[winners] BACKGROUND BLITZ: The Nursery (finished)

Started by Mad, Mon 04/04/2016 18:57:49

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The Nursery

(I won't post any examples/references,  because...)

I want to keep the topic fairly open. So, the nursery in question could be designated for anyone or anything,  any time period or maybe just themed, sinister or frilly...

Therefore,  there are no special rules or limitations.  Draw your BG in any style and resolution you're comfortable with.

Hope, some of you will have fun with this!


wohoo :) , I finally have free time so im going to try to get involved in this :) , are 3d rendered backgrounds ok?(Im a Blender man) Ive seen them entered in previous bb's but I would rather check before I start.


okay. I'm gonna have a go at something for this :-)


I might do this. I've got a nice idea in my head which I'd love to draw.
It's just too bad I'm terrible at backgrounds. Still, it's worth a shot. :-D

Fred Five


Great to see some interest!

@Danvzare, it's always worth a shot! And to really stretch this metaphor. The more you shoot, the better the aim.

@Frikker, as I wrote in the description, no limitations. So, anything goes!


A new BG Blitz! Nice. Maybe I can cook something up for this theme, though it doesn't immediately speak to me...


Oh geez...

I've started drawing something for this that I might have to show to a shrink at some future point...

Obsessed with it now so I will complete it tomorrow when I should be really working on other projects...

But...It's taken root now so it must be born...



I'm gonna steal the obvious title:


I'm hiding it as it has a bit of a shock-level involved:



And, believe me, you're not the only one saying "OMG MANDLE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"...I'm saying that to myself as I look at my abomination...

(A bit pressed for time so please excuse the pixel issues...I might correct before the deadline if time allows)


Amazing, Mandle! This is gross and charming at the same time.


Wow Mandle... that is... disturbing.
And I thought I had a disturbing mind.

Overall though, I like it, simply because of how disturbing it is.



That is not at all what I expected. :shocked: I can't help but imagine this as a perfect candidate for an infinity zoom.

Mouth for war

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Somehow I imagined it being a lot more into the red tones...(laugh)
so as disturbing an image that is, it's much less of what I imagined it to be! Now I'm somewhat dying to play that game! (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Mouth for war

I interpreted this a little wrong....I was thinking nursery - hospital....not nursery - children....so I don't think my Pain-ursery ;) picture is following the rules!!! Oh well...Maybe I can save it for something else :D
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


@Mouth for war, I left the topic open for interpretation. So go interpret! ;)
No rules, that's how this competition rolls!!!

By the way,  love the entries so far...


Thanks Mad,
In that case , I would be honoured to create a 3d background for this competition.
Ive got an idea in my head but it requires some trickery and jiggery pokery to get the effect I want ;)so fingers crossed I can realise my vision.
Ill get on with it over the weekend then :)
Good luck everybody and amazing entrys so far.


@Mandle: If H. R. Giger painted in white it would look like that.  Great stuff!

@Grok: Cool colors!  You can definitely always tell a Grok work.

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