Background Blitz: Near you (Deadline: March 24th)

Started by Creamy, Sun 03/03/2024 23:43:52

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This month, please draw a background showing a landmark, city, famous person, etc. representing approximately where you live.

Deadline: March 24th.
As usual the entries will be judged on:
- Concept: your background should tell us something about the kind of patrons that regularly visit the bar.
- Playability: does it have clear walkable areas, things to interact with, etc?
- Artistic Execution: what's the feeling of the place? Does the image convey the wanted atmosphere?

Have fun and good luck!

The topic was lifted from the Background Blitz suggestion thread.


Nice theme Creamy!

I'm going to try create something today for this one. Would love to see a few more entries too if anyone has time!


Seems to have been an interesting enough topic, but looks like it fell off the edge of the earth? Maybe if Creamy gave it a new deadline? Only reason I stopped by was my looking for something to do to get me moving again.

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