Background Blitz - Troll's Lair (WINNER!)

Started by Sughly, Sat 21/08/2010 02:14:19

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Idea - Kelma
Design- Mad
Technique- loom
Functionality- loom
I don't want the world, I just want your half



Idea - Kelma
Design - loominous
Technique - loominous
Functionality - Mad

Outstanding entries, everyone=)


Idea: Kelma Does the troll wait for a truckload of goats? :D

Design: Loominous I simply love the silly use of signs :) Apart from that the composition is great as always

Technique: Loominous I just wonder if that technique could ever create crisp images...

Functionality: Mad I would go for Loominous as well, but it's way to blurry for a real game. Mad's entry also has an easy viewpoint, so a character's sprite would fit in nicely.


I feel like I've left this going on a bit, and I was going to leave it a little longer to give Mad the benefit of the doubt that other voters could help his tight race but since I'm lame and have no trophies to give out I'll just call the winner...

1st - loominous with 12 overall votes!
2nd - Mad with 10 votes
3rd - Kelma with 6
and 4th - abstauber with 4.

Glad to see everyone with a good share of love - you all did awesome, so congrats! Thanks for not leaving my first comp empty :D
In all honesty I wanted to vote but couldn't split them for different reasons, so thanks again guys. And sorry for the trophies - I don't know pixel art :(


Quote from: abstauber on Tue 07/09/2010 07:43:24
I would go for Loominous as well, but it's way to blurry for a real game.

I tend to get a lot of comments of this kind, and I'd appreciate it if these weren't stated as facts, especially since they're often given by people with dubious credibility in hi-res art.

Express doubts by all means, but stating that something isn't viable as a background or sprite is a bold claim, unless you're intimately familiar with the technique in question.


That said, nice entries all around, and I'll have the next round up shortly.
Looking for a writer


Quote from: loominous on Wed 08/09/2010 11:09:35
I tend to get a lot of comments of this kind, and I'd appreciate it if these weren't stated as facts, especially since they're often given by people with dubious credibility in hi-res art.

Express doubts by all means, but stating that something isn't viable as a background or sprite is a bold claim, unless you're intimately familiar with the technique in question.
Well I think viablity is not the case, it's more of practicality, I mean indie production wise, are there any games with these kind of backgrounds or sprites? (far from the fact that that would be great)
I don't want the world, I just want your half


QuoteExpress doubts by all means, but stating that something isn't viable as a background or sprite is a bold claim...

Now that I re-read my statement it might sound a bit too harsh. But still, even though I don't have half your talent, I definitely can compare your work to other talented artists.

That being said, congrats to your well deserved win :)


Quote from: loominous on Wed 08/09/2010 11:09:35
Express doubts by all means, but stating that something isn't viable as a background or sprite is a bold claim, unless you're intimately familiar with the technique in question.

You know, the best way to prove your point would be to create a game with this technique  ;)

Pretty please?

Oh, and a deserved win, the other entries were also of high quality...

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