Ancient Temple Background

Started by Akumayo, Sat 21/05/2005 23:56:38

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Drew this a while back, and I'm still not satisfied.Ã,  There's just something missing from this temple.Ã,  It's supposed to be a temple made of adobe and gold, but it just doesn't look right.

"Power is not a means - it is an end."


good background!
Just a few problems,
- The top trapezium of gold is way off. The right hand side of the slant is out of perspective.
- The bricks on the floor are very '2D' and the look like a wall.
- I think it should be a roundish room. Temples seem to be quite cramped.

I am on a laptop at the moment and will do a paintover to show you what I mean when I'm on my computer.


Add shadows and a common perspective, and it will be good.  Right now all of the bricks have vertical and horizontal lines ...that is, each brick has it's own perspective :P which makes it look flat.


Adobe is made from Cinder, (red & orange), I don't know if that helps, but it might add some colour to your scene.


Err...what program did you use to make that picture because that looks like a hard pic to repaint without "layers".

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