August MAGS: Buccaneer

Started by Hobbes, Wed 13/08/2003 02:20:09

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nicely done.  8)
the big doors don't bother me at all.
like your graphics style. to me it seems totally different style from strange day though, but they both look cool.


The style is indeed very different. And personally I prefer this style a bit more. And, I think, other people do too. :)

Pet Terry

Cool game, liked the graphics and music. Is it composed by you or just some random tunes all over the internet? And the ending was good, pretty original. Good job.
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


As I put in the credits, the music's by Sierra/Dynamix. It's the score to Betrayal at Krondor and can be downloaded from Quest Studios.

Thanks for the feedback! :)


Great game. Good dialogue, good graphics, great Lucasfilm interface, and the awesome music made me really wanna play Betrayal at Krondor again. Damn I love BaK.

Hope to see full length games from you soon.


that key puzzle is pure cheese.  why would i push notes?  i've never push a note, EVER!  and there was no game response for "pick up"  what the hell was that?  at least say something!!  i went on a huge pixel hunt because i thought i had hidden the key under the rug, or over the door, or behind the picture, or under the desk, or in the brandy, or under my chair!  and it was under the fucking papers that I COUDN'T PICK UP!!!

other than that i liked it hobbes, make more.
I like having low self-esteem.  It makes me feel special.


I liked this, most of what's great has already been said (and I agree, albeit less fervently that picking up the notes should've been an option) but this is one of the few games that use the Lucasarts automatic verb thing, that's what makes the UI for me, usually it's look at but it just provides a smoother game experience, good dialogue, big melodramatic finish (when's the movie out? ;D), nice graphics, good job


Quote from: taryuu on Sat 16/08/2003 06:40:22
that key puzzle is pure cheese.  why would i push notes?  i've never push a note, EVER!  and there was no game response for "pick up"  what the hell was that?

I have to agree with you there... That puzzle was inserted at the end of the game to at least have *some* difficulty in it.

But well, it wasn't the most thought-out thing. :)

Glad to hear you like it, though.


What an intersting game. I liked the ending :P


Ok, to stop the ratings on the MAGS page from plummeting any further (and because I feel taryuu has a very valid point), I've updated Buccaneer for (I think) the last time.

I've added a certain verb-command to a certain puzzle near the beginning of the game.

So, yes "PICK UP" now also works on the notes.

Hope it improves the playability and lessens the frustration for new people coming to this small game.




aah, damn, I played your game, and I looked at the shandy in my inventory and the game crashes, and I didn't save... crap crap... I think I found a bug here  :o COOL GAME BTW! ;)

Alexis Vale

This is a GREAT game. Excellet. I haven't seen such a good quality story line in a while. The story has depth. It's so sad and heartbreaking. Nice graphics. I love the dialogs. Three thumbs up! ;D


Minimi, could you mail me on that bug? Where did it occur, btw? I heard about this one before, but was unable to reproduce it...

And Alexis, thanks! I had a lot of fun coming up with the dialogs, and I think they're the reason people like this game. So, I've kinda made up my mind. In Buccaneer 2, you can expect more drama, more melodrama and more complications.

Woohoo. :)


When I right click on the brandy outside of the office the game crashes (invalid message # to display).

Great game so far by the way...


Hey! I was in the credits  :) Thanks!

Great game by the way. A lot of mention has been made about lack of drama in games and too much humor. Although short, it did fit the drama category.



I think I know why there is abug when looking at the brandy: Did you use a room mesage for the inventory item? You need to use a global message or just display text/speech. :)

A continuation/longer game would be great!
Try Not to Breathe - coming sooner or later!

We may have years, we may have hours, but sooner or later, we push up flowers. - Membrillo, Grim Fandango coroner


I really enjoyed this, Hobbes. Although it was very short, it had a nice drama to it, and nice characterisation. A longer game would be great.


As mentioned, I'm probably going to make a Buccaneer 2. I've been pondering it for some time, and I already have a far greater plot for it than for my other games-in-progress. The Strange Day just looks awful to my eyes now (despite it being in a higher resolution). And "Depths of Clearbay" is cool, but I'm not really ready for that game yet. Lots of complex character issues to tackle, and I'm not feeling too comfortable with my skills for that yet.

So, yes, the drama will be upped, and Richard McRoch will once again set out through the streets of Amsterdam. Haunted by his excessive drinking and the longings for his dead wife Marie, he'll be having an interesting plot!

And, thank you all for playing this game. I can't begin to express how good it feels to know that people enjoy this little game.

PLUS: Bug-fix! You can now look at the brandy anywhere in the game.

It would also appear I've won this month's MAGS competition. Yay!


Hobbes that is great I loved it!

all it needed was about 2 more hours worth of gameplay! :P

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