Started by MHawk, Fri 20/06/2003 18:41:51

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I cannot have anything against you, because I don't know you enough, but as you make the E-zine I know you're a sensible and dedicated person!
I simply have lots against the words you write in this thread. I guess that's because you're too emotional about the original game, but even then such discouragement is really out of place in this forum.

The only one you have made, under the bed, looks more like a table, and, moreover, I bet anyone could do such backgroung in 3 minutes.
Do I really need to comment on this one?

QuoteSound: You said that your remake is going to feature additional music and voice packs. But you still havent found a musician nor voice actors.
You're acting like a policeman conducting an investigation against the man.

QuoteAnd I BET that your version of the cat's story is a man who tried to defy manannan but got turned into a cat instead. I may be wrong though.
Christ, it's just silly, being SURE that the designer had a stupid idea just because you're afraid of him spoiling the remake. Let's say he does, then he gets criticised, nobody downloads the game. What catastrophe has befallen on mankind? Do all the old KQ discs disappear in a puff of smoke?

QuoteSo do be a little bit more laconic in your post and site, okay?
Why do you tell the man what his site should look like? And there are plenty of people who write much more detail in their game dev threads.

QuoteI dont want to be offensive nor insultive
Well but you are!11!!!
In my opinion you should stop being so afraid that somebody will ruin the KQ series. One remake cannot make you loose your precious memories!
I admire people who have strong feelings, but I think that you border on irrational.


Sorry guys, cant help it. Moderators, if you like, delete this post:
Infact, Im very optimistic about this remake. The graphics look STUNNING and I bet that the ones in the final remake will be better than these in kq6. And this BUBIS screenshot looks...WOW!!!I bet you're going to do a 3Dintro movie better than thi in kq6 and kq2vga. Who needs tierra when we have Mikware? No-one, of course. I BET Tom and Dianne  Lewandowski will be honoured to make music for your game, even to record two or three songs. Also, the guy who acted Alexander in kq6 and Josh Mandel will offer their help to you in very short time. And Roberta Williams and Jane Jensen will help you with the plot. Im sure they have an idea or two about enhancing the plot. Again, way to go dude! Youre THE man who can remake kq3!!!!

Goldmund: Im sure no-one wants to know about every pixel scripted in the game and that you dislike long threads filles with this sort of news: "Did the light switch scripting, now Im off to draw a 5x5 pixel torch"

Again, sorry.


Vel, if you really "can't help it", you should seriously consider refraining from reading this forum.

What is the point of your posts? What are they supposed to achieve? You were asked by Snake to refrain from this type of thing, and yet you continue. Why?

Please reconsider your attitude - you are only alienating people, and certainly aren't making any friends with these type of posts.


As I said, sorry. Delete my post. I just hadn't used irony in this thread before. I do not want to alienate people, but, as the forum rules say, a man has got to show a few screenshots and to be sure that the game will be finished before posting it here.


Whats wrong with proper honest critics like Vel? I support his words. They are so true.

If this was just some original AGS game then such criticism shouldn't be tolerated but for god's sake THIS IS A REMAKE. Remakes have to be better than the original. Critics like Vel are necessary to give the remakers a kick start to doing whats right! People like us may not mind tackiness in such games but what about the other Sierra fans who don't follow AGS.
Us people here who don't mind a few dodgy or weird graphics are in the minority.

From what MHawk has shown us, he could to ruin a good game such as KQ3 unless those screenshots ARE improved. I loved that game!!!!!! PLZ DONT MESS IT UP. I BEG YOU

Have you ever been to www.fangames.co.uk

Those games are shit!! And they make a disgusting mockery of LucasArts good name. Shame on them!

This is a game and should be treated with extra care like what Tierra have done. ;)


Quote from: deltamatrix on Wed 16/07/2003 23:01:07
Whats wrong with proper honest critics like Vel? I support his words. They are so true.

If this was just some original AGS game then such criticism shouldn't be tolerated but for god's sake THIS IS A REMAKE. Remakes have to be better than the original. Critics like Vel are necessary to give the remakers a kick start to doing whats right! People like us may not mind tackiness in such games but what about the other Sierra fans who don't follow AGS.
Us people here who don't mind a few dodgy or weird graphics are in the minority.

From what MHawk has shown us, he could to ruin a good game such as KQ3 unless those screenshots ARE improved. I loved that game!!!!!! PLZ DONT MESS IT UP. I BEG YOU

Have you ever been to www.fangames.co.uk

Those games are shit!! And they make a disgusting mockery of LucasArts good name. Shame on them!

This is a game and should be treated with extra care like what Tierra have done. ;)
omg deltamatrix, these games ARE really bad!! Mostly copied sprites... and an atmosphere around it that does not fit.... and second even games made in TGF... see sam&max roadtrip! Well, im using Multimedia Fusion, but not for these crappy things! Shame on them.


QuoteThose games are shit!! And they make a disgusting mockery of LucasArts good name. Shame on them!
lol!  So true...although I did give a couple of those MI fangames positive reviews over at Anthenor's.  Those games had a couple positive qualities :P

Yeah, I agree -- being critical about remakes of games is fine...if it's a fangame, not a direct remake, that's different.  Just my opinion, though.  Of course, generally bitching about other peoples' games isn't a good idea...you know, like I used to do when I first came to the AGS forums.  Sorry about that, by the way! ;)

Good luck with this King's Quest game, though!  One question: why are you posting these screenshots, basically no more than what we've already seen in the AGI version, if you've got a VGA artist working on better?  Wait until he gets some kickass visuals for you to show off and you'll get people a lot more excited with the project.  Same with the under the bed thing... :P

This is cool, though.  I guess a lot of people get pissed when it's not Tierra remaking the games, but so what?  It's cool to see more people getting in on this...you know, assuming the final products will be of high quality and all :)


why does everything always have to come down to how good the graphics are with most people in this thread?
i wouldn't really care if he used the original sprites, animations, sounds and backgrounds in the remake, i mean how many of you wish you could play your old games on your fancy new PCs and operating systems that don't allow you to? an exact remake would allow you to do that, and if you demanded better graphics you wouldn't be playing that old game...

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


it sounds like if MHawks game doesn't live up to the orginal it will ruin it.
That doesn't make sense. How will it ruin the original? You can still play it, Mhawks game doesn't affect it in the slightest. Are the sierra fans going to die? No one is forced to play mhwaks game.
Can we let him just announce his good/bad/whatever game? You guys already said how much you think it sucks over and over but you still keep going on and on. This ISN'T Critics lounge.


Hmm, these criticisms seem to be coming from the position that 'If it won't be a stunningly good remake, then you shouldn't be doing it'.  Why?  Mhawk's remake isn't going to affect the original, as evilspacefart pointed out.  If you don't like it, just ignore it.  Cool your criticisms, please, and make sure they're genuinely constructive before posting.

Goldmund has already pointed out the shortcoming's of Vel's post, but I must also mention deltamatrix's:

QuoteYou trying to WOW us with that screenshot makes me regard you as a loser.

Come on - you know this is not appropriate.  Play nice, people.

Now that's two moderators and CJ (er...  Pumaman) who have posted their disapproval of the nature of the criticisms in this thread.  Please get the message.


Yea I posted that BEFORE all that controversy. I did say he should prove me wrong and I want him too. :)

EDIT: MHawk, are you going to recreate the 3 bears scene with the porridge or are you going to develop it and replace it with something that doesn't plagarise an old fairy tale just like how Tierra developed the Little red riding hood bits in KQ2+


I just found out about your work.
Is there a DEMO available for download, somewhere?
I'm eager to play your game,  i saw the screenshots: COOL!
I played the original, and i love it. I played 1 & 2 from Tierra and your
VGA version of 3 is gonna be fantastic, too.
I'm busy with my own game, called King's Quest Forever.
You'll hear from me, if you want, about it.
Please, mail me soon!
Keep up the good work!  ;)

-Danny Desse'


1. No, there is not a demo
2. WHAT screenshots? Those are from the original agi version
3. He hasnt updated his site for 2 months


Are they really, Vel?
I didn't saw that, honestly.
Weird, isn't it? Maybe we're talking about different things,



Hi, i want to ask Danny something.

I just found out about your work.
Is there a DEMO available for download, somewhere?
I'm eager to play your game, i saw the screenshots: COOL!
I played the original, and i love it. I played 1 & 2 from Tierra and your
VGA version of 3 is gonna be fantastic, too.
I'm busy with my own game, called King's Quest Forever.
You'll hear from me, if you want, about it.
Please, mail me soon!
Keep up the good work!

-Danny Desse'

You said this.

I'm busy with my own game, called King's Quest Forever
Is there a link, or website.

How far is the game from releasing.



Hi, i have been here a week now and i want to know something from someone.

What is the progress so far in the KQ3VGA game. I mean, there are no news updates on that site or new pictures.

I read that a Danny guy is making a game called King's Quest Forever

Is there a link so that i can go there.

Please write back, thank you.


Looks good so far. Please mail me if a small DEMO releases!


Sorry for the question but WHAT does look good? Sierra gfx from 1986? They sure do!


King's Forever is partly made with AGS. The rest will be done with my own engine which is just finished. The game is still FAR from releasing and lots of thing have to been done, still. Since i'm doing this stuff alone, it could take some time to release. The plot will be simular to KQ3, cause i think that's the best KQ of them all. So the answer to your question is:
no, there is no link for previews. My site will soon be online, and a small DEMO will release together with it. Thanks for your interest!

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