Newbies introduce yourselves here!

Started by Queen Kara, Wed 21/04/2004 00:20:48

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Hi Nicolas

Welcome to the community.

Your interest in point and click adventures will ensure that
you have plenty of games to play, from the vast library.

If you can master the AGS engine you can, in time, share
your creations with like minded players.

Best of luck.  :)


Hello, everyone! Very much to join your community, I am sure I will find here a lot of useful and interesting communication.


Hello All,

I am really happy to be here. I played a couple of AGS-made games and enjoyed them greatly. Lurked for years but decided to finally settle for a while.
I am lawyer and graphic designer by education and system admin by trade, but these thing do not really matter here, do they?

I love cats, comic books and pen and paper rpgs. I am absolutely horrible at playing adventure games, though.
You can point me at the easiest game you know and I *will* get stuck on it and be terribly embarrassed by the whole endeavor.

In spite of copious amount of work, family and friend obligations, and autumnal weariness I plan to make small adventure games on the side.
But most of all, I plan to enjoy my stay here.  :)


Hi there :)

Quote from: arbi on Sat 17/10/2020 13:11:01
You can point me at the easiest game you know and I *will* get stuck on it and be terribly embarrassed by the whole endeavor.

Nothing to be embarrassed about, really. Sometimes I think that getting stuck is the essence of point'n'clicks...



And I agree with Pogqizd... if I don't get stuck, then I get disappointed... and think that the game is just too easy.  (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Hi y'all

I'm GuyNullVal and I used to play AGS games (as well as a bunch of other freeware games) back in the 00's.
I remember I used to tinker a bit with both AGS and Game maker 6.0 (or was it 7 or 8?  :confused:) as well.
It never really turned into anything, but hopefully it will someday.
I work as a software dev in the daytime, but it is not in any way game related.
I like drawing and animation too, as well as making music, I hope that I get to participate in some of the competitions here on the forum  :grin:


Welcome to the forums guyNullVal.
I remember doing the same thing back with AGS and Game Maker at that time as well. I guess I just stuck with it.  :-D
Good luck with your endeavors.


Don't mind me just testing something here!


Hey, all. I'm Ian but you can just call me Kyrr.

As is probably par for the course, I grew up playing adventure games. From Beneath a Steel Sky, to Grim Fandango. While I wouldn't say they are my favorite genre of games, I think they present something really unique and special that's all but gone from modern gaming.

I only recently happened upon AGS, and it was kind of a kismet discovery. I've had a project in mind the last few years for an old-school adventure game that I wanted to make,  but didn't know the best way of going about it. I tinkered with GameMaker and, while I learned how to make some simple games like asteroids or platformers, making a fairly logic-heavy program like an adventure game from scratch was a little beyond my layman wheelhouse. Skip forward to a week or so ago, I was watching old episodes of Ross' Game Dungeon on youtube. He did a video about an adventure game that looked like it was drawn by a child in MSpaint (I don't say that to be denigrating. I mean, it was filled with typos and stuff. I think it was made by a kid). I figured out the game came out relatively recently (as in, the last few years, not the last few decades) and was made with something called AdventureGameStudio. I was filled with a sense of "if this person can do it, I should able to, too." So, a short bit of googling later, and here I am. I've been following the Densming tutorial videos and they're great! I haven't finished all of his lessons yet, but even with what I've learned so far, I'm pretty excited and hopeful about what I can do with the software.

As for my project, I won't go into too much detail since I've only got a handful of sprites in a test game right now. But I want to make an adventure game that will serve as a prequel to my novel. I've got the whole story in my head and I'm penciling a more complete script into a notebook. Meanwhile, I'm not much of an artist, but I think I've cobbled together some not half-bad character sprites. However, I'm pretty terrible at backgrounds. So, at some point, I'll probably commission someone to make better ones. And probably music too, although I'll try my hand at slapping together some chiptune music first. See just how bad I am.

Anyway, that's me. I'm looking forward to checking out some of your games, getting to know some people, and taking advantage of the vast wealth of knowledge I'm sure is resting within the forums here.


Hi Kyrr! Welcome to the mad house, very interested to see what you comes up with.

Is the novel you mention already written /published?


Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 12/01/2021 09:55:55
Hi Kyrr! Welcome to the mad house, very interested to see what you comes up with.

Is the novel you mention already written /published?

Yes actually, and you can find it on amazon. Legacy Lost and Found, by Ian Karkasy (and the ebook should be available on other marketplaces but I'm not 100% on that). Sci-fi epic. Pretty lengthy. you can check out its product description there if you're curious. I don't want anyone to think i'm spamming or advertising by posting it here.

and not to downplay myself or anything, but I've pretty much only sold copies to family/friends. writing is mostly a hobby for me. Although, once I've got a few more published works under my belt, maybe I'll try busting into the dog-eat-dog industry of self-publishing. who knows.

anyway, for now, I've got silly and obtuse adventure game puzzles to create!


Thanks!  I've sent the sample to my phone to have a read of.  I asked since several of us, myself included, are writers as well as game creators.

Anyway yes, back to making adventure games with you!  :-D


Not sure if anyone even reads these but I thought I should drop by to say hi AND applaud whoever wrote the account creation "quiz". It's great. I loved this question here specially;

(Not sure why my answer was "wrong"... Counter-Strike is my favorite adventure videogame. Might be a bug, I dunno).
> > > 666 KILL CHOP DELUXE 666 < < <


Hehe whether a game is adventure depends on who you ask.
Luckily I was an old member with my account transferred from the old boards, otherwise I definitely would fail the quiz.  :=

Anyways, welcome aboard!


Hello! I am Nacho Ayala, a Spanish guy that has been around since 1979... I was here a looooong time ago, attended some Mittens, made some unforgettable friends, made no games... I have been the sprite artist of "Fountain of Youth" for almost 15 years... But now I am back to fly solo, with some mistakes learned, re encounter some old friends and make new ones. Hello to all! :D


Quote from: SpicyNachosGraphics on Mon 01/03/2021 18:15:11
Hello! I am Nacho Ayala, a Spanish guy that has been around since 1979... I was here a looooong time ago, attended some Mittens, made some unforgettable friends, made no games... I have been the sprite artist of "Fountain of Youth" for almost 15 years... But now I am back to fly solo, with some mistakes learned, re encounter some old friends and make new ones. Hello to all! :D
Hello to you!  :)

Privateer Puddin'


Hello, I am a newb here with some unrealeditor experience and would like to start projects in ags too



Hello everybody,
I'm Simone (I'm not English) and my first visit here dates back to... at least 2001, I guess...
I was in university and I made 12 short AGS adventure games for my friends. The last one was a Tamagotchi-like simulation featuring one of my best friends, who left us shortly after. Yes, those jokes you are thinking about, are the same we were all thinking about.
I stumbled upon it some days ago and... you know that "spark"... I knew I had to make another game, maybe about my friend.
So I came back here and got the new AGS version.  8-0 Many changes, many changes...  :grin:
Anyway, I hope it won't take me too much time to release something... watchable.
See you around! I'm afraid I'll be back soon to check the tech forum  :-D

Oh, yes, top 3 games of all time:
1 Fate of Atlantis
2 Monkey Island 2
3 Day of the Tentacle

And, most underrated game of all time: of course, Loom.


Quote from: Trout on Fri 19/03/2021 21:04:31
Hello everybody,
I'm Simone (I'm not English) and my first visit here dates back to... at least 2001, I guess...
I was in university and I made 12 short AGS adventure games for my friends.
So, are those 12 shorts available still?  :) Best of luck!

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