King's Quest III VGA - In Production

Started by Blackthorne, Thu 26/08/2004 17:14:53

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I finally got round to reading your response.
BTW, I like the new website and its good to hear that QFI is still going.

If I started a fight here, it wasn't my intention(it never is) but the sudden emerge of the assuming JK seems to inspire this stuff.


I was about to play another KQ, after playing first two VGA remakes, since it didn't seem like AGDI was going to make KQ3VGA any time soon, so I fired up KQ3EGA. But the pixelated graphics on a large 19 inch monitor do seem that much more ugly. And I really hate all the stupid Sierra's "walk along a narrow passage with obstracted view and try not to fall to your death" crap. But seeing that there's a promising remake close to completion, I will wait for it instead. The screenshots look very true to Sierra's VGA games. Can't wait to play it because KQ3 is what I felt like anyway.


We're proud to announce that this project has joined/merged with Silver Sphinx Studios! For more information, see this thread:

Queen Kara

Quote from: Blackthorne on Mon 13/09/2004 06:14:34
Here is a piece of production art I constructed to give an idea of what we might like to do in places in the game.

Whoa , that is awesome! *feels like she could faint anytime*

While I have mixed feelings about other screenshots ,  I know it's still a work in progress so hopefully everything will turn out allright / alright in the end.  I've long wanted a VGA version and it's great that you guys are working on it. Thanks very much.  Regardless of how it turns out , I still look forward to playing it. I may or may not ever do / complete it, but I had / have plans at my own attempt at a remake of this game myself someday.  So just to cover my butt in advance , it's not going to be a "rip off" people , it's just because I am such a huge fan and have the selfishness or whatever of wanting to do things myself! So , please , no name-calling. I am not saying you willl but I wanted to rant a little , heh. Sorry if you happen to not care and I just seemed to waste your time. Wasn't my intention. Thanks again for everything.
Klaatu Verata Niktu?


Quote from: Queen Kara on Fri 01/04/2005 18:06:21
Whoa , that is awesome! *feels like she could faint anytime*

While I have mixed feelings about other screenshots ,Ã,  I know it's still a work in progress so hopefully everything will turn out allright / alright in the end.Ã, 
Heh.  I hope so too!  We keep trying to polish the graphics, so that the latest iterations are of the best quality, while still retaining that Sierra 256 VGA feel.

QuoteI've long wanted a VGA version and it's great that you guys are working on it. Thanks very much.Ã,  Regardless of how it turns out , I still look forward to playing it. I may or may not ever do / complete it, but I had / have plans at my own attempt at a remake of this game myself someday.Ã,  So just to cover my butt in advance , it's not going to be a "rip off" people , it's just because I am such a huge fan and have the selfishness or whatever of wanting to do things myself! So , please , no name-calling. I am not saying you willl but I wanted to rant a little , heh. Sorry if you happen to not care and I just seemed to waste your time. Wasn't my intention. Thanks again for everything.

Kara, that's totally cool!  Making games is always cool, and I wish you all the best on your projects.  Doing this project (and our concurrent project, Quest For Infamy) has really taught me much about the process of making games, and the school of hard-knocks in game making.  It's a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of work.  I'm doing it for the sheer joy of it, which what everyone should do.  Enjoy it !

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon



KQ3VGA is very very near completion, yet we still need your help to finish this sexy game.

Well we at IA are on the prowl again to pick up some hitchhikers only if they'll do some certain deeds for us. Ah nevermind I've already written this out on the site, I'll just C&P it here.

IA are always on the look for new people to help us make our games. As you can see, an extra page titled "Join Us" has been added. If you think you've got what it takes, please direct your mouse to that page, fill out the details (along with a portfolio) and we'll get right back to you.

We're only looking for:

Sprite Animators - People who can put time and effort into animating sprites into alot of detail. If you're sprite work is very good and you can create and animate bigger things then please do mention that.

Background Artists - Although most of our backgrounds are done, we still need someone to add extra details. Small things such as adding books or fixing a few things up.

Dialogue Artists - We've already got the main NPC's dialogue portraits done, yet we're looking for someone who can color in bigger things such as cutscene art. Along with slight animating if possible. Our main priority!

If any of those areas apply to you, apply to us! Please fill out the form here.
Infamous Quests
Kickstart Ventures


I checked out your sight--I can't find a demo anywhere, is there one?  I'm really looking forward to the finished game!  KQ3 was one of my favorites, it's nice to see someone redoing it the way it ought to be done.



Demo? Argh thar be no demo, matey. Yet the winds are blowin' south to perhaps a trailargh!

Translation:  Demo? There won't be a demo. Yet we may have a KQ3 trailer.
Infamous Quests
Kickstart Ventures


Well, we have a new "teaser" trailer for your viewing pleasure on our website.

Click here to view the Teaser Trailer

For more information about King's Quest III VGA and other projects, visit our website, .

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Oh my GOD this game looks awesome!!!!

I cannot wait till this comes out.


Quote from: Bromios on Thu 26/08/2004 18:22:25
It will be a 1:1 remake meaning everything is staying the same, well with the exception of course being updated into Point and Click and VGA graphics, not to mention professionally updated music. This shouldn't effect the production of QFI, at least I hope not, that part isn't really my forte. Thanks for the comments though.
If it's a 1:1 version does that mean the spellbook will be the same with the same spells that we have to look up somewhere and follow the directions to theletter and if something isn't capitalised we die like in the original version?


Quote from: Deloria on Fri 15/07/2005 18:37:20
Quote from: Bromios on Thu 26/08/2004 18:22:25
It will be a 1:1 remake meaning everything is staying the same, well with the exception of course being updated into Point and Click and VGA graphics, not to mention professionally updated music. This shouldn't effect the production of QFI, at least I hope not, that part isn't really my forte. Thanks for the comments though.
If it's a 1:1 version does that mean the spellbook will be the same with the same spells that we have to look up somewhere and follow the directions to theletter and if something isn't capitalised we die like in the original version?

No, the spellbook has been re-done in our version.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Positions opening for Game Testers.

- Must be able to spot, list and catalogue bugs.

- Inspect games for art, animation flaws.

Serious inquiries only, please.  This will entail quite a bit of attention to detail and work.  It'll be worth it, though.  Help make our game as good as it can be.
If you are interested, please PM me, and I will schedule an "interview" with you.  I look forward to hearing from you.

For the rest of you.... the finish line is in sight.  Thanks for all your support.  This has been a wonderful project to make.

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon


Hurrah! By the way, how's Quest For Infamy going?
i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!



Quote from: Hammerite on Fri 23/09/2005 21:19:36
Hurrah! By the way, how's Quest For Infamy going?

Quest for Infamy is moving along nicely. There's no finish date in mind yet, but the groundwork has all been done. The battle / stat engine has been coded, the backgrounds are done, there's a lot of animation work to do as usual, and a lot of other things too.


I may get hung drawn and quatered for bringing this thread back up....but ive just finished playng VGA remakes for KQ1 + 2, and am biting at the bit to play KQ3. Any update on when it'll be completed ?!  :-\


Argh! Will you people please stop pushing down off the page mine and other's games already by bumping up old threads! The front page is now full of locked and games not updated in ages!  :'(

Darth Mandarb

Let's see ... September, October, November, December, January .... only 5 months old.  Why not bump it with a pointless post rather than read the forum rules and following them.

flocking - don't post in here again without reading the rules.

blackthorn - I'm gonna lock this.  If/when you want to update, PM me and I'll unlock it.

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