Background Blitz - Underground (Winner Announced!)

Started by Ilyich, Wed 27/10/2010 13:46:22

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Haha woo I got some votes! That's pretty cool  8)

Such great entries though. Zyndikate... can't wait to see The Journey of Iesir. If I wanted to see the game before, now I NEED to see it. So good.

Idea - Tier - the abstract... thing! Has an interesting presence, so points for the original perception
Atmosphere - zyndikate - just oozes atmosphere
Design - zyndikate
Composition - zyndikate
Technique - zyndikate

Not to put the others down at all though, was a good job by all! Woo for optimism!  :D


Idea - Oraxon
Atmosphere - Tier
Design - Zyndakate
Composition - Oraxon
Technique - Tier

I followed this closely, great entries everyone!


Idea - Zyndikate
Atmosphere - Zyndikate
Design - Zyndikate
Composition - Mad
Technique - Mad

Nice entries everyone!


Idea - Oraxon
Atmoshere - Zyndikate
Design -  Zyndikate
Composition - Zyndikate
Technique - Tier

Kickass round guys.


Arrgh, loominous, I'm really sorry about that. The deadline was supposed to be 23:59 GMT, but I decided to wrap it up a bit earlier (23:59 GMT+3 - local time), because I was feeling sleepy and thought that no one else is going to enter anyway.
Obviously, I was wrong, and that's a shame, because your unfinished entry looks awesome. :)
Well, better luck next time, again - sorry, my bad.

As for my votes:
Idea - oraxon - because cave paintings are awesome. :)
Atmosphere - Mad - because there's just something about this that oozes with atmosphere. Probably, the ooze. :)
Design - Tier - because of the weird geometrical abstraction of it.
Composition - zyndikate
Technique - zyndikate - because it's perfect. :)

Sughly's background is really nice too, if only a bit empty.

Anyway, thanks for entering, guys, you all did a great job!


There are lovley entrys to admire.

But the one, zyndikate made, is much more, than a background-blitz. This level is just too professionel (in every aspect). But if zyndikate promises doing this art only as fanart (without being a professional), then I'm unable vote for any other entry.  :-\

If so, my vote goes to the incredible hulk zyndikate:

Idea - zyndikate
Atmosphere - zyndikate
Design - zyndikate
Composition - zyndikate
Technique -   zyndikate

Sadly too late! I'd like to „drown in“, thinking about what could happen there. ~ (This one would have been my vote for atmosphere.)

I would expect Sadric* or Wilbur* to arrive there every moment, but I think it will be a charismatic Viking named Daniel Trondhjemsfjord, maybe together with Michael and Jack, the two freelancer, who join him on his quest *!

* (The Wispered World/The Book of Unwritten Tales/The Journey of Iesir)


Idea - Tier
Atmosphere - Tier
Design - zyndikate
Composition - Tier
Technique -   zyndikate
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Idea oraxon
Atmosphere oraxon
Design zyndikate
Composition zyndikate
Technique zyndikate

The others were good too, but these two just impressed me the most. oraxon's work makes you think what kind of story fits there and zyndikate's one just has awesome production values. Sughly's background just screams indie (in a warm and fuzzy way) in it's mix of high resolution and low detail. Tier's work seems interesting, but I'm having hard time understanding what it is (or maybe I just need glasses). Mad has a good composition in the way that it seems obvious what the points of interest are, but to me it seems too plain.


Just time to squeeze my vote in I hope.

Idea - oraxon
Atmosphere - zyndicate
Design - zyndicate
Composition/Functionality - Mad
Technique - oraxon

I would also like to award Sughly the smell-o-vision category as I can just smell the tasty soup in that nice warm pot=) The creep-y-ness-factor award goes to Tier whose background makes me feel nervous=S

Really great entries everyone!


Idea: oraxon
Atmosphere: zyndikate
Design: Tier
Composition: Tier
Technique: oraxon
Quote from: Calin Elephantsittingonface on Tue 08/02/2011 09:00:55
The only person in favour of the mobs seems to be IndieBoy.. but he's scottish so we dont listen to him anyway.


All my votes go to Tier. Cause he's pretty. :P
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Quote from: straydogstrut on Tue 16/11/2010 19:27:21
I would also like to award Sughly the smell-o-vision category as I can just smell the tasty soup in that nice warm pot=)

Haha sweet, I'll take that!


Okay, I think that's it!

And the winner is... surprising no one - zyndikate with his extremely beautiful entry! Congratulations!

And if you think I was too lazy to count all those votes - you're wrong. Although, I'm not sure where I put that piece of paper... But I can tell you, that our runner-ups are Tier and oraxon! Well done, guys!

Thanks to participants for participating, to voters for voting, and to everyone else - for nothing!

Take it away, zyndikate!


Congratulations Zyndikate - a most beautiful background amongst other very lovely pieces.

You seem to be getting better and better - really this is something to be proud of :)


Agree, that background seems to transcend background art into something else.
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Daniel Thomas

Thanks guys!
Good thing I'm improving. :)

New Background blitz topic started.
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