Hard Brexit: what consequences?

Started by TheFrighter, Fri 30/08/2019 20:58:00

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Equal? Who ever said that? That's right, no one.

What I want to know is at what number of deaths, inflicted over how many years does an ideology become bad enough that you can assault someone you suspect of believing in it, several decades later? Because apparently that's the major difference here.

Anyway, this has gone way off topic. I think the EU is a shit idea as a government and that it probably cannot stay afloat financially without the UK, that's why they will stay at all costs.



Yeah, we've gone off the deep end.

Jack, you obviously have a problem with people punching Nazis, and that's fair enough. But we're not here to debate it, and nobody wants to be drawn into a ghoulish argument over body-counts. Also, I don't feel you have enough understanding of the Brexit situation to make a fair assessment. There's plenty of reading material, ideas and opinions from both sides, freely available to you, and, should you feel the need to further contribute to this thread, you might consider reading some of it.

To everybody else, the topic is...Brexit. Not Nazism. Brexit.


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Quote from: Scavenger on Wed 04/09/2019 22:21:18

People should be... living under the government they want? What, do we all seperate out into different nation states that have different government types? Apartheid for party lines? And people who want to change the current government for a country that isn't 100% unanimous are troublemakers?

Hey, it's a great idea for a strategic game!  :)



Quote from: Jack on Thu 05/09/2019 00:30:55
Equal? Who ever said that? That's right, no one.

What I want to know is at what number of deaths, inflicted over how many years does an ideology become bad enough that you can assault someone you suspect of believing in it, several decades later? Because apparently that's the major difference here.

Anyway, this has gone way off topic. I think the EU is a shit idea as a government and that it probably cannot stay afloat financially without the UK, that's why they will stay at all costs.
For crying out loud, the entire point I've been trying to make is that it's not about numbers or body count, it's about ideology.

Nazism is an ideology that specifically demands killing ethnic groups and undesirables as a core part of their ideology.
No other ideology in history have demanded that handicapped people should be executed just for being handicapped.

I don't oppose nazism because of some mathematical calculation, I oppose nazism because they advocate for murdering entire groups of people based on something they were born with.
And last time I checked, not a single baby on record has been born wearing a swastika armband.

And if you think this thread has gone off topic, stop contributing to it by defending nazis.


Quote from: Jack on Thu 05/09/2019 00:30:55assault someone you suspect of believing in it
There it is again. You just cannot get it right. I'm fine with punching Nazis, not "someone you suspect of believing in it", whatever that's supposed to mean. It's really not hard.
I'm talking about people wearing swastikas, chanting "the jews will not replace us", about people who hold a speech, then look pleased as the audience erupts into shouting "hail victory".
How do you keep fucking this up? I mean I'm certainly not going to "suspect you of believing in it", but it seems weird that you keep getting it wrong.

But since this thread is about brexit, remember when Johnson was asked whether he had any hobbies and started talking really weirdly about crafting toy buses from wine crates? Some people suspect he did this to influence the search results when people google "johnson bus".
Anyway, it's a pretty good video.


Quote from: Khris on Thu 05/09/2019 10:28:23
I mean I'm certainly not going to "suspect you of believing in it", but it seems weird that you keep getting it wrong.

Well it's good to see you set this record straight, despite all the past accusations thrown about on these very forums.
I can now walk in peace again, not having to fear Khris ambushing me out of some misguided belief that I were a nazi.

Quote from: Khris on Thu 05/09/2019 10:28:23
But since this thread is about brexit, remember when Johnson was asked whether he had any hobbies and started talking really weirdly about crafting toy buses from wine crates? Some people suspect he did this to influence the search results when people google "johnson bus".
Anyway, it's a pretty good video.

It's damn sight clever, though. As an idea, that is, obviously it didn't work in the slightest, and if that was the plan then Boris or his team must have deeply misunderstood how online search engines work.
It's a similar kind of misdirected smarts as the whole "behave like a bumbling fool, pretending not to know you're about to give a speech when you are" -shtick he's been using over and over.
He may look like the village idiot, but there is some cunning to the man.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: Blondbraid on Thu 05/09/2019 10:04:54
No other ideology in history have demanded that handicapped people should be executed just for being handicapped.
Completely unrelated to the topic at hand, and they weren't exactly beacons of morality either, but I think the Spartans did that too.

Also kind of unrelated to the topic at hand (at this point I don't think that can be helped), but that article Ali linked was quite eye-opening for me. I've heard that sort of stuff often enough before, but aside from feeling on a subconscious level that there was something off with responding to a statement on Nazi atrocities with "But Communism!", I usually just shrugged it off as "Well, that's a person who thinks about stuff differently from me. Maybe it is just left-leaning vs right-leaning".

It is interesting how such memes spread. I'm pretty sure I've heard it from people who aren't the least bit Eastern European. Also odd to me how such things get attached to politics. such that people are fighting left vs right on topics completely unrelated to whether the state should own the means of production or it should be in the hands of private owners.
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Quote from: WHAM on Thu 05/09/2019 11:47:54Well it's good to see you set this record straight
Not sure what you mean; I didn't have to set anything straight. I made a very simple and straightforward comment, and for some reason certain people felt the desperate need to jump in out of the blue to defend actual Nazis.
They kept misrepresenting my statement and I kept reiterating it. Weird how you always have to do that.

And btw, fuck nazis.


Quote from: Khris on Thu 05/09/2019 16:13:28
And btw, fuck nazis.

It's really common to see people getting called nazis these days, which probably explains that kind of reaction.
But yes, indeed: fuck nazis.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: LimpingFish on Thu 05/09/2019 01:09:36
Jack, you obviously have a problem with people punching Nazis, and that's fair enough.

It's more accurate to say I have a problem with not punching communists. This board has opened my eyes to the possibilities of assaulting people based on their suspected beliefs. ;)

Quote from: Blondbraid on Thu 05/09/2019 10:04:54
For crying out loud, the entire point I've been trying to make is that it's not about numbers or body count, it's about ideology.

Right, and the one I made is that the dead end up just as dead and almost as numerous either way. It's funny, when we started discussing this, you said I couldn't compare all the deaths from communism globally to the nazis, because you know how many they have killed, everywhere that communism was the law.

Quote from: Khris on Thu 05/09/2019 10:28:23
There it is again. You just cannot get it right. I'm fine with punching Nazis, not "someone you suspect of believing in it", whatever that's supposed to mean. It's really not hard.

But what do you consider a nazi? Do you believe someone deserves to be punched for refusing to say that someone with a five-o'clock-shadow and penis is a woman? I'd like a yes or no answer on this from the loud lefties here, but I am asking you specifically because I think you're that kind of extremist.

This got stupid in the previous thread so I will just say this and be done with it. I remember the internet that went along happily with the first Dronebama campaign, because he promised to get out of the middle east (the same thing Trump promised). The culture fight was the left's to lose, and instead of building on what was given to you, you let extremists hijack it. And you don't want to admit it, either. Those cowards with the communist flags throwing piss bombs at people, assaulting them with bicycle locks, nah, we won't talk about them, comrade. Let's pretend instead that everyone who dares mention an atrocity that is not the holocaust, is a nazi themselves. This with-us-or-against-us strategy will make you nothing but enemies, and you either don't care, or you are too stupid to see what you are doing.


Fuck off with your transphobic bullshit, Jack. Someone ban this guy.


Yeah, I'm not allowed to talk about it.

Transphobia doesn't exist. No one is afraid of them.

What I am is a trans denier. I don't believe in it. Am I allowed to not believe in it?


You can believe whatever shit you want. I don't think you're entitled to make the AGS forums an intolerable place by smearing your shit all over every thread.


Have you noticed that you only show up any more for these shit threads, because I have. You want to pretend people will die if I don't agree with them. If I say something about that, then I'm a nazi.


Quote from: Jack on Thu 05/09/2019 19:15:18Do you believe someone deserves to be punched for refusing to say that someone with a five-o'clock-shadow and penis is a woman?
No, of course a transphobic moron shouldn't be punched. I do not condone violence against people who are primarily moronic, that would be absurd. They should absolutely be banned from online communities or uninvited from public events though. Throwing milkshakes and silly string at them is also fine.

It's called transphobia because people who deny the existence of trans people are simply afraid of having to talk to them or even look at them. They get insecure and embarrassed so they pretend it's just confused people dressing up or whatever, because that allows their perfectly smooth brains to better deal with the uncomfortable situation.


(Typed before several other posts appeared)

Do yourself a favour Jack, and look up the definition of transphobia. It means more than just a fear of. Of course, if you don't believe trans people exist, then to you the word itself shouldn't exist, yet there it is, and you're using it yourself just now confirming the word does exist, even if you don't fully understand the meaning.

There's a difference between thinking something, and spewing hatred towards people online. You disgust me, Jack.


Quote from: Jack on Thu 05/09/2019 19:30:18
Have you noticed that you only show up any more for these shit threads, because I have.

I still visit the forums most days, just to lurk. I don't post very much, in part because of people like you. I don't want to play the Movie Quote Game with a bigoted dickhead.


Thank you for answering the question, Khris.

Quote from: Khris on Thu 05/09/2019 19:32:05
They get insecure and embarrassed so they pretend it's just confused people dressing up or whatever, because that allows their perfectly smooth brains to better deal with the uncomfortable situation.

[citation needed]

And now from somewhere hatred against trans persons has materialised. Where is the hatred? I don't believe in it, and worse yet I said it out loud. That is all. THIS is what I have a problem with. I used this example because it makes an excellent example of the left's intolerance and love of censorship.

I really didn't intend to derail the stupid discussion about nazis vs commies with one about transpenii, but it sure has done that. I won't post again in this thread unless it's about the brexit that totally will not happen.


Hatred is just one form of it, denying how other people feel about themselves altogether is another. And denial is also the key concept here, since this isn't about opinions. You are making a claim about reality. This claim implies that all trans people are deluded, and that implication is what people are and should be intolerant of.

But fine, let's pretend that transsexuality isn't real. People labeling themselves trans or presenting as trans are still beaten up and murdered all the time. People like you are fostering this toxic environment, while trans activists are trying to end it. So why should I care that you regard them or their allies as intolerant? That lame tactic will only work on dumbass centrists.

Also, since this is a thread about Brexit: https://twitter.com/dionfanning/status/1169309541902770182

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