Flash - no more

Started by , Mon 14/11/2011 17:00:18

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so flash will be no more, hail to HTML5.

Am I the only one to feel uneasy about it?

edit: yes, it's a shock title which fails to accurately depict the fairly complex situation.


I'm sure there's a Flash Gordon joke here somewhere... but where?


I expected a pic of Bic flashing, together with an announcement that he'd  no longer do it. *sigh*

On topic: Flash was neat. I have little knowledge of HTML5, but I liked Flash. So yeah, boo!

Darth Mandarb

I loved flash in the past.  Haven't used it at all in years though 'cause integrating it with coldfusion was a pain in the butt, updating was a hassle, and many other reasons.

I realized about 4 years ago that Flash was doomed when the HTML5/CSS3 standards were being finalized.

Adobe has Edge in Beta (which is essentially going to be their Flash replacement going to HTML5).  I'd wager there will be ways to "import" your FLA files and Edge will HTML5-ify them for you.  And it's Adobe so the dev environment will probably resemble Flash's anyway.

HTML5 (as a standard) is a much better way to go (in my mind) just for the sheer "everybody will adopt it" and you need not worry about whether or not flash is installed.  I've been doing a LOT of work lately with CSS3 and HTML5 ... it is seriously cool shit. 

So while I won't really "miss" Flash ... I do feel a slight pang of, "the end of an era" type feeling about it's demise :)


I might be a complete ignoramus, but what effect will that have on Flash as in vector animation tool/studio (or is it a separate issue), will they discontinue that as well?
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Not a separate issue; Adobe will simply no longer develop new versions of Flash, and more and more websites/companies/etc. will generate the content that used to be Flash using HTML5.

Browsers are probably going to support flash for backwards compatibility reasons for years to come, but eventually it's going to get ditched.

Just think of it as the cassette deck of websites. You can still record tapes and play them just fine today, just don't expect to walk in a store and be able to buy a new deck.


It is a logical step into the future but hey, it doesn't mean I get all nostalgic and a tad emotional about it.  ;)

Quote from: Khris on Mon 14/11/2011 21:13:43
Just think of it as the cassette deck of websites. You can still record tapes and play them just fine today, just don't expect to walk in a store and be able to buy a new deck.

Yes or wandering in a record store and not begin able to buy anything on cassette, come to think of it, not being able to find a record store. Well that's a whole other story.

So yes, flash has been useful but now we move to an open standard which is actually moving somewhere. It's a good thing if you'd ask me. And I think adobe will create software for editing the html5 content similar to the existing programs.
Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.


What will become of my masterclass in stickdeath animation, stumoov.swf?
That's gotta be more than 10 years old now.  Kripes.

Monsieur OUXX

Ah, flash. All that frustraiton because of the confusing scope of variables. :)

My very own moment of glory: http://ouxx.pagesperso-orange.fr/nawak/ss/ss.swf


Quote from: Monsieur OUXX on Fri 18/11/2011 16:27:06
Ah, flash. All that frustraiton because of the confusing scope of variables. :)

My very own moment of glory: http://ouxx.pagesperso-orange.fr/nawak/ss/ss.swf

That's pretty neat, Ouxx! Your spelling could use an improvement though... I couldn't read a THING!! ;)
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miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"

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