Background Blitz - Dreams - 29.11. - 12.12. (we have a WINNER)

Started by nihilyst, Sun 29/11/2009 02:46:51

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This time you have to show us a setting coming straight from your


It's up to you to create a magical fairy world, a twisted cityscape, a dark nightmarish cavern or anything else that derives from a good or bad dream.

Restrictions: You can use any setup compatible with AGS.
Voting begins on 12.12.

Voting Categories

Idea: Was it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere: Was an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Design: How well the individual elements are designed, from clouds to doorknobs.
Composition: How well the elements are combined to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest.
Functionality: How well it would work as a background, with clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle (this also includes introductionary shots of an area as long as a player character can be present in the scene).
Technique: How well it's rendered (within the chosen style!), in no way meaning the more elaborate the better.

I hope to see many creative entries!




I wish my dreams were this interesting:




Does anyone need more time?

If not, votings starts tomorrow.


Haven't started on anything yet, but would like to give it a shot tomorrow, so it would be nice if the voting could start monday.
Looking for a writer


Alright, I extend the deadline to some time next week.


Okay, sorry, loominous, but I think it's time to end this and start voting.


As far as I got:

(much to touch up, particularly the right tree crown)

Not sure the idea got through, was supposed to be a sweet dream of a gourmand rabbit.

Edit: With a boring character, for reference.

Looking for a writer


Okay, you're in :D

And now it's time to vote.

The categories are, as explained in the first post

Idea, Atmosphere, Design, Composition, Funtionality, Technique

You are encouraged to comment on the participant's backgrounds.


Idea: cat (I like candy)
Atmosphere: loominous (the lighting especially)
Design: cat (clean and simple)
Composition: loominous (symmetrically balanced but with depth)
Funtionality: cat (again, clean and simple)
Technique: loominous (nice painterly look)

Apparently I like both equally.  They both have a strong sense of style, though one is more old-school and the other is fancy-shmancy.


Idea: Loominous
Design: Loominous
Composition: Loominous
Functionality: Loominous
Technique: Loominous

Wow loominous, you're hard to beat!
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Idea: Cat
Atmosphere: Cat
Design: Cat
Composition: Cat
Functionality: Loominous
Technique: Cat

It's a tough choice between loominous and cat for me but ... I prefer the understatement in and rendering of cat's.


I would like to add that... I like Oddysseus' too. It's actually got a more dream-like feel than the other two. Reminds me of metaphysical painting. But I think the other two are a bit more technically adept.


uoou: Only 3 out of 6 voting categories are about being "technically adept" ;)

Idea: Oddysseus
Atmosphere: Oddysseus
Design: cat
Composition: loominous
Funtionality: loominous
Technique: Oddysseus


Kinda bummed I didn't get in on this one now, great theme, plus I've been hoping to pit my skills against Loominous for some time...
All peachy keen entries, Oddysseus' entry reminds me of some Sci-Fi novella covers from the 70's, which I've always had a thing for, totally dope. "With a finger in my I" by David Gerrold definitely springs to mind upon viewing it.
On the other hand, Loominous' ingenious use of carrots as a design element is awesome, how he managed to make carrot men, carrot sun and a field of carrots all blend seamlessly together into a believable and attractive scene is really very impressive to me.

Idea: Oddysseus (It's really got that "I just ate a fistfull of Peyote" feel to it, awesome)
Atmosphere: Oddysseus (Wierd and vaguely disturbing, swell)
Design: Loominous (Clever use of the theme)
Composition: Loominous (Flawless composition from Loominous as per usual)
Functionality: Loominous (Seems to be the a more playable entry)
Technique: Oddysseus (While I'm fond of Loominous' technique,  the detail in Oddysseus' green chick's fish-net stocking won me over for this category)


Idea: Oddysseus - because I have no idea what it's supposed to be - and that's dreams for you :)
Atmosphere: loominous - your art always has some dreamy feel to it, much like the old Disney cartoons, and here it fits perfectly
Design: loominous - it has a quite clever "carrot" theme going and gentlemen-scarecrows are just brilliant :)
Composition: loominous - neat, consistent and directs the eye well
Funtionality: Oddysseus - I'd love to see a character in such surrounding
Technique: loominous - doesn't really need any comment :)


We had three neat entries this time. Counting your votes, I get:

cat, 9 votes
Oddysseus, 8 votes
loominous, 18 votes

While cat's and Oddysseus's entries struck me as more surreal, loominous managed to convey a dreamlike scenery combined with a good composition and technique.

So I declare loominous the winner by votes. You're next.

Thank you all for participating.

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