Art Activity - Front Page News

Started by Renegade Implementor, Wed 28/03/2018 04:02:24

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Renegade Implementor

One of the things we used to do is have various art-related activities and I thought it might be fun to do one again.  This would be based around a front page news article of The Realiser paper.  There should be enough backgrounds & character sprites to come up with some interesting articles.

Below is a template with the fonts and font size used for the article headline & text and an example I cooked up.

Template (with fonts used):

An Example:

There's no set limit to the size of picture to text (much like real papers, these change day to day), or how they're placed.


Sounds like fun, might give it a try. Are there any specific rules to it?

Renegade Implementor

Have fun.  That's what this is all about.

Retro Wolf


I`ve not done anything creative for ages, really liked this activity as they don`t take too long to make. I'll try and do some more.

Retro Wolf


Anyone else joining in?

Retro Wolf


Getting lonely here... so cold...

Privateer Puddin'

I don't know enough about the universe to enter, but hopefully others do, it looks fun!

Retro Wolf


OK I'm out of ideas, for now. ;)

Retro Wolf

That's weird, all my pictures have disappeared... avatar too.
EDIT: Fixed them.

Renegade Implementor


This activity will always remain open so anyone can join in at a future date, so don't worry if you can't think of an idea at the moment.

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