Conspiracy of Songo

Started by fidodido, Sun 07/09/2003 02:01:40

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hey everybody!!!!! I have good news for all the people who are stuck in the awesome game Conspiracy of Songo, and also for the ones that loved the game very much and want to play it again.....  ;D
My walkthru is online, so if you wanna see it, you can find it in the following URLS: and

Well...I hope u'll like it....... Please I want feedback! Post your msgs in this thread or mail me at

Best wishes and Merry Xmas!!!!!
Javier ---> (msg me at


I cant download game at all !!!
Clicking anywhere !!!help.pleeeeeeeeeese... any good link???????????????????????//thanks.


Yeah...I really want to play this...but it doesn't download...don't you dare tell me it does.  ;)  post another mirror, possibly?
"I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory. Lasts forever."

"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"


I've tried several sites in the past to try and download it, but never found one that works. I think it's been taken down. :(


I'm really sorry for neglecting it for such a long time.

Anyway, I uploaded it again and you can download it HERE

Sorry for the delay.


Yes :D:D

I have finished it. This game was driving me crazy, just couldnt stop before it was finished. It made me think off No action Jackson. Very good game,  i hope you will make another one.
There is only 1 entertainer, the Q entertainer!


The download on the site youve just linked to isn't working!  :(


I checked it a few times and it IS working.

Maybe there's a problem at your browser. Try to right-click the link and choose "Save as...".

Good Luck.


Nope. It's linking to the hosting site, but theres no link to Songo there, it's just asking me to join listing mortgages etc. Also tryed right clicking on your link and it just said songo.exe cannot be found  ???


Happened to me also, of course it's nothing for me as as I had already downloaded and completed this game long ago already.
There're some free hosting services whose links only work within certain parts of the globe as far as I know.


Dammit, the download isn't working for me. Please, try to fix it or something. I really want to play this, but I can't! Help!


Hey guys,

I finally found a hosting site that could host the game.

The download is splitted into three files, which can be found HERE

Sorry again for the inconvinience.


thanks. the new hosting site works


That was one of the best games ive played! Thanks for sorting the link out  :D


I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the comment.


Wow. That was one of the best games I've ever played. Everything was awesome, except some of the animations looked a bit weird (sometimes Shiela would reach out her hand to open something, but wouldn't get her hand anywhere near it), but the great storyline made up for it. Also, I found a bug:
When Tanko Miller is threatening that guard, you can walk to Songo, by left-clicking the area called Songo. Then you can come back and walk around and Tanko Miller doesn't notice you.


Quote from: fidodido on Wed 10/11/2004 17:39:33
Hey guys,

I finally found a hosting site that could host the game.

The download is splitted into two files, which can be found here:

Part 1
Part 2

Sorry again for the inconvinience.

How about a website for this game, with some information and screenshots (basically what you posted in this thread). Makes it much easier for people to find. You can host the site on adventure, if you want, which also allows you to mirror the complete game on the server.



Sorry,but the download still isn't work for me.("the page cannot be displayed!")Can you help me too?Please,I really want this game.I've tried everything!!!!!! :'( :'( :'(



Thank you,thank you,thank you!!!
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

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