MAGS August "The Bible" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Tue 01/08/2017 00:26:33

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What is your favourite game for MAGS August?

Noah's Quest by Slasher
1 (8.3%)
The Last Supper, A Whodunnit by Mandle
2 (16.7%)
10 Ways From Sunday by HanaIndiana
9 (75%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: Fri 15/09/2017 03:34:20


The voting is over and the winner is.....

10 Ways From Sunday by HanaIndiana

Well done Hana. You'll be contacted soon about coming up with a theme for October's MAGS.

Noah's Quest by Slasher
The Last Supper, A Whodunnit by Mandle
10 Ways From Sunday by HanaIndiana

Click on the game title to download.


Please vote using the poll above.

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite
* don't forget to leave a comment and rating on the AGS games database

Voting Ends: September 14th


Topic: The Bible
This month's guidelines were set by xBranex and Tycho

Make a game where:
The story relates in some way to the bible parables or characters.

Whether you want to make a game where Jesus needs to teach the aliens that have just invaded the earth or you want to make a sci fi story that flips the parable of the prodigal son or you want to keep to the book and make a point and click of Moses adventure is all up to you.

Theme inspired by Dostoyevsky's The Great Inquisitor, The Idiot, classical music, and the movies and pictures shown above.

I've always been intrigued and I've loved art that's bible inspired. It's probably the most used source in art ever and I feel that there is shortage of pnc games that's using it
too. Let's change that!

What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.
Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play



Well, now that is hard topic for me as non bible reader. I mean, i raised with quran and only read a little of the bible.

But this is not a religious theme, it seems. It is interesting. If you did this with quran probably it cant be that open topic. I mean you cant show mohamed and also you cant make anything funny, if you do probably I wouldnt be able to access this website anymore(they will block it in turkey(even wikipedia is blocked in turkey)).

I mean, i wish there is nobody sensitive about bible so people can do what they want.


Quote from: horusr on Tue 01/08/2017 06:36:20
Well, now that is hard topic for me as non bible reader. I mean, i raised with quran and only read a little of the bible.

But this is not a religious theme, it seems. It is interesting. If you did this with quran probably it cant be that open topic. I mean you cant show mohamed and also you cant make anything funny, if you do probably I wouldnt be able to access this website anymore(they will block it in turkey(even wikipedia is blocked in turkey)).

I mean, i wish there is nobody sensitive about bible so people can do what they want.

This came up on IRC as well. For a Quran reader, I suggested referencing characters/stories that appear in both. e.g. Suleiman, Ishmael, Dawud, Abraham & Sarai, Lot. Also, I'm not the topic creator, but how much you incorporate the Bible seems really open-ended to me.

Regarding sensitivity around the Bible, I don't think it's anywhere near that of the Quran. There is open satire of the Bible in popular culture (Life of Brian). You should be fine with anything that can be taken lightheartedly.

Anyway, I think this topic is really interesting and I look forward to seeing what people do with it!


As what Gurok mentioned:
QuoteRegarding sensitivity around the Bible, I don't think it's anywhere near that of the Quran. There is open satire of the Bible in popular culture (Life of Brian). You should be fine with anything that can be taken lightheartedly.

Blasphemy can be a sin in any religion..

Take 'Life of Brian'... It was very funny to most western viewers but did result in controversy, yet was still released.

These days the world has changed and most people now see this type of 'biblical deviance' acceptable if it is produced as a lighthearted jest that should not to be taken seriously. To some people though it is still a cardinal sin...

Anything that goes against any bible scriptures/stories will lose a minority of people... though these days it tends to be a very small minority.

Regarding games: I think that most people who play games are more prong in accepting any biblical references as pure fantasy and will play the game just for the fun of it, maybe intrigued by it...

Simple label, something like: 'A comic view of the bible' should suffice to cover the games contents and to allow the player to decide if they want to play the game of not...

All in all the bible is a fascinating read and study and there are many many aspects that can be chosen as a subject.

I myself am a Christian and I do have a very good sense of humor....I love parodies in any form.

Take it or leave it I think this months MAG is so rich with content and interpretation that I may just enter (nod)

'Jesus wants me for a sunbeam...' (laugh)


Quote from: horusr on Tue 01/08/2017 06:36:20
Well, now that is hard topic for me as non bible reader. I mean, i raised with quran and only read a little of the bible.

But this is not a religious theme, it seems. It is interesting. If you did this with quran probably it cant be that open topic. I mean you cant show mohamed and also you cant make anything funny, if you do probably I wouldnt be able to access this website anymore(they will block it in turkey(even wikipedia is blocked in turkey)).

I mean, i wish there is nobody sensitive about bible so people can do what they want.
No need to have a thin skin on behalf of the Christian religion - it's robust enough! If dealing with the Bible directly makes you uncomfortable, think about a parable like "The Good Samaritan" or something similar...
Life is a puzzle, a quest and an adventure


Dealing with bible doesnt make me uncomfortable at all. Just, I don't know it well and my family took my bible from me with force :D so couŠŸdnt read it that time.

And as an atheist, i think i cant make an serious story out of bible because I dont think about it serious enough as christians(and they teach how wrong and absurd bible is when you get religion education as a kid), just some parodies and thinking about disturbed christians makes me uncomfprtable. But it is good to see how open christians are!


There's so much source material in the good book that there should be no excuses :P

I mean, if it were me, and I wasn't sure how to adapt something specific from the bible into a game, then I would have a Dan Brownish story about a guy who happens to find an ancient copy of the book with a previously unseen page that proves it is all fiction (or fact) and has lots of people trying to steal it from him. Or a Hannibalesque mystery about a serial killer whose murders are all themed around a particular bible passage.

The possibilities are endless, as proven by the fact that most modern western fiction is choc full of biblical references anyway, without having MAGS guidelines.

Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play


Come on Stu.... give us a game as I think your idea is ab fab (laugh)


Quote from: Slasher on Tue 01/08/2017 10:29:20
Come on Stu.... give us a game as I think your idea is ab fab (laugh)
I'd love to, man but no time :-(
Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play


So many possibilities with this theme that you could re-run it every month for 10 years and still have plenty of options.

I don't really know if I'm going to have time this month but we'll see...

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

Good luck to all. I have to give credit to Brane on the religion idea even though I don't partake in religion myself, its bound to generate some interesting entries... I hope you all keep it lighthearted though ;D
I was struggling with a "Who Done It" theme, but quickly realized the mechanics of which might be a bit too ambitious to produce in just one month.

Also I am a tad confused about the voting. I know other contests the host dose not vote, but I noticed stu and the previous theme setters vote, so can I assume Brane and myself can vote for this contest when all the entries are in?

EDIT: PLEASE PLEASE Someone do Noah's Arc! :D


I'm so glad that there are so many ideas already. I also love it that people from all sorts of backgrounds and beliefs are finding the topic interesting. I hope for a great MAGS

And I'm voting no matter what, Tycho! I don't see why not


TMA, of course you can vote. Everyone in this forum is entitled to vote. (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Tue 01/08/2017 12:07:11
EDIT: PLEASE PLEASE Someone do Noah's Arc! :D
There's already a first person shooter, so why not.
I won't do it, though.

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

"Super" Noah..    now we`re talking ;)

(Its got some bad language, so don't watch it if your sensitive)


Man Interesting topic sadly I'm not very good in scripting or coding :( . But I can help with story or graphics :smiley:


Wish I could participate, but I've recently started training for my new job.

Still, I could see a possible game featuring one of the Old Testament prophets (like, say, Elijah).


This theme gives me the heebie jeebies.

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