Getting the thread number

Started by cat, Sat 17/02/2024 15:53:53

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Today I finally created a "Completed games announcement" thread for my game but was not able to figure out the thread id to link it in the database entry. Where can I find it?
I noticed that most (all?) recent games don't have links, probably because noone could find the thread id.


If you click the # button at the top of the thread (to the left of "Go Down"), it will copy the thread number to the clipboard. (Edit: Actually, it copies the whole thread URL, but using the thread ID format.)

(The usability of this feature sucks. Hovering over the button gives no indication of what it does, and clicking it doesn't give you any feedback that anything has been done, but at least it works.)


Yeah, what he said!  Fair point about the useability though.  I've added a title tag that'll explain what it's for on hover, and it'll throw an alert on click.  Neither of which is super elegant, but it's probably better than nothing...

The New Site™ will support the rewritten URLs btw, so this shouldn't be necessary for too much longer.


Wow, this is super obscure! Thanks for pointing it out and improving usability a bit.


Hey, I do like the unique ID for the threads, it would be nice to keep a way to copy them!

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