Ongoing Comic

Started by esper, Fri 09/09/2005 07:32:18

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Welcome to the ONGOING COMIC COMPETITION, where multiple artists will advance a comic book story one frame at a time. The rules are as follows:


Ã,  Ã, ---No going non-sequitur (off topic) unless it progresses the story in a logical manner.
Ã,  Ã, ---Make your work exist in a 640 X 480 frame. If you need to show action, you can use multiple frames, but they all must fit within a 640X480 space.
Ã,  Ã, ---If you want the next frame, post a space holding message. Once the frame has been drawn, edit the post to reflect the newly drawn frame. After twelve hours have passed with the person who claimed the space not posting anything, someone else can take the post.
Ã,  Ã, ---In a fourteen-point Comic Sans font in the bottom left hand corner of the frame, insert a sequential frame number (the first being 1).
Ã,  Ã, ---To keep with ease of reading, uniformity, and legibility, use Comic Sans font at any legible point size that befits your frame. For "Bangs" and "Booms" and such things, feel free to draw it yourself, but only if style calls for it (that type of thing wouldn't be found in, for example, a survival horror type of comic, but would abound in a superhero story).
Ã,  Ã, ---You must wait at least 5 frames before posting a new frame, to ensure that everyone gets a chance to participate.
Ã,  Ã, ---The story will be indefinite. This does not mean that certain storylines will not end, but the main story should be kept going.
Ã,  Ã, ---Stay uniform. As nice as nonconformity is, it makes it difficult for readers to enjoy our work. If in one scene the main character is wearing a red shirt, do not change him into a blue shirt randomly in the middle of that scene in which said clothing change would be completely illogical. While we all may have different art styles, it does not mean that just because it is part of our "style" we should feel free to give the main character spiky anime hair and an eyepatch when he has never had these in prior frames...
Ã,  Ã, ---Have fun!!!

The selected topic is going to be simple: ___<insert random number here>___ guys are on a trip around the world. The purpose of this trip, and even the world in question, is entirely up to the authors and artists who contribute. If the opening scene turns out to be in a medieval world, it very concievably could turn out just to be part of a movie the characters are making to finance their trip, or they could be travelling through time as well! Anything goes, as long as you stay in the boundaries of the rules. If at one point in time you want to have everything that has happened so far be a dream, go for it, as long as you can do so and still have everything that has happened up to that point be pertinent.

The first place is being held for Eggie, but he was volunteered, so if he doesn't post within twelve hours, anyone can feel free to take the first frame. Just follow the placeholding rules mentioned above!

Who's on board as of now: Esper, Tuomas, Eggie, Pablo, Zor, Mozesh, Gilbot, Guybrush Peepwood, YakSpit, and maybe ScummBuddy (he never actually SAID if he was on or not, just gave a foundational idea...). Anyone else is free to join in as long as they follow the rules posted.
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EDIT: Note to self. Type stuff into Google before typing...nouns.

Okay. You know what, screw this. I can do better. Just give me a few hours and I'll try and come up with something that will get this off to a good start.

Besides...I forgot the page numnber.


So thats what she did after Calvin and her grew up!

By the way, they're not called the Inland Revenue anymore. It's now Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.


dangit, Eggie! I just finished page 2!  :(


bluke: you need to post a placeholder, or someone else is going to post your frame before you anyway.
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I was kind of banking no-one would done a page 2 yet...but...

Oh well, we'll just stay with this. I'll go add the page number now...

Paper Carnival

Wait, I'm confused... Does Blake have the placeholder now?


he hasn't claimed it. Chances are, after Eggie said he was scrapping the first page, Bluke scrapped his.
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Yes, I claim this placeholder for number 2.


I assumed we were going one frame at a time? One page at a time seems sort of awkward.

Paper Carnival

Quote from: Al_Ninio on Sat 10/09/2005 14:35:20
I assumed we were going one frame at a time? One page at a time seems sort of awkward.

It's one big frame, but we can put as many parts in it as we like, as long as it keeps the 640*480 size


however, the standard was kind of to keep only to one idea or action in the course of the one frame. It is a bit hard to progress a story at that slow a pace, so frames like Eggie's will be accepted: roughly what you might find in a half or quarter page of a comic book. Try to keep it down, though, so everyone has a part in shaping the story as it goes.
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Vince Twelve

In the interest of helping what I think is a good idea, here are the rules again with emphasis added to the important comic-structure-related rules:

   ---No going non-sequitur (off topic) unless it progresses the story in a logical manner.
   ---Make your work exist in a 640 X 480 frame. If you need to show action, you can use multiple frames, but they all must fit within a 640X480 space.
   ---If you want the next frame, post a space holding message. Once the frame has been drawn, edit the post to reflect the newly drawn frame. After twelve hours have passed with the person who claimed the space not posting anything, someone else can take the post.
   ---In a fourteen-point Comic Sans font in the bottom left hand corner of the frame, insert a sequential frame number (the first being 1).
   ---To keep with ease of reading, uniformity, and legibility, use Comic Sans font at any legible point size that befits your frame. For "Bangs" and "Booms" and such things, feel free to draw it yourself, but only if style calls for it (that type of thing wouldn't be found in, for example, a survival horror type of comic, but would abound in a superhero story).
   ---You must wait at least 5 frames before posting a new frame, to ensure that everyone gets a chance to participate.
   ---The story will be indefinite. This does not mean that certain storylines will not end, but the main story should be kept going.
   ---Stay uniform. As nice as nonconformity is, it makes it difficult for readers to enjoy our work. If in one scene the main character is wearing a red shirt, do not change him into a blue shirt randomly in the middle of that scene in which said clothing change would be completely illogical. While we all may have different art styles, it does not mean that just because it is part of our "style" we should feel free to give the main character spiky anime hair and an eyepatch when he has never had these in prior frames...

And here is a rule abiding version of Bluke's page 2:

And finally, page 3:


Sorry for the blurriness - entirely operator error.  Always save a backup.  Argh.

(Edited for horizontal compliance, but more difficult to read given that I erased the "Meanwhile" box in the middle.  Two scenes, same time.)


Oops. I missed a couple of rules :-[. Thanks Vince Twelve.


Because no one has posted for so long (I think it's because this is kind of hard to follow :( ) I will hold my place in line for the next frame.... But it might take me longer than twelve hours (it'll be twenty-four, actually, since I'm at work and didn't bring my tablet, and I don't have internet at home).
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Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

Esper - don't worry about people not posting for long. :) Take a look at the ASCII comp, or the MSPaint comp. People will enter in their own time, I'm sure.
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


esper didn't write anything...
So, I claim the next frame.
You know what they say... no... wait... you don't. What a shame.


Actually, I said I would post in 24 hours, and that was only two hours ago... But I'm glad someone else wants to get this thing moving, so go ahead. I wanna sit back and see what's happening. I am a bit confused so far...
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