Sprite Jam: Sci-fi Monsters (Winner announced)

Started by Sughly, Wed 23/03/2011 23:25:50

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Yes, a little cliched I know, but I'm interested in seeing some original creations! Of course you can do a sprite of an existing monster if you really have to, but points go to originality here. Can be of any size and use of colour, so long as it's playable in an AGS game. Comp goes from 24th of March to 7th of April, so put your Giger caps on and get to work!

Secret Fawful

The Headhunter-

This insectoid creature attaches itself to a solid structure, such as trees, walls, cars, etc. and waits for a weak creature of some sort to wander by. Its victim of choice is a nice, helpless granny. When it feeds, its tentacles release spores into the air. When these spores come into contact with living creatures or plants, Headhunter young sprout and grow out of the bodies of whatever unlucky host contracts them. The young then slowly drain the fluids from inside the body. Truly, a nasty customer! You certainly could play as such a creature in a game, but it would be a very strange game, although I admit I don't quite understand what you mean by playable. If this ends up not qualifying, I'll just draw something different.

Fridge horror moment: Strangely enough, this specimen's latest victim seemed to enjoy her last moments on earth...what the hell?


Do you mean "Sci Fi Monster" as a blanket term for monsters from Sci Fi, Fantasy, and other paranormal horror or do you mean it to refer specifically to monsters boasting scientific or pseudo-scientific explanations as opposed to more mystical specimens?



Relevant excerpts from the official Sol Earth Alliance Archives (SEA-Arch):

Species CT-241C.008; AKA Insectoraptor

It's a super-fast carnivorous insectoid native to 61 Cygni theta. Not unlike our angler fish, this nocturnal preditor lures potential prey with a bioluminescent tail to strike with a short term burst of speed. With an average length of two metres, it even tackles prey far bigger than itself relying heavily on its chitinous exoskeleton. Although the Insectoraptor, as it is now known, has evolved to prey on other native nocturnal species attracted to light, it will strike at anything in its vicinity, even unsuspecting settlers from earth! (Sol Earth Alliance Sir David Attenborough Institute for Interplanetary Life; SEA DAIIL-CT241.008)

  61 Cygni theta

8th planet in orbit around 61 Cygni. Only hospitable body in the Cygni A system. AKA Frontier 9. (Sol Earth Alliance Inhabitable Body Classifaction and Regulation; SEA IBCR-61CT.F09)

  Species CT-001H.002; AKA Cygnedes

Sapient inhabitant of Cygni theta. These herbivorous vertebrates moves in a bipedal manner and are classified as harmless and fall into the cognitive category 3 (CC003; minor intellegence). They have a primitive sign language with just a small spoken vocabulary. Until now their mating habits are completely unknown. Species markt for relocalization into assigned habitats for further investigation. (Sol Earth Alliance Sapient Creature Regulation; SEA SCR-26793.78)

(SEA-Arch entries approved by the SEA Information Board (SEA-IB No. 27b))

(yes, that was another slow, very slow Friday afternoon!)


Quote from: Lyaer on Fri 25/03/2011 04:01:38
Do you mean "Sci Fi Monster" as a blanket term for monsters from Sci Fi, Fantasy, and other paranormal horror or do you mean it to refer specifically to monsters boasting scientific or pseudo-scientific explanations as opposed to more mystical specimens?

Haha, woah... ah... yes? No, I'm not too fussed. A 'blanket term for monsters from Sci Fi, Fantasy, and other paranormal horror' sounds fine by me! Just gimme some monsters, dammit!

Also great entries so far!


Here you can see my little Spikey:
You don't need to be afraid (only if you are a hamster or something more little) - NOW!
I adopted him from the little shop of horrors (and don't know how much he will grow, when feeded), but: No risk â€" no fun!

He is always hungry and looking for something yummy. Maybe because of having four mouthes, but only one eye!? And he has some little suction cups at his feet, so if you enter a room, you might find him at the ceiling.


Sightings of this creatures have been exponentially growing over the few years we've confirmed their existance. Researchers think the first of their kind we're brought over with some rock and liquid samples from one of the stations on far side of the galaxy. What we've found out is that they're not malicious by nature and their true form is unknown, instead, what we see is a manifestation of whatever our indivdual brains can comprehend.
What was found out in some old scriptures and texts is that the creatures feed on what the ancient cultures called "souls", but research has shown that they somehow shut off parts of the brains after interactions. They seem to feed on electromagnetic impulses and leave their victims with the lack of any emotional responses, imagination, curiosity or creativity of any kind. Some newspapers describe the phenomenon as "stealing person's innerchild".
...I don't know, I'm kind of tired and I've trying to fit this thing into a sci-fi monster category.  ;D
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Reminds me of Studio Ghibli, Anian... awesome!


He's on a diplomatic mission to Earth, but for some reason everyone is running around screaming. This will be a tough day at work for Mr. Monstry.



Alright, I'm a little late on this but I'm gonna put the winner up for voting. Because democracy is awesome. Ok, I'm gonna go by some suggestions made in a previous sprite Jam and introduce some catagories here, so please vote for a sprite in each one!

They are...


Not sure how well personality works for mosnters and aliens... yeeeaaah I suppose it does. Well, they all have character at least!

Ok, voting... GO! Oh and entries closed. But if you were working on something feel free to upload it still!


Idea/Originality:  S Fawful
Personality/Character:  Ilyich
Technique:  Ilych
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Idea/Originality: anian
Personality/Character: anian
Technique: Ilyich


Idea/Originality: anian
Personality/Character: Mad
Technique: Mad


Idea/Originality: Ilyich
Personality/Character: Ilyich
Technique: Mad


I'll throw a vote in there too actually!

Idea/Originality: Mad (though anian's was a close second)
Personality/Character: Ilyich
Technique: Ilyich


Alright I've left this going long enough I think! Without further ado...

The winner is Ilyich! Yay! A well deserving win indeed  ;D. A big thanks to all the entrants and folks for voting, some great sprites yet again by all! The floor is yours for the next one now Ilyich...


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