sprite jam 26.7- 1.8.

Started by viktor, Tue 26/07/2005 14:36:01

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What a loser.

Does this end the 1st of August?


Quote from: Alias on Sat 30/07/2005 15:15:55
Does this end the 1st of August?
yes. There are still a bit less then 2 days if anyone wishes to compete....
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Didn't turn out well, but it was fun...

Donatello from TMNT

What a loser.

Wow, thats amazing, I love it. PErsonally I think this one will win.  ;)


Quick, pretty boring last minute entry:


Edit: Obeying the somewhat strict rule, 'tis Batman.
Looking for a writer

Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Awe-inspiring neon sign, that.
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


well it's that time again. Time to declrae the winner.
This time was werry dificult. There were a lot of entryes and all of them were briliant.

I was stuck betwen Alias, Ali, Arboris and Pixelcat.
But since I said that older is better, I have to say that Ali is the winner. The Betty Boop sprite is fantastic. I remember the scene from who framed roger rabbit. "Work's been kind of slow since cartoons went to color. But I still got it !"  And she just prooved that she still has it  ;)

Thank you all for participating. All the sprites were great and I hope that the next jam will be this good to.
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I don't really feel worthy of winning, there were so many excellent entries! Thanks very much, I'll post a new (probably less good) topic soon.

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