
Started by veryweirdguy, Tue 19/07/2011 16:44:36

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Yaaaay, thanks for this, it was much fun!
Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.


Any plans to start a seuqel, VV(W)G?
[EDITED, because I don't know how to type  ;D]
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: WHAM on Mon 15/08/2011 13:32:13
Any plans to start a seuqel, VVG?
Very Very Guy????

I laughed when I saw my name at the ass-end of the credits. My life story.

This was indeed the best game ever! More please, Very Very Guy!
Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Thanks for the kind words fellas (and fella-ettes!) This was a lot of fun, thanks to all who participated - obviously it wouldn't exist without you all.

I'd love to do another one sometime, will have a break though - if anyone else fancies a go at it be my guest! I only had to draw 154 pretty pictures for it.


Awesome game, thanks veryweirdguy! Just out of curiosity: What would have been the solution to survive?


Quote from: cat on Tue 16/08/2011 14:19:15
Awesome game, thanks veryweirdguy! Just out of curiosity: What would have been the solution to survive?

I was wondering the same thing - did you have a story from the begining or did you make it up as you went along?

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Now wait just a minute, superfriends!  A closer examination of the so-called gun is in order:

Just as I thought; no trigger.  It could be some kind of boomerang, but that's no gun!

I'm ignoring his lack of opposable thumb and missing finger as he could be an apeloid.

The conspiracies are already beginning.


...so, the main character is just faking death! aha!

And there was never actually an explosion. It's just a tree.

'boom' mean tree in dutch, so there you have it...

There's something fishy going on!  :=

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Let's pause and zoom in on the hand for a closer look.

MY GOD.  It's not a boomerang.

It's an L-Square!  And one oddly only measuring up to 7 inches!


What if we go even CLOSER?

Aw man, that is disgusting...


Quote from: cat on Tue 16/08/2011 14:19:15
Awesome game, thanks veryweirdguy! Just out of curiosity: What would have been the solution to survive?

I was wondering the same thing - did you have a story from the begining or did you make it up as you went along?

It's not like there was one set solution for everything. I had the idea for the setting, and what that was, but the path was entirely up to you guys. As a result, there are, theoretically, infinite possible solutions to any problem, and I didn't want to lead people down a path telling them my pre-written story.

As an example: I had no idea you guys were going to make a bone torch (how could I?), but once it happened I tried to implement a use for it. That's you guys making and exploring the story and me adapting to it, rather than you trying to figure out what I've come up with.

Other responses may have not gotten you shot, but it seemed that that was an appropriate response to the 'command' that was given.

Anyway, I promised myself I wouldn't talk about it too much, so I'll shush.


Wow, this brings me back! When I used to play D&D as a teen, this was pretty much how we did it - except without the pictures. We rarely bothered with dice and hit points and all that: the dungeon master made up some sticky situation, we tried to talk our way out of it, and the DM decided whether to let us off the hook or (more usually) not. And a good time was had by all.

Great DMing, VWG!


ProgZ, funny! You made my day! :D
There might be a lot of things that's compromise the result of the game if we went back and dissected every pic, heh.

And VWG, I loved the epilogue, btw!
Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Quote from: veryweirdguy on Tue 16/08/2011 16:22:19
...but it seemed that that was an appropriate response to the 'command' that was given.
And a good opprtunity to get a break? :P

In retrospect, it's also nice to see how the player character changed from a rather serious depiction to a comic character over time in response to our sometimes nonsensical input. :)


It's been a whileeeeee, but I've decided to archive this all on my blog, for anyone who's interested:



Ahh, this was awesome :D


> Pull up floorboards.


> Create something new.

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