Photoshop Phr--Monday 22nd - 28th May

Started by magintz, Mon 24/05/2004 12:50:15

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Oops, I didn't realise I had won.... weee yay me to the extreme!!!111two


What is a Photoshop Phriday?

Photoshopping isn't drawing a completely new image -- It's editing images to create a new image, such as editing one image or combining several images.

Also, you don't have to specifically use Photoshop -- Paint Shop Pro, MSPaint, or any other programs can be used.

See this link:

And for other examples, see here:

The two above websites should give a fair idea of what is involved.

Also, make sure your image doesn't exceed the width of the screen -- If you don't may your bodily odour smell vaguely of waffles from this day forth.


This week's theme is: "I choose you..."

With the release of Pokémon Colleseum last week here, and the amount of time i've spent playing on it I want you to photoshop an AGS character or AGS member into the world of Pokémon;this can be a pokemon, pokemon trainer, pokémon battle/scene or anything pokemon related, try to come up witha cool name as well.

Check my avatar for an example.
When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.

Nine Toes

Watch, I just killed this topic...


My first ever Photoshop Phriday ... :D

Its Dragon Rose and DGMacphee :P (at least I hope it is, unless I missed something in the Post Ure Pic here thread :P)

Femme Stab Mode >:D


Dave Gilbert

I know next to nothing about Pokemon, but I know enough to find this amusing.

The original pic was kind of fuzzy, so I blurred out Sam & Max's heads to compensate.


Ooh I forgot to give mine cool names... How about Brockphee and Risty



I decided to make my own.  So using OsUltimo's bluecup image and the Chris Jones image from the Post Your Picture thread, I concocted this:


I then realized that this was incredibly bad.  Then I realized that this was for a cartoon, so I made this:

I dub thee, CJMon!

As you can see, I have created a little jingle for the AGS-mon.  Do not steal or I will sue.

EDIT: May 31st
I guess I killed Magnitz... 
I fail at art.


I'll PM Magintz, If he doesn't pick in the next day or so, I'll choose a winner.

Matt Frith

umm..... errr..... sorry guyys...

i guess Mr Hyde wins :)


Yep, mr Hyde will have this one.

Carry on, mr Hyde :)

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