MAGS 2008-04: Love Is In The Air

Started by Klaus, Mon 31/03/2008 23:06:29

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What is MAGS?
MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to use AGS to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner.

For more information please visit the Official MAGS website.

Why should I enter MAGS?
We're not here to tell you that you should enter MAGS, but merely allow it as a creative opportunity to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and generally as a good kick-start for the new comers (a.k.a n00bies).

MAGS is the perfect opportunity to make a game, and the wonderful prize is to announce the next month's rules, and all competitors get the game placed on the MAGS website.

MAGS is meant to be fun and is aimed at everyone, despite their skill. If you have poor art skills work on graphics, and vice-versa, as the voting is based on "favourite" games, and not the most artistic, you may get help for the competiton, but should try not get anyone else to do any part of the game for you.

You are not allowed to (re)use material already created before this competition, you game must be completely new! An exception goes for sounds and music where you can also use free material that is available to the public.

Please do not just enter the competition with a rushed entry (a game created in just some hours or a few days)!


This month's guidelines are set by last month's winner TwinMoon:

Topic: Love Is In The Air

It's springtime! The season of rejuvenation - trees start to blossom and the world awakens after its wintery sleep.
It's also the season where it's getting warmer: girls start wearing short skirts again and guys start wearing tight t-shirts again.

Which brings me to the following rules:
1. The main character in your game must fall in love.
2. There must be a ladybug in your game. (It doesn't have to be any part of the story or a puzzle, just put one or more in there somewhere. And since I like ladybugs, it's not allowed to let the player kill any).

Your game should include at least two things from the following list:
- a valentine card arriving too late
- blossom (in a tree, in someone's hair, in your inventory, use your imagination!)
- a bird's nest with an egg in it
- a common snowdrop (flower)
- a poem or some lines of poetry being read out loud
- an inventory item having something to do with Romeo & Juliet (a DVD, a book, a costume for Romeo)

(By the way, it's National Poetry Month in America in April, you might do something with that.)

Make sure you have a good obstacle which prevents the lovers from being together; like a protective dad, the girl playing hard to get or a canal which prevents the lovers from reaching each other.


All games need to be in by April 25th.

Please post a download link of your game entry to this thread, best with a screenshot. Thanks and good luck.


Wait, that means in order to enter this month, I would need the ability to feel and emulate an emotion akin to... "love".



You don't have to, your main character has to!

I thought this might force people to write something with a little bit of emotional depth,
but there doesn't seem to be much interest in it so far.


Sounds like fun, I was already planning on entering a MAGS soon, so this would be a good time to attempt on making a better game than a few years ago.  But I won't promise I'll be in this one, I'll just starting thinking of a story! :)


hmmmmm..... i might give it a go...
although i thought last months mags comp (w.i.p) was going to be good to me
i never got it finished!!!
just have to wait and see this month!  ;D
Nagania Games - Work on my first ever game, Sketch, has begun!  Check out my website,


Pointless post.


Yes, monthly in this context means that it is arranged every month. The five days is needed for voting and to give voters (anybody) a chance to finish each game (and to give the winner some time to consider next months rules). Technically you are right. There is less than a month time to make a game. But then again, a game finished in 25 days is done in one month :)


Quote from: zabnat on Tue 08/04/2008 14:55:46
Yes, monthly in this context means that it is arranged every month. The five days is needed for voting and to give voters (anybody) a chance to finish each game (and to give the winner some time to consider next months rules). Technically you are right. There is less than a month time to make a game. But then again, a game finished in 25 days is done in one month :)

I've already basically as good as removed my post you're talking about for similar reasons as you have mentioned anyway.

Brad Newsom

Out of nowhere, this comp tickled my fancy. Its been a year since I last came here, and hopefully I can bare a feast of goodies.




Hey, April 25 is my birthday! This is gonna be the best b-day EVER. Make something good for me!

Naw, you don't have to, silly. ::)

Too bad I've never used the program yet, otherwise I'd try this out. I had a great idea, too...

Brad Newsom

Ah crap, im out. This mouse bug in AGS is crippling me from testing my own product. :( Damn it. Had it all planned out too. Oh well, hopefully we can get some other entries. Good luck to you all.


Too bad, Kadji-san! That teaser really tickled my fancy  :=

Anybody else silently working on a mags game?


A Walk in The Park
By: Dreamed Up Games
A Shonen-Ai Guy Game

Hey, this is my first game, so I don't expect to win, LOL. Then again, maybe no one else will enter, and I'll win by default!
Now updated to include SETUP.
*Warning this game contains 'Shonen-Ai' and Homo-Erotic themes...*
*If you are offended by such material please don't download. The author of said content can be found on this forum. *

P.S. Thanks Ben and InCreator for doing 1st line beta-ing. I've updated based on your suggestions. Peace.


Quote from: ShonenAiGuy on Sat 19/04/2008 02:45:19

*Warning this game contains 'Shonen-Ai' and Homo-Erotic themes...* --
Darn! You beat me to it! Oh well..



Hey Vertigo! Don't let that stop you... Hahaha, the world needs more gay games! lol. ;D


oh boy... your game gives an error ShonenAiGuy. It says it can't display the game on 320x240 because my graphics card doesn't support pixel shader 1.4. Please include a setup file so I can adjust the graphics filter.

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Buckethead - just run a shortcut of the game's exe with the added --setup argument.

SAGuy - what IS shonen-ai?
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


It's just...
Boy Love

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Oh. Then Shonen-Ai and Homo-Erotic is a bit redundant, ayuh?

Nevertheless, I am enlightened. Thanks!
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


Nice game! And so soon before the deadline; that must be a record...
The use of the ladybug made me laugh! Good rulebending!

Quote from: ShonenAiGuy on Sat 19/04/2008 02:45:19
*Warning this game contains 'Shonen-Ai' and Homo-Erotic themes...*
*If you are offended by such material please don't download. The author of said content can be found on this forum. *

Funny, the most explicit image is right above this warning ;)
IMHO this warning is unnecessary, if people get offended they can just stop playing.

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