Background Blitz - 051004 - Winner: Krysis

Started by loominous, Tue 04/10/2005 13:19:27

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Can be any sort of enterprise really. The vendor, if you have one, must be absent (perhaps stick a "out to lunch sign" in there) and no other character sprites should be included, though you're free to add other interactive sprites.

No size or palette restrictions.


We'll try slightly less than a week, and if less than three entries has entered by then, it will be extended another week. Since a whole weekend is included it will hopefully suffice.


PLEASE OBSERVE: I thought we might try a slightly different voting system this time which could inspire people with great ideas but lacking in the actual rendering technique and generally promote forethought.

It wouldn't be anything fancy really, just instead of picking an overall best background, you'd give a vote for:

(these aren't set yet, suggestions are welcomed)

* Best Idea - The underlying idea to the background. Doesn't neccesserily have to coincide perfectly with the theme of the week, just strike you as interesting/amusing/inspiring; a place you'd really enjoy visiting within a game.

* Best Design - The style of the picture, architectural, landscape design, best mood, most evocative etc.

* Best Functionality - How well it would work when adding sprites, including appropriate walking distances, good angle for character sprites, clever walkway solutions, easily understood exits etc.

* Best Technique - How well the ideas are executed in form of rendering.

So, each voter would provide four votes instead of one. As mentioned, these aren't really set yet and far from ideal, so suggestions and opinions are welcomed.

Edit: Deadline extended
Looking for a writer


Wow, I was actually thinking of a blitz theme very close to this. My idea was to have a specialty store that sells odd stuff, similar to Stan's enterprises in the MI series.

I think the old voting system works fine, but I guess it'd be nice to try something new. It might be a bit confusing, though, with everyone saying so many names. So are the number votes for each name just counted together and the one that gets most wins? Or is there supposed to be some averaging system?

So if voter1 votes Jack - Jack - Peter - Sandra and voter2 votes Jack - Peter - Sandra - Mark, the results are:

1. Jack (3 votes)
2. Peter/Sandra (2)
3. Mark (1)

So what happens when there's a draw?


we have a background blitz here, and I believe it means Adventure game bgs, am I right? Since this *is* the AGS forums? Thus I'd go with the best functionality, just because I have seen beautiful *pictures* here, very nice artistic impressions, but hardly suitable for a background, apart from an intro or such.

IF we are to develope the rules, that would inspire the competitors to for example create something that they could use in their own game, or perhaps give ideas, then compete on who's game would not be most good looking, but as said, functional. Well, personally I like good graphics, but if it's a hell to play it, I seldom bother myself...

No entry here yet, sorry

Paper Carnival

Quote from: ildu on Tue 04/10/2005 13:47:41So what happens when there's a draw?

Then maybe the host picks the winner?


A draw is possible in the current system as well -- has it never happened before?
aka Nur-ab-sal

"Fixed is not unbroken."


I don't see why we should worry about that now.  It's never happened before, and to my understanding in past BG blitz it's been winner-by-a-landslide.



Yeah, yeah, I know what you'll say. I was going to draw an ice cream truck but in the end desided to be something to use in my game. In case U dont know its an old Gas Station. :)


Good design, but the idea doesn't come across too well as "Young Entrepreneurs". Looks good anyway.



We wait for loom to say it's voting time, and we vote.

Assuming he doesn't extend the date, since we only have one entry.


I forgot about this comp... Here's the one I'm currently working on.

I'll try and clean it up and make it more finished before any voting happens.

The signs read: "Cootie Cleansing 25 cents" and "Giving Susie Free Samples"
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT


sorry it's so darn late

because everyone has to start somewhere!
Bye bye thankyou I love you.


Was just about to declare Krysis winner by default but what do you know.

Suppose voting's open. These dragged out voting periods serve no real purpose, especially since the competition is hardly about winning, so we'll have the voting open until tomorrow, unless less than three votes are in.

Please read the voting guidelines in the first post before voting.
Looking for a writer


Visually, I like Krysis. But I'm voting for Scummbuddy because I love the idea.
Maybe if I ever drew backgrounds I'd be more appreciative of the visual doodads but...c'mon...cootie cleansing!


my vote go's to ... Krysis

You deserve to win, awesome BG!



Quote from: loominous on Tue 18/10/2005 20:06:30
Please read the voting guidelines in the first post before voting.
Looking for a writer


Best Idea-Scummbuddy

Best Design-Scummbuddy

Best Functionality- Krysis

Best Technique-Krysis

I hope i did that right...

Privateer Puddin'

Quote from: King_Nipper on Wed 19/10/2005 14:05:39
Best Idea-Scummbuddy
Best Design-Scummbuddy
Best Functionality- Krysis
Best Technique-Krysis

I hope he did that right... ;)


He sure did.

Besti idea: Krysis
Best design: Krysis
Best Functionality: Krysis
Best technique: Scummbuddy (but coloured please, otherwise Krysis again)

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