representation of physics or logic (who in their right mind would make an exotic hotel-lobby this dark?)

In-game the red dot would point to the player's current location, and the plant would be substituted for different objects depending on where you are (jukebox, hand-dryer, etc). And if I had a little more time I would have finished this rough animation of the character (my apologies for the file-size, my usual software had a weird glitch):


Oh no! Deadline is today?
I had hoped to use this as a good excuse to dig up and old project and start re-drawing the concept arts into actual game-useable maps, but I have no time until maybe sunday! :'(
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: WHAM on Fri 24/02/2012 20:43:41
Oh no! Deadline is today?
I had hoped to use this as a good excuse to dig up and old project and start re-drawing the concept arts into actual game-useable maps, but I have no time until maybe sunday! :'(

So then let's just extend the deadline until monday :D


Oh no! Now I have to throw something together. ::)


Quote from: nihilyst on Fri 24/02/2012 21:04:04
So then let's just extend the deadline until monday :D

That would be awesome! I hope it's not cheating if I use an old reference picture for the redraw?

I can post both the old picture (higher res and antialias) and the new one (pixellated AGS-appropriate look) for comparison too, if that's okay.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Hi everybody!

The more, the merrier.

Kinda crappy half-an-hour spill on the canvas, but there you go:

...and yeah now I realise it's not even a map, per se. Tried to do like a town center thing and forgot the assignment ten minutes in.

misj, gameboy and oraxon are my favourites so far.  :D

UPDATE: This next one took quite awhile. Couple of hours or so. Little bit different style.


Sorry, my MAGS project has taken all my time and I won't be able to do the picture in time if I want to get the game done. :(
Sorry guys!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


A map of an area within Catskill Mountains with the dreadful House Martense in the center.

Composition partially based on an incredibly charming picture of a real area (or so I read) within the mountain range.

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