Heath Ledger is dead.

Started by [Cameron], Wed 23/01/2008 00:55:55

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Vince Twelve

Heartwarming tributes from Best Buy

and the Westboro Baptist Church


Ugh, I hope that's just a local Best Buy having a sale like that.

And the WBC disgusts and scares me at the same time.  Those people have a lot of nerve calling themselves Christian.
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Quote from: MoodyBlues on Thu 24/01/2008 01:53:52
Ugh, I hope that's just a local Best Buy having a sale like that.

And the WBC disgusts and scares me at the same time.  Those people have a lot of nerve calling themselves Christian.

Those people are known everywhere at this point, and they're 100% insane and ignorant of their own religious literature.  They don't even have an ounce of a clue, so I wouldn't listen to anything they say and do your best to ignore it.  They probably won't get within a thousand feet of the funeral, but if they keep up the way they're going, it wouldn't shock me if somebody decided to put an end to their freedom of speech...and that somebody would be my new hero.
::: Mastodon :::


Stupot, I think there is a word for people who does not tend to believe that there' s something fishy going on everywhere, specially if no further evidences of that have been shown: Intelligent.
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!



Quote from: MoodyBlues on Thu 24/01/2008 01:53:52
And the WBC disgusts and scares me at the same time.  Those people have a lot of nerve calling themselves Christian.

hmm, I think there is something "fishy" going on here. Too provocative.


Fuck you, Phelps. Hope 'yall rot.


That baptist church thingie seems pretty fake to me. Not that it doesn't nail the typical bible-belt hillbilly mentality quite well, but still...


no no, Westboro church is very real, and they are protesting. But it's important that they be distinguished from the rest of the Christian world. They are insane, and they practice a religion that defies logic, the Bible, and human nature. They're, in a sense, Evil... But I'd rather just say horribly misled.
You. Me. Denny's.



I'm not excusing the founder and leaders of this fucked up congregation, don't get me wrong. But essentially they are all mostly related somehow. So, kids growing up in this kind of surrounding are raised to hate pretty much anything. You can't blame those people, hence the misled. But there is no doubt that there are plenty in that church that are warped, convoluted, and ultimately insane. I really feel sorry for them. As a Christian myself (albeit a self-admittedly liberal and most-likely hypocritical one) I wouldn't wish death upon them... But I do wish someone would do something to shut them up, disband them, or make them disappear.

I can pretty much guarantee the world would be a better place without them.
You. Me. Denny's.

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

The world would be a better place without a lot of people, but as Westboro seems to have forgotten, the Bible also includes this:

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I am also aware that this sentence was not meant to be interpreted as 'you cannot judge anyone'; it merely means that you need to know yourself before you can step forward and cast judgment on others, and Westboro's use of 'fag' and other strangely inappropriate language for a religious foundation would indicate (to me) that they are passing some kind of judgment on a man for play-acting a role. 

I do not agree with homosexuality myself, but their words seethe anger and hatred rather than disagreement.  It's like watching America go to Defcon 5 in some 80's film because a dumb kid can't beat a really bad AI at chess; unfrigginbelievable.


I agree ProgZ. That is exactly correct. How can you judge someone without first judging yourself? They seem to throw that notion right out the window, which I believe myself to be one of the most important lessons to take away from the Bible.

The point of Christianity is to accept the world as it is, and offer your beliefs to those who want to hear it. Not judge them, condemn them to hell, and sit on your high and mighty horse. You can't force faith onto the unwilling, and I wish people would stop trying. All you can do is offer what you believe to those who ask. If they don't, just leave them alone and try not to judge them. That's God's job.
You. Me. Denny's.


'God hates fags'...was it not that God hates the SIN but not the sinner? If you look at it in a different angle, why are these guys so obsessed with what other people do in bed? IMHO they're the perverts.

I most definately agree to judge oneself before judging others (probably why it's so easy for me).

Quote from: LGM on Thu 24/01/2008 18:45:09

--The point of Christianity is to accept the world as it is, and offer your beliefs to those who want to hear it. Not judge them, condemn them to hell, and sit on your high and mighty horse. You can't force faith onto the unwilling, and I wish people would stop trying. All you can do is offer what you believe to those who ask. If they don't, just leave them alone and try not to judge them. That's God's job.

Islam and Christianity isn't that much different, if only people would stop doing things like that and stop being so paranoid all the time. The world would be (dare I say it?) kinda boring, but better I guess.

(btw my drama teacher said that all of heath's parts in the batman movie was done...stupot's speculations may not be that far-fetched)


Good thing is, some of the family (referring to the f'd up church now) have forsaken the insanity and left.  They're basically completely disowned, I don't think they're even allowed in the home or acknowledged in any way.  But the whole thing stems from their father or whatever he is, who is just one of the most unsavory freakin' people you could ever hope not to meet.  If you're a man in touch with his feelings, you're a sissy f**king queer (oh yeah, that's what he'd call you, I'm not exaggerating at all - very christian of him). 

Seriously, people get in horrible car accidents everyday on their way to picket funerals, but it's always the wrong car.
::: Mastodon :::


The granddad is rumored to be gay himself, which wouldn't be a surprise. One fun occurance was the near-member of the family who actually started out as a documentarian doing a piece on the church, but apparently saw the light or something and actually joined the church and is now one of the most active members :D.


Quote from: ildu on Thu 24/01/2008 21:00:36
The granddad is rumored to be gay himself, which wouldn't be a surprise. One fun occurance was the near-member of the family who actually started out as a documentarian doing a piece on the church, but apparently saw the light or something and actually joined the church and is now one of the most active members :D.

You mean the documentary with the guy who was extremely skeptical throughout the entire process, basically showing the world how screwed up they were? THAT guy? Don't tell me he joined the church, because there must be some mistake...
::: Mastodon :::


Quote from: vertigoaddict on Thu 24/01/2008 19:25:46
(btw my drama teacher said that all of heath's parts in the batman movie was done...stupot's speculations may not be that far-fetched)

AFAIK his scenes were all finished, so it does seem like the movie's coming out as is. And I fucking well hope so! It would be a shame for this movie, Heath's last performance, to somehow not be released - or be released without him in it, the scenes with the Joker reshot. Why? Because at least this way his fans (amongst which I count myself) have one last thing to look forward to from him.

But I find it very, VERY preposterous that anyone would lump death of a movie actor together with publicity stunts. Sure, a divorce might be held off until it's financially interesting (i.e. shortly before a product is released) or going insane, hitting the news before your new single, but MURDER?

I really do think Stupot's speculations are far-fetched and the film's release as-is won't change anything to change that.
Still here.


Apparently from a Best Buy.
Obviously not a corporate move, probably just some local manger who typed it up.

If only Darth were a betting man...


If only Tiki was a thread reading man...

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