Fortnightly Writing Competition: POVERTY (Deadline Feb 4)

Started by Baron, Sun 19/01/2025 03:59:30

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Greetings fellow writers and wordsmiths. This fortnight we shall grapple with the topic of...


Make of this topic what you will. It can be sad or hopeless, or comedic and senseless, or gruelling and inspirational. Acts of desperation, borne of poverty, make terrific dramatic fodder, resulting in triumph or tragedy. Will your daring MC beat the odds and escape the dire straits of their economic situation? Or will intergenerational trauma be passed down the ages indefinitely? Or will you take the high road, describing the nobility of the poor on their own terms, carving out a life using the only currency they have: honour, kindness, skill, cleverness, or sheer desperation?

Submissions are due Tuesday February 4, 2025, Hawaii Time. Do try to be timely, as extensions can be costly.  ;)

Good luck to all participants!

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