My Plan for Paedophiles

Started by Meowster, Mon 06/08/2007 20:47:24

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Quote from: Hudders on Wed 15/08/2007 12:25:59
As you said, you can't punish people for things they haven't done.

What about people convicted of planning terrorist attacks? Should we wait for them to blow something up and kill hundreds of people before saying "right, now you've committed the crime, you're going to jail"?


CJ, one can make the correlation to pedophilia: if you're actively planning to kidnap and rape a child, then yes you should be dealt with quite harshly. But, if it's all in your head and you just have fantasies/desires/thoughts, then no wrong is being done.
Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


Woh, who is taking out of context, my "Homosexuality under the nazis" comment was a paraphrase of hudders comment "homosexuality in the 50's" who I moslty agree with.
How can we encourage these people to come out with it when they know that the repercussions are swift and nearly certain these days. People can lose there jobs, there family over this, even when the persons job has nothing to do with children and the family is just a couple. I am just saying we need to look at this and say are we really being truly honest in how we look at this. At one time in the not too distant past homosexuality, which we know and love,was considered a psychological disorder. Not now yes, but we are fools if we think we are a perfectly enlightened society. I was just pointing out that your 'any course of action' scared me. Nazi germany was a great example of peole willing to do 'anything' and yes I read all your comment, I was just pointibng out what I disagreed with most in your post.
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


I think we should saw off their hands and replace them with turtles.


Quote from: Pumaman on Wed 15/08/2007 21:55:11
Quote from: Hudders on Wed 15/08/2007 12:25:59
As you said, you can't punish people for things they haven't done.

What about people convicted of planning terrorist attacks? Should we wait for them to blow something up and kill hundreds of people before saying "right, now you've committed the crime, you're going to jail"?

Arrest them if they've committed a crime, (and that includes plotting to blow something up and kill hundreds of people), but if they haven't then don't. Plotting a murder or terrorist atrocity is a crime in itself and one which often goes hand in hand with other crimes, (theft of sensitive materials, unlicensed stockpiling of explosives, etc).

Terrorism is always the one that comes crawling back. People are so petrified they're going to be blown up that they're prepared to vote for anything that will supposedly stop terrorism. If someone has not committed a terrorist act then by definition they are not a terrorist and therefore should not be punished for something that they haven't done. Again, plotting is a perfectly legitimate crime and one which many "terrorists" have been convicted of.

Quote from: lo_res_man on Thu 16/08/2007 03:00:22
my "Homosexuality under the nazis" comment was a paraphrase of hudders comment "homosexuality in the 50's"

I think there's a stark difference between the two time periods. Under the Nazis, homosexuality was punishable by segregation, ridicule, and ultimately death. In the '50s, gay men and women were encouraged to come out about their preferences so that they could be "cured" of the condition as if it were a disease; they were pitied and forced to live lives that were not their own - sometimes marrying and having children despite their orientation, and sometimes going into hiding. These men and women were still gay, they were just living a lie.

Just as we know now that it isn't possible to condition gay people so that they are "cured", I feel paedophila may also be a sexual preference that one cannot be talked out of by a counselor.


Quote from: Hudders on Thu 16/08/2007 11:40:14
Just as we know now that it isn't possible to condition gay people so that they are "cured", I feel paedophila may also be a sexual preference that one cannot be talked out of by a counselor.

Maybe not, but they can certainly be encouraged to admit they have such urges so that they may be prevented from the possibility of taking them too a criminal level.


Then the criminal level is way to high. ANY  proven violent rapist,  weather homo hetro or paedo, should punished to the full extent of the law, But... now I understand that doing research on this subject would be very difficult to get support for, but it is very important I think that some scientist takes a deep breath goes in with a clean slate and does much needed research on the psychological impact of paedophile statutary rape. Which is defined as ANY paedophile sexual contact under the law. Any results would be immediately controversial but I think this reaserch is vital  to help us understand weather or not a society should accept paedsexuals the same way most accept homosexuals.
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


I had started to type a post earlier today, but stopped because I was going to say was lo_res_man said at the end of his: that we need to understand whether or not pedosexuality is similar in any way to homosexuality.
Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...

Vince Twelve

No, it's not at all similar to homosexuality.  Homosexuality has way more in common with heterosexuality than it does with paedosexuality.

When two people are in a homosexual relationship, they are both consenting adults(or at least of the age where the law considers them an adult) and no one is being taken advantage of who is unable to protect themselves.  And if someone is being taken advantage of, sexually, then it's rape, not a homosexual relationship.  The same could be said for a heterosexual relationship.

When someone is a paedophile, he or she is looking to take advantage of someone who is unable to protect themselves and likely wouldn't know the right choice in these situations.  This is comparable to the rape of an adult, in that someone is taking sexual pleasure from taking advantage of someone weaker than them but even worse because it's happening during that individual's period of growth and development, when serious psychological damage can easily been inflicted.  It's a horrible thing to do to someone, and can not be compared with a healthy homosexual relationship.

lo_res, I don't think any research would be controversial, I think it would find that the negative psychological impact of a consensual heterosexual relationship is similar to that of a consensual homosexual relationship, and that a non-consensual relationship (homosexual or heterosexual) has significantly higher impact, and that a peadosexual relationship (which by law cannot be considered consensual) has even higher impact.

Yes, I realize that there are grey areas like 15 year olds doing it with 19 year olds, which... creepy, but meh...  But in general, taking advantage of someone whose youth prevents them from knowing how or even if they should protect themselves is absolutely horrible, and cannot be compared to two dudes who want to have sex.


Quote from: Vince Twelve on Fri 17/08/2007 02:16:28
lo_res, I don't think any research would be controversial, I think it would find that the negative psychological impact of a consensual heterosexual relationship is similar to that of a consensual homosexual relationship, and that a non-consensual relationship (homosexual or heterosexual) has significantly higher impact, and that a peadosexual relationship (which by law cannot be considered consensual) has even higher impact.
Yes, but how do we KNOW? We don't, the research isn't done. The Law isn't the final say, the PEOPLE are. We MAKE the laws. I agree the young examples should be considered violent rape. ( How the F### can a 4 year old 'consent'?! disgusting  >:(.) But here is another example of your grey areas. and its not so 'creepy'
Most young woman like guys a little older, most guys like woman a little younger. what of 17 year old 'child' and a 19 year old 'adult'? under the law as it now stands, the young man is now a criminal, is that right? Back to my point, just because the law says its not consent, doesn't mean it wasn't. Just like I think its wrong if a boss uses his power to get in the sack with the hot secretary. As in, "if you don't sleep with me your fired". THATS rape. Now were the line is I don't know, that's for a  objective scientific study to decide. Not statements without the benefit of evidence. I agree taking advantige is wrong,  but I think there may be more leeway then the law currently allows for. I may be wrong. But we won't KNOW until someone finds out.
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall

Vince Twelve

Just what research are you purporting hasn't been done, exactly?  Comparing the desire to have sex with someone of the same sex to the desire to have sex with someone very young?

I already mentioned those grey areas, and yes they exist, and that's what a jury of your peers is for.  If you've broken the law (which you haven't in most US states if you're 19 and sleeping with a 17 year old) then you should get the appropriate punishment.  If the law is wrong, suggest how to fix it.


The day having sex with children becomes socially and legally acceptable will be a very scary day indeed.  And I hope my children are grown up when it comes.


What I really dislike how it is the adult can be accused a crime when it is entirely possible that it was constual in a none law sesne, as in a commen sence sence. It is entirely possible that a 15 y.o. WANTS to have sex with a 30 year old. However if true violent rape has been found to occer then, the punishment should be very severe.
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall


A line has to be drawn somewhere, and I think 16 is a perfectly acceptable age at which to draw that line.

You could propose a tier system whereby having sex with a 15 year-old gets you a slap on the wrist, a 12 year old gets you a small fine and a 4 year old gets you life in prison, but to be honest is this really practical?

If you can't wait a few months for the 15 year-old to have her special birthday then forget about her and find a chick who's old enough..  there are plenty out there, and they're far more mature and don't have "house points" to think about.


It's a gray area between 14 and 18, because in some areas of the world, 14 is perfectly legal, whereas in others anything below 18 is statutory rape. It's a fine line between the two places.
Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...


Quote from: LimpingFish on Mon 06/08/2007 21:14:25
Stare at The Sun too long, and you'll damage your brain.

Nope youll damage your eyes, but if you do this your brain is obviously already fired ;)

Quote from: Hudders on Wed 08/08/2007 10:49:20
Quote from: SSH on Wed 08/08/2007 10:09:37
But what would be the point of prosecuting the parents? They sure as heck aren't going to leave their other kids alone ever again.

So that's saying that so long as I'm sorry and I'm full of remorse about my actions, I shouldn't be prosecuted?

I think it'd be a different tune being played out in the media if Madeliene was in the care of someone other than her parents when she disappeared.

Dude sure why not let's do that, the child was raped let's now take away her parents. :P Think of a time when your parents weren't around. Now ad a pedophile and viola your raped :P Anyway are you insane, the child is at its most vulnerable now you want to take it's parents away! Your logic makes about as much sense as sticking your and in a blender when your thirsty.

Ok so I didn't get through all 6 pages cause it's early I need coffee & I couldn't take much more of this tuamatic comments (hint to the last one I quoted)

Anyway here's my thoughts:

An eye for an eye, he raped someone so let's strap him up with one of those crazy gimps and give him the ride of his life... he killed someone, well then we kill him in exactly the same manner. Yes it's cruel but that's exactly what he was to someone he could control manipulate and use.

I feel like this regardless of the victim being a child or a adult. I believe in the death penalty for reasonable cases, all life is sacred & if you kill for anything other then survival your life is not sacred anymore, you forfeit your right to anything imo.

In my country there is no death penalty, and guess what our prisons are so full that they release criminals because there is simply nowhere to put them... well let's not waste anymore time. Execute them and there is space viola. Ok don't execute the guy that stole a candy bar seriously the point here is simply that because there is nothing bad that will happen to the criminals they will continue their crimes and it will probably escalate :P


Now that we've made ourselves judge, jury, and medieval executioner of child molesters, what should the punishment be for parents who murder their own children?


I was wondering when this was gonna come up.
I really don't want to judge them one way or the other, but I have always thought they had been pretty suspicious.

Normally when people's daughter's go missing, what do they do?... They go homw and let the police do the investigation and wait.  Some parents ren't content to just wait, and that's perfetcly understandable.  They might occupy themselves with a bit of local publicity to raise awareness.  Maybe start a blog or write a column in a local rag.

What they don't normally do is go off adventuring around Europe doin press conferences in countries that have nothing to do with the holiday resort where from the child went missing.  They don't normally fly to America for special meetings with people who have previously been accused of murdering relatives.  They don't normally cause arguements with the police who are doing the best they can to find their child.

The McCanns remind me of the guy in a room who farts and then goes round saying "Who was it? It wasnt me?, Was it you? Was it you?... I'm not leaving until I find out who it was!!!"... Those guys invariably turn out to be the culprits.  Believe me... I'm usually that guy.


sexy children are the leading cause of pedophile



erm... couldest thou clarify that statement? for to me, tis like a freezing rain,my very bones ache, thy words seem to give me a kind of chill. What dost thou MEAN?!
†Å"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.†
The Restroom Wall

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