Coloring Ball: Unwanted visitor WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!

Started by Rocchinator, Sun 25/06/2017 21:00:37

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<< Coloring Ball: Unwanted visitor >>

A Little Introduction Story:

    “It`s a Stormy night, you are sleeping peacefully in your bed, but suddenly a loud noise wakes you up. You sit down immediately because the noise came from the inside of your room. Carefully you look around hoping there is no one there. When a lightning strikes outside the window and light for a second your room, you saw it right there in the corner, your heart its paralyzed, a freezing goosebump pass through your spine, that thing its terrifying you never see something like that... and now you are alone with it… in total darkness.”

Your Task: To Create a Monster, ghost, entity, animal etc... that you will not want to me meet your room in a dark stormy night (laugh) .It has to be as terrifiying, horrorous and mysterius as possible.

The Rules:
You can rotate, flip but NOT resize the shape.
You must color the shape outline according to your design.
You can animate your "thing" if you want.

All Entries must be in by Sunday 9th July, at which time voting will start, and winners will be announced the following week on Sunday 16th June

Trophy Awards:
The Winners are going to get one of this scared skulls :-D

Best of Luck to all the Contestants!


Tycho Magnetic Anomaly


Might as well do something while waiting for the current MAGS to finish and the next one to start. (laugh) So I'll give it a whirl.


Well, it didn't take long.


I call this the "Cyber Wyvern".  A tail that also has a toxin tank nearby to store the venom.  And a periscope that can also see in infrared and sonar, as well as other special visions... so most stealth tactics are out of the question.

In front are two jet engines to keep it aloft--they can also double in dropping incendiary weapons too!


@DBoyWheeler That some speed haha!. Good Entry my friend! Sure don't want to be with that poison Wyvern in the room :-D . He has quite an Arsenal.


Quote from: Rocchinator on Sun 25/06/2017 22:04:09
@DBoyWheeler That some speed haha!. Good Entry my friend! Sure don't want to be with that poison Wyvern in the room :-D . He has quite an Arsenal.

Thanks.  Man, if it weren't for the limitations of the shape boundaries, I'd have added more on this to make it even more horrific.

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

 a ah.. excellent job there DBoyWheeler and holy cow from your text this thing is not something you want to mess around with :D
top job dude!

I shall think of something myself and enter before the contest closes.


It lurks in the dark, waiting for unsuspecting capitalist pigs... once he finds your scent, you won't be able to escape from the ghost of the communist threat!
It will take all your possessions and distribute them equally, giving power back to the proletariat... fighting against das kapital!




HAHAHAHA! Amazin Entry @CaesarCub You made my day with that nightMARXare creature.
Just Excellent! Well Done.


Wow, awsome entry, Caesarcub!
I had a similar idea but you beat me to it.(roll)


Thanks everyone.

Quote from: Blondbraid on Mon 26/06/2017 18:18:08
Wow, awsome entry, Caesarcub!
I had a similar idea but you beat me to it.(roll)

Good to know I wasn't the only one seeing a hammer and a sickle XD


In free America, you color a shape.
In Soviet Russia, shape colors YOU!


Wow CaeserCub, I know you're good, but, WOW!

You sure have left your Marx on this contest!


Conspiracy Theory Alert:

I believe Pilchard and CaeserCub are actually conjoined twins!


Quote from: Mandle on Wed 28/06/2017 03:57:27
Conspiracy Theory Alert:

I believe Pilchard and CaeserCub are actually conjoined twins!

You can tell we are different people, he is actually making games.



Whoa, Nixxon, I sure as hell wouldn't want to encounter THAT!!! 8-0


Amazing! Nixxon you always deliver good stuff! solid art. good job!

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

wow more cool entries by CaesarCub and Nixxon 

also I do believe that's the first pixel art Ive seen from you Nixxon  .. hehe  awesome!

i have an idea for mine, just not started it yet.



I couldn't believe my eyes and had to rub them at least twice to really believe what landed on the foot end of my bed at around midnight and was just sitting there and watching me 8-0

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