Sprite Jam from now until 2003-10-23... Flags & stuff!

Started by Anym, Fri 17/10/2003 10:35:25

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Draw a charcter waving a flag, carrying a banner, bearing a standard, holding a pennant or somethig along those lines (I think you got the idea). The Flag can be of anyhting from your favourite baseball team, to the Kingdom of Daventry, to the Evil Empire of old.

1. No more than 14400 pixels (in any aspect ratio you want, be it 192x75, 160x190, 120x120, 150x96, 180x80 whatever).
2. No more than 256 colors.
3. Anymation... err... Animation optional.

(I hope it isn't too restrictive and there will be many entries, so don't disappoint me.)

For example, this fellow is 100x144 pixels in 7+1 glorious colors, with no animation whatsoever.

(no offence intended)
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.

Darth Mandarb

A soldier of the American Revolution ...

note: I know there aren't the right amount of stripes ... when I used the correct 13 stripes it looked too thin and stringy.


Here it is. In all its 13 color 100x140 rsolution glory!
(He's carrying a banner!!5!)


My entry:

And since I know most of you can't see that very well, here it is zoomed in:

Note: the zoomed in picture is not my entry. If it was, it'd have too many pixels. The incredibly small one is the entry.

8 colors.


"Damn! It sure is windy here on the *ahem* moon."


Yeh! , nice one ali! , sorry but that is really gd, nd soo is darth's, and blukes , nd hadda's.   yey pron


i just noticed that 160x190 won't give you 14400 pixels.  perhaps you meant 160x90?  

hope i can still fix my sprite.

yes i can

"Fool! Don't make yourself small!"

I like having low self-esteem.  It makes me feel special.


Whoops! Sorry, my bad.

The sprite jam is now over, and if I understood it correctly I get to pick a winner...

Hmmmm, hard choice, but I think I'll go with Ali's man on the moon. I think it's your turn to start a new sprite jam now.

Congratulations to you, Ali, and thanks to all that participated. At the beginnig I was a bit worried that 14400 might be too small/restrictive, but now I'm happy with the way it turned out.
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.

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