Background Blitz (April 02 - April 15)

Started by nihilyst, Mon 02/04/2007 02:15:49

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no offence jburger, the image looks great. but it could be any northern area, not much of a wonderland in the form of what the contest rules ask for

i go for Neil Dnuma to win on all accounts


I agree, all goes to Neil Dnuma.

Although, TheJBurger, that is fantastic, it doesn't have the individuality. I really wish I could draw that well though!

Captain Lexington

All to the BurgerMeister!

I don't what it is, JBurger, but I love every one of your drawings. It's like they speak to me. I think that place is a Wonderland, I'd love to be any place that beautiful.

Daniel Thomas

Idea: Cat
Atmosphere: TheJBurger
Design: Neil Dnuma
Composition: TheJBurger
Functionality: Mr. Buckéthead - although im not that fond with that you didnt do your own models :)

And just want to say this, Im not accusing or talk to any partical. But is it really that easy that all votes go to one background? Yes, TheJburger have done a very goodlooking background, but is it really that functional? same with neil Dnuma, awesome looking background, but does it really have the funtionality of an adventure-game background? Do they have as good walkareas and clear entrance and exits, can you imagine playing on it? I know this isnt that serious competition and "just" for fun, but I think some of the backgrounds doesnt get the credits they deserv. Even if they dont have the visual appeal, they can still be damn functional and have great ideas. Once again, not saying you are voring wrong or anything, but maybe there is worth put a second thought when voting.
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Idea: cat
Atmosphere: TheJBurger
Composition: Mr.Buckéthead
Functionality: Mr.Buckéthead
Technique: Neil Dnuma



i thnk dnuma's piece has a very good rowable area. i have the same thing to say about bucketheads piece as i did for jburger. it doesnt have any "wonder" to it. just looks like some japonese or chinese garden. Orator. why not goto a place like greenland im sure you would find scenery just like that.

the rules should have been read better. i dont see any waterfalls flowing upwards or giant flying whales in either of those pieces to put the real wonder in them

Captain Lexington

I consider JBurger's entry to be a wonderland like a scene from Lord of the Rings. It's got huge sweeping angles that are just jaw-droppingly beautiful. It doesn't have to be fantastical, just something that could be called wonderful. And I hear great things about Greenland.

Neil Dnuma's is somewhat less epic, but a background I'd be more than proud of.

And you know what? You're right. Mr Dnuma's background is more functional. If at all possible, I'd like to change my functionality vote in favor of  Mr Dnuma.


I just did a quick count and came up with 21 votes for neil and 13 for jburger, so unless we're waiting for nihylist to return or a moderator, I suppose we could just continue to the next round. Nice entries btw.
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Speaking of nihilyst ... here I am back again. I think the voting clearly indicates our new winner: Neil Dnuma. Congratulations for your background: it's simple and effective. The other backgrounds were good as well. Perhaps you will win next time ...

Neil is next.

Neil Dnuma

Cool, thanks for the votes!

I'll start a new one soon.

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