MAGS September: "The Bad Guy" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Tue 31/08/2010 22:13:08

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Quote from: Atelier on Mon 27/09/2010 16:59:18
Cool, great news both of you. Dualnames hinted at entering (twice) but has started nothing :P

Poor bastard. Well, indeed, twas a great theme, but if not apparent already I'm out. Shame to really miss it. I feel ashamed at myself. I mean Towel! What could a man possibly ask for?

Good luck to all entrants. I'll vote nevertheless. :D
And again congrats to Atelier for having to put up with me. And my bad-ass tutoring. ;)
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


You're too kind to me and too harsh on yourself :-*


I should have something done by the release date.


Cool :D
(Everything to hide my release under others)  :=
"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Destroyed pigeon nests on the roof of the toolshed. I watched dead mice glitter in the dark, near the rain gutter trap.
All those moments... will be lost... in time, like tears... in... rain."


With one day left, time to start thinking about spit polishing your games.


Yeah, just finished my game from start to end. A few animations are still missing but it's a good feeling.
I think it's way to easy and short but I think at least it's fun.
And it might be one of the first games with native gamepad support (which I strongly recommend using).

I've got only one problem:
I'm using a mod for the music which is free to distribute but it's not creative commons so I don't know if it is ok to include it in the game. I've tracked down the author and wrote a mail asking for permission  but haven't got an answer yet.
So on the one hand I'd really like to use it because it fits the game perfectly on the other hand I don't want to snub the author cause I know what it feels like to see your own work in someone elses distribution.
Still I feel it should be ok if it's properly credited.

Maybe you guys can give me some advice?

I'm also using an audio sample which is property of konami. But it's clearly used as a parody. I think it's fine under US and German law but I don't know about UK law as it seems to be somehow stricter in this aspect.
I'm just asking if there's a policy about this when posting an AGS game.


Dunno, Mode7, I'm actually using midis of Bad Religion, half of the US patriotic songs and one Bruce Springsteen. If I remove them, My game will loose all charm.

Anyway those mags are not for commercial use, And I don't believe midi are a way to steal money from an author.

(Bad Religion will love my game)  :=
"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Destroyed pigeon nests on the roof of the toolshed. I watched dead mice glitter in the dark, near the rain gutter trap.
All those moments... will be lost... in time, like tears... in... rain."


Ok here's my game..


It's what I call an "Arcade Adventure"


Download Link! (Rev.3)

I made some last minute changes so this version isn't properly tested. I really hope I haven't broke it.
More info later when i got time.

EDIT: Ok it's 23:41 now (at least in the UK ;)) I'm updating this because there was a problem with the configuration.
Also this version is slightly enhanced with more sound effects.

EDIT: 1.10 10:56. There were some serious bugs in the earlier releases. They should be fixed now. Also fixed some issues with sounds not playing. If you downloaded an earlier version you might want to get this. Sorry for the inconvenience.


@ mode7:

Minor thingy: setup.exe asks for smooth scroll.exe in stead of Abduction.exe


Ok then.
Wow, very nice art, mode7! I'm downloading right now.

So, here's my humble   contribution : An akatoshian / megoesque / southparkian political satire.

Call Me George

Call Me George : Chapter 1 - Prophecy

This is the first 1/5th of the original game. Poorly spellchecked and not really betatested. Hope you'll enjoy the quiz game. (Hope also Progz will still talk to me after that.) :D  Some preview of the rest of the game that I'm hopping to finish in the next weeks :

(Secrets of The Oval Office)

(Fun at the Supreme Court)
"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Destroyed pigeon nests on the roof of the toolshed. I watched dead mice glitter in the dark, near the rain gutter trap.
All those moments... will be lost... in time, like tears... in... rain."


Quote from: Arj0n on Thu 30/09/2010 19:35:12
@ mode7:

Minor thingy: setup.exe asks for smooth scroll.exe in stead of Abduction.exe

Thanks for pointing this out. I started off with the smooth scroll module demo and ended up using it as a template. It's fixed now.



Cool game, I'm stuck, will try to finish it.

Small bug:
After the guy on the far left went over to the tower, I could still interact with his hotspot.


Next to Evil

Duet is a woman with a strange talent. She is also a member of the most powerful family in the world. When she sees that her family causes destruction to the empire and a strange veiled woman gives her the opportunity to betray her family, she must decide if starting a revolution is really what she wants.

Download Here

Calin Leafshade


When Calin Leafshade is pointing out spelling/grammar errors then you know you have problems.


ßHey guys is it still ok to post a bugfixed version here? Even though it's 1.10 already.

Anyway I did it: Sorry for the bugs all reported should be fixed now. Some might have rendered the game unfinishable if they occured. You will know when it's over. there is no "open end".


And I tried so hard this time. :'(  Thanks for pointing that out. I can't wait to play these other ones.


Very good. I declare MAGS September closed. Now:

For voting please visit the MAGS site or make your choice right here:

Next to Evil by joelphilippage
Call Me George by LUniqueDan
Abduction by mode7

Please vote only once and be sure to have played all games before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.

Voting will end on the 15th of October.
Thank you everybody. Now for MAGS October!


Congrats to all entrants. Sorry I didn't join you. But I took my time to play the entries. Only to favor one.

Call me James. ;)
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Igor Hardy

Quote from: Dualnames on Sun 03/10/2010 01:00:05
Congrats to all entrants. Sorry I didn't join you. But I took my time to play the entries. Only to favor one.

Call me James. ;)

Why should we call you James, when your name is Dualnames?


Quote from: Ascovel on Sun 03/10/2010 02:23:24
Quote from: Dualnames on Sun 03/10/2010 01:00:05
Congrats to all entrants. Sorry I didn't join you. But I took my time to play the entries. Only to favor one.

Call me James. ;)

Why should we call you James, when your name is Dualnames?

It was supposedly a reference to what I voted. Call Me George being one of the entries.  ;)
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

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