King's Quest III VGA - In Production

Started by Blackthorne, Thu 26/08/2004 17:14:53

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Heh. Neat backgrounds. It was kind of short. Oh well. I think it would be sort of neat if you made sprites of the IA members, and also IA Forum's regulars, and have them screwing around or something. That would be neat.
The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!


blackthorne, i downloaded your zip file but it was empty. And to think that was my only present.
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Quote from: Zooty on Fri 24/12/2004 21:46:16
blackthorne, i downloaded your zip file but it was empty. And to think that was my only present.
Hmmm...worked for me. Try Right click, File Save As...
It's pretty neat.
The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!


Can't see my cursor. Anyway. Nice music!


QuoteCan't see my cursor.

Could it be because it's a rolling demo?



Quote from: Iv4n on Sat 25/12/2004 20:07:59
Да бе това ще да еÃ,  ;D

What the bloody heck did that mean?
The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!


Ehrm... it means that I agree with him  ::) I'm sure he will understand ;)


Yes indeed. But it is bloody against the forum rules to write in other languages than English. :P


Lol...     but look under your avatar... ;D

Cain Aleksandrovich

Well blokes, its been a while. Infamous Adventures has been having some quiffs with membership as of late, but we got a new sprites guy who put out some great stuff, I'm going to see if I can't finch you anything of his. Also, our website is being overhauled(courtousy of our Webmaster Sir James Broom and fellow Adventurer, Jeroen Warmerdam Esquire)and  and should be done shortly, I've seen bits of it and it looks more professional and clear-cut. The  address was and still is: Take a look around sometime soon, it should be done. I'll try to finch you something in the next few days. Bye kids.


In addition to the lovely news of our website overhaul,  I'm also putting out an invitation:  If there is anyone out there who has experience with AGS and programming, and loves Sierra Games, I invite you to do some alpha/beta testing with us. 

If you want to help us hunt for bugs in the game, please PM now.  I can give you more details in private, but just a reminder - this isn't an excuse to play the game earlier: It's to help us find and correct bugs before they get out of control! 

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon

Jodo Kast

It depends... who's in charge of your QA?



I remember I already offered to assist you beta testin for QFI. Somethin tells me you have lost interest in making QFI.

I guess thats understandable what with the temptation of KQ3VGA. But QFI man!

Cain Aleksandrovich

{Disclaimer: The rest of Infamous Adventures does not necessarily share these views and they are just the hopefully mutual, factually reenforced opininions of the Head Mod and assisstant PR. (So what I'm saying is, what do I know, don't listen to me if you don't want to, but don't insult the hard work my team does.)}

Interest has not been lost in Quest for Infamy. There's been far too much work put into it to just scrap it. It will come out. Before you start trying to raise more doubts, ask yourself why you give AGDI benefit of the doubt and not us. They are a devoted game making company as are we. They say their game will be finsihed, so do we. If we decided to toss Quest for Infamy, we would definitly announce it.Hero6 has been in develoment longer than most of us have been posting in adventure game forums, yet it is believed the game will come. Do you see my correlations? In truth, there has been more work done, as of late, Ã, on Kings Quest Three Vee-Gee-Aay as to Quest for Infamy, this is due to the fact that many of our talented, hard-working game members are busy and must lead other lives away from Infamous Adventures(though a few others are just plain lazy, but thats another story :> ), contrary to popular belief, our[all serious game-makers/distributers]sole purpose of existence isn't just to make and distribute games. I can assure you that work is being done on both games, though unfortuanatly, I can't release further information or time tables, you'd be better off speaking with Blackthorne about that. You can find him here, at AGDI, or at IA. Ã, I know it may sound like we promise-promise-promise and don't deliver, but we have proof that we're working, it can be found on our site. I've seen and heard new sprites, backgrounds, music, etc and pending clearance from my superiors I'll try to release some new information on both games. Deltamatrix, there's a few reasons why we don't take on as many bata-testers as other game development groups. One being, many of our team love seeing their work in beta demos and double as beta-testers. Another reason is that we don't want the final product cheapened for our fans by beta-testing. A third reason is that our beta-testers test both games and though Kings Quest Three Vee-Gee-Aay is a 1:1 remake, Quet for Infamy is totally new and sure to blow your mind, and if we hire many testers, word is sure to leak out, so we've stuck with a small group of dedicated, loyal beta-testers we know we can trust. A final reason is that we don't want or need the hassle of people who just want to sample the games earlier, and we only look for beta-testers who will stick around, not leaving when the game playing gets really buggy or deadends appeared or aspects of the game were badand restarts frequent. I've seen the latter reason in reality and the grief it is has caused the game-makers, and so, I for one, don't want it replicated at Infamous Adventures. These are only four reasons as to why we have a somewhat laughably small group of non-Infamous Adventurers beta-testers, but there are many more reasons, I just don't have the time, strength, understanding, and permission to discuss, so lets leave that dead dog alone. On a final note to Deltamatrix, had you stuck around patiently, and we saw you were dependable, a beta position would have no doubt been yours had you wanted it, trust doesn't materialize overnight. For instance, I was their first and hardest fan, from like last January, yet I was only brought onto the team in December, because it took them a while to trust me, I didn't have any references or prior experience, so for all they knew, I could just have been wanting insider-information about the games all along. Trust is essential. This isn't a verbal assault towards you, meant to insult you, or provide grounds for anyone to insult you, I simply wanted to thoroughly answer your question and any other which may arise from your point-of-view as I tried to see it. Very minority report of me. You can call me pre-PR, I try to see the questions before they are asked and answer them. In the long run, this saves forum and webspace ;) I'm joking, you have a good night, everyone...
Stay Untouchable. -Cain Aleksandrovich

P.S. To the notorious Jodo Kast Esquire, if it is the one and only. My friend, I can't tell if you're sending an innocent crack our way or trying to seriously insult us, but before you start trying to question our game-making, look at yours. Tell me, who's in charge of your QA? I don't speak for all of Infamous Adventures, but hope that my opinion is shared when I say, that to be able to blow wind at other games, you must have some kind of game-backing or proof that one is on the way. Proof that has never quite materialized from you. I don't know about everyone else in the Adventure-game community, but I'd like to say I'm highly anticipating playing your remake of Laura Bow. It distresses me that unfortuatly I could never see your website, because of my inferior computer, nor ever download your critically-acclaimed demo off of KaZaA due to not being able to find it, but then again that must be my computer acting up. Or maybe its the evil Coalition of Sierra Game-Remake Makers up to its nefarious tricks again, sending my computer certain viruses which disable it from seeing your hard work, because they fear the competition. I'd like to personally send my support in the making of your game, and hope one day, I just may be able to join your reclusive, yet elite team of game-makers hard at work on the first remake of Colonels Bequest and first ever SUPER AGS Game. BTW, that was a crack at you, mate. Don't get mad, get KQ2VGA, play it again to fully understand the plot at the end of it, and prepare yourself for the awesomeness that will be KQ3VGA.


Quote from: Cain Aleksandrovich on Fri 04/02/2005 05:46:25
Before you start trying to raise more doubts, ask yourself why you give AGDI benefit of the doubt and not us. They are a devoted game making company as are we. They say their game will be finsihed, so do we.

Not to stir up a pot, but isn't at least one reason to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've finished two games already?  I haven't followed AGS politics long enough to know whether something is going on under the surface here, but it seems like that's a pretty good reason.  ::)


Quote from: Mark_Yohalem on Fri 04/02/2005 17:12:15
Not to stir up a pot, but isn't at least one reason to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've finished two games already?Ã,  I haven't followed AGS politics long enough to know whether something is going on under the surface here, but it seems like that's a pretty good reason.Ã,  ::)

Then don't stir up the pot, n00b.  ;)

Cain is just very excited about what IA does, and he's willing to stand up for that right.  As for us and our games, I hope they'll be fun and enjoyable.  If not, I'll refund every penny one spends on buying them!

As Deltamatrix brought up and Cain spoke of, QFI has not been abandonded, but the development has taken a less public forefront to our KQIII project.  Both games will come out this year, but KQIII will certainly come out first.

I don't want stupid flamewars happening over free games people make FOR FUN in their spare time.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon

Cain Aleksandrovich

Quote from: Mark_Yohalem on Fri 04/02/2005 17:12:15
Quote from: Cain Aleksandrovich on Fri 04/02/2005 05:46:25
Before you start trying to raise more doubts, ask yourself why you give AGDI benefit of the doubt and not us. They are a devoted game making company as are we. They say their game will be finsihed, so do we.

Not to stir up a pot, but isn't at least one reason to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've finished two games already?Ã,  I haven't followed AGS politics long enough to know whether something is going on under the surface here, but it seems like that's a pretty good reason.Ã,  ::)

It has been mentioned and mumbled by many, formerly myself too, that QFG2 is taking forever to make and may as well never come out at the rate it is going. This is why I alluded to them, as I couldn't think up comparison to another game company. While yes, they do have two spectacular games out and another stunning one on the way, I'm sure, it's not out, so I drew the parralel there. Sometimes, I forget that not all(very few actually) have beta-forums access at IA, and so I forget in complement that the rest of adventure game fans haven't played these builds like I have, so to me, it seems that all the rest know how great they're coming along too. I really can't fully rebute your post until one or both of our games comes out, but I fraw you assurance that Infamous Adventures is as dedicated to their games as anyone else and they'll come spectacular. Besides, Steve's right, I am a bit excited about our product.
Stay Untouchable. -Cain Aleksandrovich

Bromios - aka Broomie

All this bickering and fighting just ain't worth it!

In good news however, we have a brand spanking new site! Thanks to Jwar for his hard work and stuff.

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