Background Blitz - Unholy Temple - CLOSED, WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Started by formica, Tue 21/10/2014 09:37:16

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Ok guys, opening this for voting! You can vote in the thread or anonymously via message to me.

There are 3 categories you can vote in:

Artistic Execution

Which are exactly what they sound like.

Vote your hearts out! These are what you'll be winning, along with respect and admiration of course:

Quote from: formica on Fri 21/11/2014 09:16:20


HAHAHA!!! You put so much, dare I say it...

...oh what the heck...I just can't resist...


...into those trophies!

EDIT: And, oh yeah, I'll vote later when I have the time to comment properly...



Quote from: aikex222 on Fri 21/11/2014 23:40:49
nooooooooo :C i was sending mine now xD

Please do! I'm giving a bit of slack due to timezones and such. I'm sure no one will mind.


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


thanks  :-[
it was my fault >_> when i start something the time flies.



Concept: aikex222
Artistic Execution: jwalt
Playability: jwalt


Concept: Kastchey (I just can't not vote for a Cthulhu Mythos themed temple, especially one this well done)

Artistic Execution: Kastchey (For me this was the background with the most foreboding feeling, especially in the retro-feel style. You can literally feel the pain each of those tiny pixelated sacrifices went through even though they are just about the bare minimum of pixels needed to even make a recognizable human form)

Playability: aikex222 (If I understand this category as meaning the most flexible background to plug into a game, providing instant playability then this is the one. The player will know exactly how and where they can move as soon as they see the screen.)

All other entries were awesome too! I would certainly play any game done in any of the styles all entrants presented here.


Concept: jwalt
Artistic Execution: Kastchey
Playability: aikex222


Concept: Cassiebsg
Artistic Execution: Kastchey
Playability: Durinde


Concept: Kastchey
Artistic Execution: aikex222
Playability: Cassiebsg


Concept: jwalt (just love your idea, not traditional at all. And looks great on Bryce to!)
Artistic Execution: Kastchey (just plain beautiful! I can't get tired of looking at it.)
Playability: aikex222 (I want to get up those stairs and find out what's up there! Maybe even take a skull and spike along, never know when you gonna need such items!)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


As for me.

Concept: kastchey (for what was requested, it is the most logical choise for me)
Artistic execution: kastchey (colors well determined, love the 'compositional sketch' means allocation)
Playability: aikexx222 (absolute playable without any trouble)


Concept: Aikexx222 - You can tell "bad things" happen at this location. What those "bad things" will be is left of to the imagination.

Artistic Execution: Kastchey - A level stuff. Feels like I'm looking at a screen shot for '90s horror game from a top studio.

Playability: Aikexx222 - I feel this is the easiest thing to plug and play here.

I had fun. Can't wait until the next one. Gives me something productive to work on.


It was an Amazing comp!
Really a great one guys and gals!
My eyes enjoyed a lot ;-D


Concept: Aikexx222
Artistic Execution: Kastchey
Playability: Aikexx222


Ok I'm gonna close voting now, and announce the winner in the edited first post. This was a close one! lots of ties.


I'm happy for aikex222 to host the next competition if he likes :)
I post with a speed of a wounded turtle stuck in a pool of strawberry jam anyway, which doesn't help hosting competitions ;)

QuoteRemind me to NEVER visit a proctologist with more than 7 unpronounceable syllables in their name... :-X
Lol! Cast your puny little fears aside, and show true faith. Doctor Fghnyhg'thg will sort you out in no time.

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