Do you like this room? (any change to suggest?) pic and gif

Started by KyriakosCH, Sun 18/09/2016 10:17:50

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It is the more neutral/calm room in the horror game :)
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


I think it looks good and matches the other rooms that you've shown. Two things that popped out. The furniture piece where he's checking the mail/books looks a little strange with that texture on it. I also noticed the light on the ceiling. The light fixture suggests that there shouldn't be any light on the ceiling because it's dark on top. This has my brain thinking that there shouldn't be any light cast on the ceiling. Well done though.


This is moody. I wanted to say everything nicky already mentioned, the texture on the cupboard looks too hard. The lamp would cast a dark shadow of itself on the ceiling. Also the ceiling texture could be softer. Also place the mirror somewhere or or somthing on the opposite wall so it can reflect something. Can you somehow walk through the wall or cut it open with an axe or why did you only use half of the image and left the other half black? I can't quite read this, what is the bright eliptical thing below the coat almost in the middle of the filled screen? A floating pillow?


Quote from: NickyNyce on Sun 18/09/2016 11:40:32
I think it looks good and matches the other rooms that you've shown. Two things that popped out. The furniture piece where he's checking the mail/books looks a little strange with that texture on it. I also noticed the light on the ceiling. The light fixture suggests that there shouldn't be any light on the ceiling because it's dark on top. This has my brain thinking that there shouldn't be any light cast on the ceiling. Well done though.

Good catch!
I forgot about the lighting source being set as single point -- which has the effect of not caring about anything normally hindering it from above :D Will change it.
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!



This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


The textures look much better, but I liked the dark golden light in the first pics, it looked mor atmospheric.


Quote from: Blondbraid on Sun 18/09/2016 20:27:36
The textures look much better, but I liked the dark golden light in the first pics, it looked mor atmospheric.

I agree, it will return :D
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


For me the first pictures' ceiling light looked fine: It looks like there are two open slots running around the top of the lightshade and that the lighting on the ceiling is leaking out through those. To me anyways.


I had the same thought about the open slots, but the lighting would look different. I also agree with Blondbraid. The last image looks very cold and less atmospheric with the whiter light.


Also, I feel as though the light is a little dim.
Usually a light bulb will shine through a lamp shade, causing it to glow at least somewhat.

And of course, like everyone else has said, the golden glow was more atmospheric. :-D


I think that roughly 60-70% of the game is done by now, particularly the animated sequences, which are around 15 (not counting simple reversal).

Usually dialogue-option driven, or object-examination, etc. The story is the core part of the game at any rate. I think it will be roughly the size of AGS games like the very nice Sisyphus Reborn and A Date in the Park, ie up to 30 min to complete for the player. (it has more than one ending, though; at least two very distinct). :)
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Quote from: KyriakosCH on Thu 22/09/2016 21:40:45
You could also suggest a more atmospheric font :)
Seeing that it's supposed to be horror, I'd pick something Gothic! :)

Another alternative could be something like courier or a similar font that looks like old-timey typewriting,
or one that imitates handwriting (But avoid cursive, it tends to be hard to read for most people, especially against a varying background!).

I suppose that has been used in many similar games before, but I think that's what would suit the atmosphere of what I've seen so far...


or maybe some typewriter or even broken typewriter font fits...



^That is pretty nice, yet a bit too cold/detached -comes across as that to me (given the narration is in first person and all) ;)
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Any other font suggestion? I was given a page with various fonts a while ago, but iirc there were 10 here (or around that number). Any more? :=
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Here's a page with fonts:
Here's another one:

I would recommend against typewriter and particularly broken typewriter fonts, which draw a lot of attention to themselves and can be exhausting to read. If you read a Stephen King novel, it's not 300 pages set in bleeding letters, you know. When there's a lot of text, it's usually better to keep the design element pretty subtle. You can create distinctive moods simply by e.g. using a narrow font with wide spacing, or a particular kind of serifs. You don't have to go crazy with it: save that for titles and potentially in-world text. If you insist on getting fancy, maybe consider using text-boxes with some particularly appropriate design in the borders or background.

If you don't have any clue what direction you want to go in, check out other games (primarily professional/commercial titles, since amateur games can be very hit and miss when it comes to font choice), see what you like and don't like about their choices. You can search for adventure games by genre and other criteria here. Then just experiment. Be open to feedback: if players tell you something is ugly or hard to read, take that seriously.

Oh, BTW: When you start experimenting with different font, pretty soon you'll want a font manager. A font manager makes it easy to keep track of tons of fonts, you can make different selections for different purposes (e.g. a set for fonts you're using in the game, or a set for different alternatives you want to try out), and you can load only the ones you want (so that you don't have 10,000 fonts to scroll through all the time when you just want to write a document in Word), without having to install and delete them from your Windows Fonts folder all the time. Good font managers are NexusFont and FontBase.

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