Coloring Ball: "Mirage" (Winner Announced)

Started by Krysis, Mon 19/08/2019 21:02:14

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<<  COLORING BALL: Mirage  >>

Imagine yourself stranded alone in the desert. You are burning, thirsty and alone... Then you see some shapes in the far distance... But what can it be?


Just pick a shape and color it as you see fit!

You may:

-color the outlines
-rotate the sprites 90°, 180° or 270°
-flip the sprites horizontally and/or vertically
-use animation
-submit multiple entries
-use as many colours as you want

The trophies:


The deadline:

Entries are accepted until September 11th.



Here's my entry.

It's meant to be a belly-dancer, but the serious thirst and heat stroke really effed up the mental image.


Someone left an ice-cold bottle of Heat Stroca-cola just lying out here in the sun!


Edit: And a Sahara Soaker! Cool!


Edit: And a fan! If only there were somewhere to plug it in.



Is that the Phantom Blot?


I'm sure there's water that way... seals live in water!


If there's a boy playing football there, then surely civilization is near!  8-0

There are those who believe that life here began out there...


A lifeguard! Now I know I'll be safe in the waters up ahead.




a cactus with a skull of the former visitor on it


Hey, awesome stuff, guys! Thank you for joining! Time to vote!
Please vote for your favorite three items in this format:

First: #
Second: #
Third: #


1)     2)     3)

4)     5)     6)

7)     8)     9)

You have a week to pick your favourites - until September 18!




There are those who believe that life here began out there...






Are u a tuna?


Sorry about the delay, guys. My life's pretty been hectic recently and I totally blanked out on the competition. My apologies.

Now to the funny part. I counted the votes, and the results are pretty close. In fact, almost every entry has the same amount of votes. So I guess everyone is a winner this time. Still, I have to pick someone to do the next Coloring ball.

And that person is: Cassiebsg! Congratulations!!!

Again, thank you everyone for being a part of this competition and for the awesome entries.


Me?  8-0 Thanks for the honor.
I'll see what I can up with... coming soon in an AGS forum near you...  :-D

EDIT: I've started a new competition here:
There are those who believe that life here began out there...



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