Puzzletime: 22nd-30th May.

Started by Eggie, Sat 22/05/2004 19:39:52

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Well. According to the PM I just recieved I won the Puzzletime competition!

Rules: Every week a post will be made with a list of items and a scenario. Using your wit, skill and lack of mental health; find a way to complete the scenario with the items provided. You can only use a set number of items of your own choice. When I say use your skill, use it. For example: you have a boulder and a reinforced window. I advise not using Pick Up boulder chuck through window. Think of something adventuresque to use
Voting: After the week voting shall commence!
What If I win?: The winner chooses the next scenario and list of items.

Okay, I'm going to give this one multiple rooms...for added...um...complexity...
Consider this: Your house is surrounded from all sides by an army of undead fast food workers you want in to your house. You have access to a front hallway, living room, a kitchen, a bathrom, your bedroom and a cellar, you also have a front garden but...what with the zombies and all you probably don't want to go there...
You need to find some way to stop the zombie hordes from being a threat, by either escaping unknown, getting them to go away, zombie-proofing your house or even going out there androyally whooping the rotten, mangled arses of those reanimated mofos...So long as you do it in an intelligent...adventure gamey kinda way..


Front door

Bedside table

Bath and shower
Rubber ducky

Living Room:
Remote control

Bottle of ketchup
Mouldy bread


You can come up with up to three new items of your choice and put them anywhere.

There's no rule that says you have to use all these objects or even all the rooms, make your soloution as simple or complicated as you want.

Have fun.


what items are in the garden?


Zombies. Lots and lots of zombies. Obscuring everything.



- You start at cellar, but you can't do anything yet, unless going to a thin ray of light coming from
the semi-closed door; that ray of lightv also lets you see the bulb lamp;
- you go there, open door and are at hallway, where door is locked, so you can't go outside yet;
- doormat has a bump, but nothing is below it;
- you may try the phone, but it is mute (for now);
(Spell; ingredients must be added in this order in a caoutchu container: hot water; rotten tomato; rotten corn; solution must be agitated);

after watching TV:
- phone won't work at first: must dial a second time;
- must answer a question connected to the show, to get for free one of three spells (two are red herrings, as they're already not available - and game ends here): open locked doors; against black zombies; against white zombies.
(as the game was progressing, you were aware by a few obscure hints what kind of zombies were out there);

Living room:
- window is rusty shut, can't be open;
- get remote control, but no batteries on it, either;
- can turn tv on, but no way: the aerial is OUTSIDE - and it is broken;
- get magazine, and when looking at it, read about a Twilight Zone reposition coming today;
- look at plant to know what plant it is; try to get it, but no way - yet: "What do you need it for?"
- can use sofa to rest, but when you do so, a warning: "you'll fall asleep and won't be at your
grilfriend's birhtday! And it's tonight!"

- Cupboard is rusty; try open it three times till you can open it and find ketchup;
- open ketchup; it stinks, it's rotten;
- open fridge, then freezer inside, for a piece of mouldy bread;

- lamp is useless;
- cupboard is locked;
- bedside table has just unuseless items;
- bed: same warning as with sofa;
- under bed: lamp lost there a few time ago;

- Cellar:
- lawnmoyer has a piece of wire difficult to see 'cause it's almost the color of the machine, and
  an electric accumulator/battery inside a panel;
- shovel in a corner;
- the cellar's ground colour is uniform, except for a little bit with a different color; if being dug, it will appear a big quantity of comic, items, and related or not with the game; when, after getting them and stop digging, they'll be erased from player's inventory (all at once or one by one), with eg "You don't need any of this stuff to finish this game".


Items added:
electric accumulator/battery;

- Get out from cellar thru almost closed door;
- go to kitchen;
- get rotten ketchup from cupboard;
- get mouldy bread from freezer (inside fridge);
- look at bread to know it was made of corn;
- go to living room;
- get remote control;
- go to bathroom;
- search bath to find hidden rubber duck;
- look at it to know it's made of caoutchu and it has an opening;
- go to cellar;
- use lamp with lamb bulb;
- get shovel;
- open lawnmoyer to get electric battery;
- get wire laying on lawnmoyer;
- open panel to get battery;
- look at remote to know its voltage;
- set battery to remote's voltage;
- if you use battery with remote control it will zap this one: restart or reload;
- get shovel;
- if you dig, well, good luck...;
- go to living room;
- if you use remote control now, well, restart or reload: it was the door's remote control, not the tv one: zombies have just turned you into one of 'em;
- use wire with tv;
- turn tv on;
- watch Twilight Zone and at then learn there's a number to call to win a prize, if you answer a question correctly; the tv then zaps and twinks, and becomes dead;
- look at magazine again to learn that number;
- dial number twice;
- answer correctly;
- choose right spell: white zombies (you've meanwhile learnt the black ones just come at night);
- making the spell:
  - use rubber duck with hot water on bath;
  - use ketchup with duck;
  - use bread with duck;
  - use battery (set at max voltage) with duck;
- go to hallway;
- use battery with remote (set at correct voltage, or then, ZAAAPP!
- use remote with door;
- throw rubber to opening;
- close door with remote;
- open door again with remote: zombies were defeated, had gone.

The End.
Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. (Sir James Dewar)


Damn storms... I had this written up last night but couldn't reply.

Start out in the hallway, with a character who really wants to kill something.

LOOK AT Front Door: "That's a lot of zombies...  I'll need to get them out of THERE if I'm going to get out of HERE."
WALK TO Bedroom. LOOK AT Window: "Figures. Zombies at my front door, and the neighbors are watching TV. Too bad the undead don't bother THEM."

PICK UP Cordless Phone. LOOK AT Cordless Phone: (go to closeup of phone). PUSH Buttons: "It won't work... they must have cut the phone line." PULL Antenna: (the antenna is extended).  PICK UP Antenna: "Well, the phone isn't much use..." (antenna replaces cordless phone in inventory)
WALK TO Living Room.  PICK UP Remote Control.
WALK TO Hallway.  WALK TO Bedroom. LOOK AT Bed: "There's something under it." USE Bed: "A roll of ducktape. Handyman's secret weapon, eh?"
USE Antenna with Remote Control: "Ducktape them together... tada, one long range remote control."
USE Long Range Remote on Window: "Let's see what they think of this... hmm, he just flicked it back."
USE Long Range Remote on Window: "If at first you don't succeed... ooh, now he's getting angry."
USE Long Range Remote on Window: "I wonder what's wrong, dear, why don't you go out and see?...yep, there he goes."
CUTSCENE: The neighbor comes out his front door. Several zombies see him and run after him. Several remain. "Darn, there's still some there. Maybe I should try something more direct."

OPEN Bedside Table: "There's a screwdriver in it." PICK UP Screwdriver.
WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Cellar. USE Screwdriver with Lawn Mower: "This could take some time..." Lawn Mower becomes Dismembered Lawn Mower, with blades exposed and most of the external pieces gone. PICK UP Shovel.
USE Shovel on Dismembered Lawn Mower: "Ducktape them together and we have... the Ultimate Zombie Killer of Doom! But I can't just go out there and take them all on... I'll need to split them up."

WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Kitchen. PICK UP Moldy Bread: "Eww." OPEN Cupboard: "Hey, there's some unrefridgerated ketchup in here. It's probably gone bad." PICK UP Ketchup Bottle.
WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Living Room. LOOK AT Plant: "It has a long, slender stem." PICK UP Plant: "I'll take the stem."
WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Bathroom. PICK UP Rubber Ducky: "Rubber... like a McDonalds hamburger. Smells bad, though."
USE Rubber Ducky with Moldy Bread; "It's like a hamburger from hell."
USE Bad Ketchup Bottle with Hamburger from Hell: "Now it's almost good enough to eat, but it needs something else."
USE Hamburger from Hell with Toilet: "Ah, of course: toilet germs."
USE Stem with Hamburger from Hell: "Now on a string."
WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Bedroom. OPEN Window. USE Hamburger from Hell on a String with Window. "You-hoo... zombies...ah, there you are."
USE Ultimate Zombie Killer of Doom with WINDOW: "Bwuhahahaha!"
CUTSCENE: The Ultimate Zombie Killer of Doom slices through the zombies gathered around the Hamburger from Hell (on a String). "Only a few more left."

WALK TO Cellar. PICK UP Lamp: "Its bulb is out."
WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Living Room. USE Couch: "There's bound to be something under here... woah, is this a shotgun shell?" OPEN Shotgun Shell: "Hmm... powder."
WALK TO Hallway. WALK TO Cellar. PICK UP Light Bulb: "Good thing it's a spare..." OPEN Light Bulb: "I took off the metal socket."
USE Powder with Light Bulb. CLOSE Light Bulb: "Now all I need is a place to put it.
USE Light Bulb with Lamp: "Now I need a way to turn it on from a safe distance..." USE Ducttape with Lamp: "Well, I suppose this could make a string."
WALK TO Hallway. USE Lamp with Front Door.
CUTSCENE: The player opens the door, throws the lamp out into the zombies, and pulls on the ducktape string. The lamp turns on, the light bulb explodes, and the last of the zombies fall.
aka Nur-ab-sal

"Fixed is not unbroken."


C'mon! Good entries so far!
Pwease! Let's have some more!!


Okay...there arn't enough entries to justify a vote, so I'll just name Redwall the winner because his was the most coherent.
Okay, Redwall, start up the next Puzzletime. And make sure you pick a scenario people will want to make enties for. :p

Peter Thomas

Congrats, redwall!

Can I suggest maybe scrapping the 3 inventory items of people's choice? It defeats the purpose the game really, when you say HERE'S A CHALLENGE, but oh, you have 3 opportunities to fix it however you want so it's really incredibly easy. I might enter if I knew everyone was dealing with exactly the same material.

Also, I like the complex 'plot-lines' when they're in games, but they look so mundane in text, and it's really heavy-going to read a post that just keeps going on and on and on for the sake of difficulty. Maybe limiting the number of actions allowed (or not...) so that my eyes don't end up skipping every second line...
Peter: "Being faggy isn't bad!"
AGA: "Shush, FAG!"


Not enough entrys to justify a vote? Two is enough to vote on.. if it was one maybe.

Redwall wins this week but in future unless there is only one entry voting will happen.

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