New game organisation suggestions

Started by DeviantGent, Mon 23/02/2009 00:32:01

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I would say that Hooky McPegleg should be #8.

Also, would it not be sensible to advocate playing Apocalypse Meow directly after Kittens and Cacti? I'm only assuming that it follows directly on from events in the first two parts of the trilogy since it ends on a cliffhanger, (although I'm yet to play it).


Yes. Yes I would recommend this.
The Deviant Gent
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Renegade Implementor

I've checked the above order against the timeline that I did.  This is how things go:

01 Lunchtime Of The Damned
02 Vengeance of the Chicken
03 I Spy
04 Return of Die Vie Ess
05 The Repossessor
06 The First Stitch
07 The Postman Only Dies Once
08 The Lost Treasure of RON
09 Dead Man's Political Party
10 Hooky McPegleg, Pirate Postman
11 The Underworld
12 The Phantom Inheritance
13 I Spy 2
14 The Unraveling
15 Paranormal Investigation
16 Rend
17 Cabbages and Kings
18 Kittens and Cacti
19 Apocalypse Meow (Chapter One)
20 Defender of RON
21 Purity of the Surf
22 The Spoons
23 III Spy
24 Rock - A True Story

Just a note: (10) HM,PP occurs on the final day of (09) DMPP, so there's a bit of overlap in terms of the timeframe.


Nicely done RI, I've updated the first post to put the canon games in the above order.
The Deviant Gent
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I'd just like to point out that playing the games chronologically, (as they were created), allows you to witness the changes in the town - how new locations are shoehorned inbetween buildings that were previously right next to eachother for instance. It's as if they've always been there and you just hadn't noticed them until they were important.

A totally unexpected joy.  ;D


The post office seems to appear and disappear between games, alright. Same with Dominatrix Pizza. Hopefully there'll be a little consistency in the future, cause it must be very confusing to newcomers.


Quote from: Hudders on Mon 18/05/2009 14:46:16
I'd just like to point out that playing the games chronologically, (as they were created), allows you to witness the changes in the town - how new locations are shoehorned inbetween buildings that were previously right next to eachother for instance. It's as if they've always been there and you just hadn't noticed them until they were important.

A totally unexpected joy.  ;D

That's something I always liked about playing them as they were created - you got a true feeling of 'building on top of what was already there'. It's very satisfying seeing how something can evolve as more and more people chip in with their ideas. I think it sums up the essence of the entire project.
The Deviant Gent
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Well, it took me a while to get around to this, but here we go.

Quote from: Renegade Implementor on Tue 07/04/2009 04:20:57
The biggest sticking point has to do with the movie theater.
Fixed. Although I have no idea what "a simple push-button" is :)

Quoteit is somewhat of a missed opportunity to add some character depth to little/new characters
That's a good point, and I'll keep that in mind for future games. When writing Root, I was simply not familiar enough with little and new characters to include those.

The description of the alley between the Parkview restaurant & Pelboz flowers as "stinking of garbage" is one I find inaccurate
Also fixed. - please let me know if this is more acceptable.

Renegade Implementor

The classifications have been undergone the following modifications:

DasTobias/Orange's games: Intergalactic Life, Forest on the Norm, Toxically Earth, Intergalactic Life 2.0, Mika's Surreal Dream, It's Just a RON-Game, Easter in RON, Mika's Surreal Dream 2: The Dream Comes True have been removed.

Radiant's Root of all Evil has been moved to the Stand-alone section.


And where would ROAE go on the timeline?


I don't think standalone games have to specifically fit ANYWHERE on the timeline.
The Deviant Gent
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No worries, have a muffin. :D

Speaking in terms of site design, what would be the best way to implement these catagories? We could use the subheadings system that exists now in regard to date released, timeline, recently added etc, but adding these subcatagories on top of the ones there would result in something of a disorganised heading orgy. Would it help if in the meantime, this thread was possibly stickied?
The Deviant Gent
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Quote from: jetxl on Sun 28/06/2009 17:15:37
And where would ROAE go on the timeline?

Why, right at Mika's birthday, of course  ::)


Quote from: Radiant on Mon 29/06/2009 23:31:12
Quote from: jetxl on Sun 28/06/2009 17:15:37
And where would ROAE go on the timeline?

Why, right at Mika's birthday, of course  ::)

*snerk*. Well, we've got an unfilled void of 2004-2009 to choose from if a specific place on the timeline is desired.
The Deviant Gent
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Quote from: DC on Mon 29/06/2009 23:54:51
*snerk*. Well, we've got an unfilled void of 2004-2009 to choose from if a specific place on the timeline is desired.

No, it's not :) the game intentionally doesn't even specify what age she is.

Kara Jo Kalinowski

So..the stand-alone games are or aren't considered canon? As in, can we reference things that happen there in our games?

Renegade Implementor

Hi chaosgodkarl,

Generally speaking, even though the stand-alone games aren't rubber-stamped with "CANON", the events in the S-A games are considered to have happened.  If you need to make a reference to one of the games in that section, go ahead.



So now we've got ourselves the making of a wiki, I sense the perfect chance to implement these labels we decided upon so long ago. I'll be going through the entries and catagorising them as "Canon", "Stand-Alone", "Non-Canon" etc, and adding the appropriate explanation to their respective pages.

At some point we're going to need to decide where the most recently released games fall into. Time to rev up the discussion and hash this out amongst us all.
The Deviant Gent
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Retro Wolf

I was a bit apprehensive about discussing this about my Reality Check Trilogy, but then I read this about the "stand alone" games on the Wikia:

QuoteGames that make use of established characters and events in self-contained stories. While these games do not significantly impact characters or ongoing stories, they are still considered to have happened and can be referred to in other canon or stand-alone games.

While the Reality Check Trilogy develops the new character Paul Bednaux, I wouldn't say it heavily influences the lives of other characters (as the adventures of Paul were largely to do with preventing catastrophe, rather than catastrophe occurring). The games would not necessarily be required plays, though I'd think it extremely cool (to me personally) if they ever get referenced in future RotN projects.

I mistook the "Stand alone" category as "throwaway games". While I'd consider it an honour to be placed in the canon category, I will not be offended if this is not the case.

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